Coleman Kimbrough ('24)

Coleman was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, and practiced law for six years before realizing he wouldn’t find fulfillment as an attorney. He was always drawn to asking big questions about life and meaning, and upon recently joining the Roman Catholic church, he began reading theology and church history in his spare time. Eventually, he realized that teaching theology and the history of Christianity could be a vocation for him. Therefore, he decided to earn a Master of Theological Studies at the graduate School of Theology and Seminary (SOT/Sem) at Saint John’s University, a place he believed could help him respond to some of life’s big questions.

Jolaine Liupakka current and 20 years ago when she started her journey as a missionary

The excitement of starting a new chapter filled him with a renewed sense of purpose, accompanied by some anxiety and self-doubt. Quickly learning that he was not on this journey alone, the reassurance from community members at the SOT/Sem instilled a sense of peace in Coleman. After his first visit, he didn’t want to leave! He knew that Collegeville would be his second home.


Between classes and community commitments, Coleman is tutoring undergraduate and graduate students, helping them to develop good writing skills. He finds joy in watching a thirty-minute appointment alter a student’s perspective, and he recognizes that he himself is also learning from these dialogues. The SOT/Sem community is uniquely preparing Coleman for his life as a teacher of the Word.


By writing a new chapter and taking a leap of faith, Coleman is furthering the kingdom of God one lesson plan at a time.

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