Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, January 19, 2024

Dear Saint Mark Family,


I pray you are doing well, and that you have been staying warm, especially over the past few days.


The recent drastic change in weather that brings temperatures below freezing and into the teens, with wind chills making it feel like single digit, makes me aware again of the pressing need to continue serving the less fortunate and those in need in our community through our outreach ministries. Probably all of us went home to a warm bed these last few nights, but we know there are so many persons who do not have homes to go, or warm beds in which to sleep. Many of them come to us for a meal, and for clothing week after week. We are one of the last lines of defense between them and starvation, or nakedness. The work we do is vital to saving lives, and I mean this wholeheartedly.


Tuesday evening there were men and women lining up in the freezing cold as our Tuesday Night Supper was about to begin. The wind was strong and blustery, but they still came, huddling near the door because here is where they were guaranteed a meal. Someone told me that many will not linger after the meal as they usually would, for they needed to get to the heating shelters by a certain time to be admitted. My heart breaks at the dire condition of these men and women. I have not lost hope, however, because I see the work Saint Mark does, and I know it is making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Yes, the work we do is truly vital to saving lives. I trust God’s faithfulness in providing the resources we need, for us to continue serving our brothers and sisters who are oftentimes forgotten by our society.


This Sunday you will have the opportunity to meet your incoming lay leaders in worship, both at the 9am and the 11am services. This will be a time for you to get to know who your lay leaders are and what their roles are. You will also have the opportunity to speak with them after each service. If you have not gotten the chance to do so as yet, please go to our website, click on the “About Us” icon, and scroll to “2024 Lay Leadership,” and you will see the names and pictures of all those serving as your lay leaders. I look forward to great year for Saint Mark with this great group of servant leaders.


I want to remind you of the challenge I gave to the congregation to be present for at least 90% of the time (approximately 47 Sundays) in worship this year. Make a effort to show up, to be present with your church family to worship God and fellowship together. Also, sign in – log your attendance, so we can know that you were here. You can sign in on the red attendance pads or via the QR code printed in the bulletin. You are Saint Mark, and we miss you when you are not here.


On a separate note, I must let you know that the scammers are still at it, claiming to be me or another member of the congregation to take advantage of you. They are trolling the communications we send through Constant Contact, like the Remarks or the senior pastor note to mimic our email addresses, so you will think their scam emails are legitimately coming from us. They have gotten bolder and savvier in their scamming. Just this week, I have had 3 members who called or texted about receiving scam emails from me.


I know I have shared it before, but I will do it again, so none of you will fall prey to their schemes: Please know I will never send you and email or text asking you for money, or gift cards, or anything of the sort. I know you are a generous congregation, but please know if I am ever at such at point of need there is a proper protocol and channel to follow. It would not be to ask individual members for money or gifts. That would be unethical and inappropriate. Please be careful and wise, so that you are not caught in their scams.


Finally, I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday. I am truly blessed with the opportunity to come Sunday after Sunday into our beautiful sanctuary to worship God together with you and to fellowship with you. It is indeed one of the highlights of my week.


God’s continued blessings,

Pastor Carolyn.

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