Mid-Month Update

November 17, 2023

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Happy Thanksgiving, Owl Families!

It doesn't get much cuter than our PreK Owls all dressed up and ready to sing their turkey song! We loved seeing thankful notes and sweet treats to teachers, Grateful Grams to friends and siblings, and classroom activities focused on gratitude and Thanksgiving this past week. We hope our Aspen Ridge families have a happy, healthy, restful break, with plenty of time to spend with family, friends, and everyone who brings joy to your lives.

If you didn't get a chance to pick one up yet, swing by the front vestibule after the break to pick up a Precious Child gift tag if you'd like to make a local child's holiday by purchasing a few items from their wish list. All gift donations are due back at the school by Wednesday, December 6th. Thank you for your generosity!

In the month of December, we thought it would be fun to fill the school with some extra cheer by having (optional) Spirit Days each Friday of the month and on the last three days before Winter Break. See the flyer further below in this newsletter for descriptions of each day, and feel free to have your Owls participate as they'd like!

We have lots to share in this Mid-Month Update. Thank you for taking the time to read through and stay up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!

Important Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!
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  • 11/17 | Precious Child Gift Tags Available in the Front Vestibule!
  • 11/20-11/24 | No School, Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!
  • 11/28 | Erie High School Open House, 6:00pm, RSVP here!
  • 11/29 | ARPS Monthly Board Meeting, 4:30pm
  • 12/01 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Winter White Out
  • 12/05 | Monthly School Tour, 5:00pm, Sign up here!
  • 12/06 | Character Awards, 8:45am, Early Release, 12:15pm
  • 12/06 | Precious Child Gift Donations Due!
  • 12/06 | First Annual ARPS Holiday Market, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
  • 12/08 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Head to Toe Holiday
  • 12/08 | Middle School Project Warm Up Volunteer Event, 3:30pm
  • 12/11 | Girls' Basketball Game at Long's Peak, 3:30pm
  • 12/12 | Middle School Performing Arts Showcase, 5:30pm
  • 12/14 | Dine to Donate at MOD Pizza, Open for lunch & dinner!
  • 12/15 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Sparkle or Sweats
  • 12/18 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Ugly Sweater Weather
  • 12/19 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Team Grinch vs. Team Who
  • 12/19 | Cookie Exchange for Teachers & Staff, Sign up here!
  • 12/20 | Spirit Dress Down Day: Jingle Jams!
  • 12/20 | Classroom celebrations and early release at 12:15pm
  • 12/21 - 01/05 | No School, Enjoy your Winter Break!
  • 01/08 | Welcome back for the start of the new quarter!
  • 01/18 | Save the Date for Trivia Night at Erie Social Club!

Calling All Parent Science Enthusiasts!

Aspen Ridge is hosting its third annual Science Expo for our Middle School students on Friday, March 1, 2024. We are looking for community experts in science related fields to come to our school and present an engaging, hands-on demonstration that would be repeated three times for up to 20 students per session. Middle School teachers will be on hand to supervise the workshops.  

The purpose of our Science Expo is to inspire an enthusiasm for a career in science, giving students a small taste of the role science and technology play in their surrounding community. If you are interested in presenting one of our workshops, please contact Cathy Hellbaum at She would be happy to answer any questions and speak with you more about the event. Thank you!

Join us for our First Annual Holiday Market!

Volunteer Opportunities at ARPS!

Winter Wonderland Spirit Days

Sign Up Today for After School Fun!

We've Got Spirit - How About You?

Is some cool new Spirit Wear on your Owl's holiday wish list?

Our online Spirit Store is open 24-7 and has all the goods and gear you need to show your ARPS spirit! Visit to check it out today!

New items have just been added, including the already popular Champion sweatshirt shown here. Order within the first three weeks of November and your spirit wear will be ready to pick up at school during the first week of December!

Happy shopping, Owls!

We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!

We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!



Phone: (720) 242-6225