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October 2024

October has been just lovely, with abundant apples, herbs, and our horse barn filled with hay. The show season is over, so our Hoof Beats students are enjoying play and work time with their horses after school, and are no doubt looking forward to No Stirrups November!

We had a particularly fine Feet First Hoof Care class last Sunday, with new visitors either auditing or getting coached on their own horses. We are looking forward to welcoming them back next time! Be sure to let Jerry or me know if you'd like to join us! In the mean time, check out Jerry's hoof care videos on our YouTube Channel!

A goodbye to an old friend. My horse Grasshopper, mainstay of my "Boys" herd, left us after a brief illness. Dear Grasshopper was the party boy of the herd--he loved to play, especially in the snow. And when it was time to work, he was a willing and talented partner. He's pictured above with his best pal Amen, and I've included more photos below.

Yours in good health and wise horsemanship,

Mary Gallagher

Upcoming Events

October 27

11–2 Feet First Hoof Care class

Every Friday, 10:30 - 12:30 Groundwork class!!

Join Mary Gallagher and students for some special time to connect with your horse, on the ground.

Salty gets a pedi from pal Isabella.

View The Calendar Online

Feet First Hoof Care Class

With Jerry Schmidt and Mary Gallagher

Sunday, Oct 27, 11 am - 2 pm

Jerry Schmidt and Mary Gallagher teach you how to care for your barefoot horse, from cleaning to balancing the hoof through regular maintenance you can do between trims.
Email Mary Gallagher to Register

Wise Horsemanship

You can watch videos and read articles from Mary Gallagher, Jerry Schmidt and others, sharing tips on horsemanship, hoof care and life on the Farm, at our Wise Horsemanship blog and YouTube channel. Subscribe to both get the latest content!

Remembering Grasshopper

Grasshopper (right) with herdmate Zeus.

Grasshopper (left) and Laredo, ridden by Hoofbeats students Chloe and Ben.

Grasshopper recently.

From the Gallery

Clockwise from top left: Daniela Dam, Isabella Grimes, Elly Dam, Coach Mary, Lily Robertson. The team did an outstanding job at this important show!

Special congratulations to Lily Robertson and Ruby, champions!!

Misty follows Kathy's feel on the rope, Friday Morning Ground Class.

Danny follows Miriam's feel, Coach Mary looking on, Friday Ground Class.

Wendy Comstock and Mary G ride two of Wendy's horses in training. Fun!

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