Tiger PAWS builds the OCCS community through prayer, service and financial support.
Link to OCCS Tiger PAWS website

OCCS Parents,

The Following link explains the process of signing up for your 4th commitment for Tiger PAWS. Sign ups will happen December 4 & 5, with double shifts on the 4th and single shifts on the 5th. Every OCCS family with children in K-8th grade is required to sign up, unless you are currently serving on a Tiger PAWS committee (then that is your 4th commitment). Thanks!

Tiger PAWS 4th Commitment 

We're using SignUp to organize our upcoming OCCS "Tiger PAWS 4th Commitment" SignUps. 

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/rFiVbQe

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.

Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact Sarah Bonnema (thebonnemas@hotmail.com) and she will sign you up manually.


OCCS Christmas Teacher/Staff Appreciation Program:

As we begin to think about blessing others this Christmas season, the OCCS Christmas Teacher/Staff Appreciation Program provides families with a simple system to give a gift to the OCCS teachers & staff that have blessed our children's lives. 


Attached is list of all OCCS teachers and staff , and you will simply list how much money you would like to gift a person. You choose which staff members you'd like to give to and the amount. It can be as much or as little as you'd like. Simply enter a dollar amount by the staff member's name who you'd like to give to. You do not need to give to everyone.


At Christmas time, the total amount of gifts is added for each teacher/staff, and they receive a certificate to shop the TRIP Office for gift cards of their choice in the total amount that was gifted. The amount donated by each individual family is anonymous, but each teacher/staff is given a list of all families who contributed to their gift. 


Participation in this program is voluntary, and the amount of participation is up to you. Please submit your form online and turn in your payment to the office before December 7, 2023. (Please put payment in a sealed envelope and clearly marked "Staff Appreciation.") Make checks out to Tiger PAWS, and all gifts are non-tax deductible. 


This program does not replace the student gifts already given to teachers & staff which are provided through the OCCS General Fund / student registration fees. Every parent contributes $4 per student when paying your registration fees, and this money funds the gifts the GLC purchases for the teacher's birthday, teacher appreciation day, new baby, Christmas, etc. Many parents like to give a small gift in addition to this at Christmas, which is what this new program aims to help with. It provides a convenient way to show your appreciation, not only to your child’s head teacher, but also to other teachers and staff that are a part of your children’s daily lives at OCCS.


If you have any questions, please contact Alison Kamp alanadae@hotmail.com, Mary Beth Breen marybeth.breen@gmail.com or Jenna Vreugdenhil jennavreugdenhil@gmail.com.

OCCS Christmas Teacher/Staff Appreciation Program

November 2023

Please join us in prayer for: 

  • Custodian and janitorial help - Mr. Kroese and Mrs. De Rooy and all those that help in the afternoon/after school
  •  2nd grade - Mrs. J. Noteboom, Mrs. M. Noteboom and 2nd grade para: Miss Van Der Weide
  • Prayers of Adoration for our God: For the Beauty of the Earth and all of the wonderful changing colors designed by God
  • Prayers of Confession: We confess that we get distracted by things of this world instead of living in the world for Him.
  • Prayers of Thanksgiving: We humbly come before You Lord and are thankful for your provisions with harvest, fundraisers, for family, for gatherings of sports and the arts. With love reflect on the goodness of You oh God.
  • Prayers of Supplication: May we daily turn to You and give our heads, hearts, and souls unto you each day, every day.


November Hymn: Day By Day

November Theme Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

Orange City Christian School | 712-737-2274 | 712-737-8608 | www.orangecitychristian.net
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