
December 15, 2023

Word from the Pastor:

Our Whole Selves

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. -Psalm 139:14a

Keep a stiff upper lip. Don’t let them see you cry. Tough it out. It will pass. It’s just a phase. The sun will come out tomorrow. Look on the bright side. People in other places have it so much worse. God never gives you more than you can handle. “Rejoice…always: and again I say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)

I’ve heard all these phrases and more throughout my life. Most of us have. The sad part is that I believed them for over forty years.

Strangely, passages of Scripture (Philippians 4:4) get rolled out by fellow Christians as a common response to others who are feeling melancholic and down. Paul says we are to rejoice in the Lord in all things, even our challenges and trials. However, rejoicing in the Lord is to look forward to God working things for our good and God’s glory, even our brokenness and hardships. In other words, Paul’s words aren’t a prescription for happy thoughts when we’re not feeling very happy, but an affirmation of God’s faithfulness.

In the end, I think that most people say these things with good intentions. Yet, we don’t recognize that this approach adopts a cultural stoicism in regard to our emotions. Our feelings are something to be distrusted and ignored. At best, how and what we are feeling ought to take a back seat to our intellect and reason. There are lots of reasons for this, most having to do with Stoic/Platonic philosophy that valued the mind over the heart.

As we ready ourselves to celebrate Christmas, it is easy to overlook those among us who find this time of year challenging, or even dismiss what they are feeling. For some, Christmas day will be a lonely one, filled with memories and tears because someone is no longer with them. For others, the fact that we aren’t a happy as others around us seem to be brings a sense of internal deficiency; maybe there really is something wrong with us.

However, I would remind us of the words of the Psalmist: we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That includes our emotions. Sadness and loss are just as valid a set of emotions as joy and happiness. Giving ourselves permission to feel what we are actually feeling is an important step towards embracing our whole selves as God’s gift.

Here, we land on a wonderful insight about what Christmas really means. If the Word of God, the Son, the second person of the Trinity became one of us in the incarnation, then that means that God embraced our full humanity. That embrace includes our emotions. It includes our hearts. It includes the whole range of what we can think and feel.

The excellent news here is that in Christ, “all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). Even our broken hearts. Even our tears. All of it exists so that, in Him, we might be reconciled into the loving embrace of a God who made “peace through the blood of his cross” (Colossians 1:20).

In Christ,

Pastor Sam

Minister's Discretionary Fund

During the month of December, our special offering collected goes towards the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions to this fund have a huge impact assisting the local community as well as other special projects that may arise. Over the last few years, this fund has assisted with projects such as air purifier distribution and the Kentucky flood relief supplies. This is perhaps the most broad reaching fund that FPC is able to utilize. Whenever needs arise in the community or church that may not fall into an existing support fund category, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund can help fill in the gaps. Your contributions have a lasting impact throughout the entire year to come. If you feel led to contribute to this fund, we encourage you to give online to the “Christmas Offering for MDF” in the dropdown menu on our GIVE page. If you prefer to give by check, please note “Christmas Offering for MDF” on the memo line. We will not pass a special offering plate during Sunday services this month however, the entire offering collected during the Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service will go towards this special offering.


December 17

Third Sunday of Advent, 29th Sunday after Pentecost



Isaiah 61:1-11, John 1:6-8, 19-28, Liturgy: Psalm 126


“The Voice”

Rev. Dr. Samuel Weddington


Last Sunday's Attendance

9:00: In person: 118

11:00: In person: 105

9:00: Online: 120

11:00: Online: 130


Sunday, December 17

9:00 a.m.

Contemporary Worship, FH

9:30 a.m.

Handbell Practice, Room 212

10:20 a.m.

Sunday School

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship, Sanctuary

5:30 p.m.

Children’s Play, Sanctuary

6:00 p.m.

Student Fellowship, Fellowship Hall

Monday, December 18

7:00 p.m.

DSF Committee, Rm 123

Tuesday, December 19

7:00 p.m.

Troop 3, Scout Hall

7:00 p.m.

A&O Meeting

Wednesday, December 20

6:15 p.m.

Adult & Children Handbells, Sanctuary

7:15 p.m.

Adult Choir Practice, Room 202

Thursday, December 21

7:00 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study, Parlor

One Worship and Sunday School Suspended

We will have one service at 11:00 am in the sanctuary on the morning Christmas Eve. Join us as we worship as one body! Kids Kirk and Nursery will be offered. One Worship will take place December 24 and 31 and Sunday school will not be held on these days.

Join us for a beautiful celebration of Christmas performed by the children of First Pres. The play will be on Sunday, December 17th at 5:30pm. Come be a part of this fun and meaningful annual performance filled with singing, dancing, and festive cheer. Enjoy cookies in the chapel following the event!

All 6th - 8th graders are invited to a Christmas party on December 20th. Meet at the Young Life building (1350 Euclid Ave.) at 5:30pm. The night will include putt putt, games, food and a gift exchange. Everyone needs to bring a $10 gift and 5 stocking stuffer items for volunteer gifts.

Highlands Youth Ensemble will host a service of lessons and carols on December 15th, 7:30 pm, in our sanctuary at FPC Bristol. The Highland Youth Ensemble is a group of talented young singers from the Mountain Empire Children’s Choral Academy. and their performance is sure to get you into the holiday spirit.

Save the Date! FPC's Women's Retreat begins February 9th and 10th at King University. Come share in fellowship as we learn, worship and eat together. Registration opens in January!

Remember to Return your Pledge

We are slowly bridging the gap in our funding for our ministries in 2024. We have now received $529,508 in pledges for next year and need $255,492 more to reach our goal of $785,000. If you have not yet sent in your pledge, you can still submit the card you received in the mail (also available at the church) or access online giving through the QR code. If you have any questions about stewardship, reach out to any member of the committee. The members of the Stewardship Committee are Bruce Gannaway and Pete Holler.

RMD, QCD, and Your Year-End Gift

First Presbyterian Church officers and staff appreciate all gifts made to the church throughout the year. If you plan to make a year-end gift to FPC, please be sure to follow IRS guidelines. Online gifts must be posted no later than December 31, 2023. Cash and checks must be received or postmarked no later than December 31, 2023 (yes, that is a Sunday).  The church office will be closed on December 31, but gifts can be placed in the offering plate during worship that day. If you are planning to make a year-end gift to the church and are required take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from a taxable retirement plan, please consider talking to your financial advisor about a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Gifts may be designated to church general operations to help fulfill our annual operating budget or to one of our current mission partnerships. One option is to designate gifts to one of the Legacy Funds: the General Legacy Fund (which provides the broadest impact for years to come) or one of several Designated Legacy Funds specific to various program areas in the church, such as Worship/Music, Christian Education, Missions, or Facilities. You can learn more about stewardship and Legacy Giving Ministry at If you have questions, please call Betsy Galliher, Church Business Administrator, in the church office or email her at

Harmony and Hope House

Harmony & Hope house has need of a single bed with mattress and box springs. If you have the ability to fill this need, they can contact Ann Davis, Coordinator for Harmony & Hope House at 276-696-5493.

Zambia Mission Trip

Greetings from FPC Members Mark and Catherine Bell,

We would like to invite you all to prayerfully consider joining us for our next mission trip to beautiful Zambia, Africa from May 16-31, 2024 through our ministry partnership with the Phoebe Foundation Africa (PFA). If you decide to go, you will be an answer to prayer for our Zambian friends. Over the years, since our first trip to Zambia in 2011, this beautiful African country has become our second home. We fell in love with the culture, the people, and the churches and are in awe of the spiritual maturity of our friends and leaders that live in this majestic part of the world. We feel blessed that, through our friendship with Pastor Chris and Phoebe Chanda, the Zambian founders of PFA, we have been a part of carrying out the mission of this Christ-centered ministry. There are various roles that you can engage in during this trip including, leading Bible studies, sharing the gospel through fellowship @ soccer matches, playing soccer, sharing sermons, facilitating group discussion at a counseling conference, speak at the counseling conference, provide meals to vulnerable children at a feeding program, attend &/or pray at home visits and/or distribute Bibles & donations. The deadline to sign up for this trip is February 1st, 2024. To apply and learn more about this mission opportunity, email the Bell's at Thanks so much!

Yours in Christ, Catherine & Mark Bell

Is FPC's Brazil Mission Trip 2024 Calling You?

Planning is underway for FPC’s 17th visit to northeast of Brazil! We will travel to the city of Natal on Saturday, May 18th and return to Bristol on May 26th (Note: The dates have changed from the prior announcements). The week will be filled with worship, work, and time to connect with and encourage the church families in Felipe Camarão and Cidade Nova and the Bethel School students and staff, all of whom are such important parts of FPC’s global connection in the name of Jesus. Whether your first time thinking of traveling or you are someone who’s made the trip many times, each visit offers a unique opportunity to see and share in life with our Brazilian brothers and sisters. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you. To learn more about this year’s trip, please contact Justin Miller or Dave Welch or visit the FPC website. Applications are due on or before January 7, 2024. Vamos! Let’s go!

Pick up your Advent Devotional 

The season of Advent has started and Advent Devotionals are available now. Prepare for the coming of Christ with a daily Scripture verse, a story and a prayer from Daily Guideposts for Advent. You can pick up a copy (one per family) in the narthex or the fellowship hallway. Call the church office to have a devotional mailed to you.

Organist's Footnotes

Our opening voluntary is based on our opening hymn, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”, but sung to a different tune than we are accustomed. If this tune sounds familiar, it may because we just sang it last Sunday to the words “Now the Heavens Start to Whisper”. The tune JEFFERSON is an old shape-note hymn from Southern Harmony, published in 1835. Edwin T. Childs’ (b. 1945) arrangement is simply constructed, with pedal tones in the bass, a meandering line on the flute and strings, and the hymn tune played on a soft reed. Childs is a native of New Hampshire. He studied composition with Jack Goode at Wheaton College, IL (BM); and with Wayne Barlow, Warren Benson, and Samuel Adler at the Eastman School of Music (PhD). He has taught music theory and composition at Cairn University (PA), Biola University (CA), and is currently retired from teaching at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

I will also play another setting of JEFFERSON for our offertory, this one by American composer, Dale Wood (1934-2003). Finally, for our closing voluntary I will play a setting of WINCHESTER NEW by Aaron David Miller (b. 1972). Miller’s arrangements are challenging, yet fun to play and to listen to. He turns WINCHESTER NEW into a full- fledged march, sounding like the sound track from Star Wars. Miller earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the Eastman School of Music. His graduate studies were taken at the Manhattan School of Music. Miller serves as the Director of Music and Organist at House of Hope Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and maintains an active recital schedule. He is a prolific composer, and many of his compositions have won critical acclaim. -Bob Greene

Pray for One Another

We want to pray for and celebrate with you! Send us your prayer requests and glad tidings.

In Our Prayers

We have several unnamed or private requests. Please pray for the members of our community who wish to remain anonymous.

Patsy Adams

Ricky Adams

Kelsey Allerton

Ginger Alvarado

Darnell Anderson

Fitz Anderson

Dale Bechtold

Karen Boone

Bud & Marg Branscomb

Bristol Tennessee City Schools

Laura Ann Buckles

Rachel & Ben Cherry & Dean Millard

Bill Coleman

Barbara Daniel

Frances Emerson

Clark Fancher

Ron Fox

Debbie Garritson

John Graham Sr.

Paul Haty

Lou Hebb

Jessica & Michael Hicks Adam, Nicole & Warren Hodgson

Patty King

Mardia Long


Dot Mattison

Montana Indian Ministries

Wynn Murthy

National & International Leadership


Lee North

Serve Orlando

Billie Peterson

Phyllis Phares

Pastor Bruce Plummer

Nelson Pyle

Cora Lee Raccioppo

Lillian Rhoads

Earl Rose

Harold Rutherford

Teachers & school administrators

Adrienne Teague

Family of Dave Whitesides

Those suffering with addiction

Loretta Thomas

Julia Torbert

Debbie Turner

Bill & Patsy Ward

Amy Williams

Darrell Wilson

Ann Woods

Bill Woods

Visit our website

The session continues to encourage masks for those at higher risk of complications from COVID-19 or not fully vaccinated. The session encourages everyone to consult their medical professional about vaccinations and boosters.

Wednesday of the week of publication is the deadline for contributions to Windows. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter by sending your name and preferred email address to the editor. Livestream our worship services and other activities at  FPC Bristol on YouTubeClick on the link and hit Subscribe to receive notifications of new videos. Find us on Facebook at FPC Bristol. Several accounts will show up. “Like” the page or ask to join a group.

We encourage you to use text, mail, or our website to safely continue your faithful support of our ministries. Give online here; choose a fund from the drop-down menu. Text fpcbristol  to 73256 to send your pledge, offering, or special gift to the church. Messages and data rates may apply. Message varies frequency. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel. If you prefer, you may mail your contribution to the church.

701 Florida Avenue | Bristol, TN 37620 | 423-764-7176 |