Grace Lutheran Church & Preschool

Newsletter - December, 2023

17880 E. Covina Blvd. | Covina, CA 91722
Church Office (626) 332-4536 | Preschool (626) 967-5855

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Join us for a blended, in-person service in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. 

Sunday Worship is streamed on the Grace-Covina FaceBook page, and posted to YouTube on Monday. If you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact recently with anyone with COVID-19, we ask that you worship safely with us online. We also welcome our Grace family and friends from around the world to our online Worship!

Prayer requests
Make an offering here
Visit our website

From Pastor Steve

Greetings Grace Family! 

“I can’t believe that this year is coming to its end” is a common phrase spoken just about every year as Thanksgiving ends and we are inundated with endless promotions and opportunities to spend our hard earned money on all things Christmas. It is not an unwarranted lament as the commercialization of Christmas (and every other holiday!) has become truly overwhelming. I cannot really blame retailers for their relentlessness, after all we do spend billions on the Christmas holiday. Why would anyone expect to see and hear an endless string of commercials about the true meaning of Christmas? Where is the profit in that?

From a commercial perspective there isn’t much to gain from the birth of the Savior of the world. It is and always has been a gift meant to be received by all, a priceless gift given to provide something none of us can afford; our eternal salvation. The price will eventually be paid by the child born in Bethlehem on a cross in Jerusalem. I suppose one could say that the giving and receiving of a gift is what’s at the heart of Christmas and is what has led to the dreaded commercialization, but it doesn’t have to take away our joy or the sense of gratitude that we have all received from our Creator.

As has become my custom, the end of the year newsletter article is my public service announcement on how to combat the ever-present secularization of one our most cherished holidays. By now most of us have already begun thinking about all things we need to do to get to Christmas day. There are the presents to buy, the decorations to get out, the Christmas cards to mail, the parties to attend and/or plan for, travel planning, and more! Just typing that last sentence has left me feeling overwhelmed…

I believe the season of Advent provides us with a remedy for the pressures and responsibilities that accompany Christmas. Each of the four Sundays in Advent have a theme to help remind us what Christmas is all about. We have hope, peace, love and joy to accompany us on the journey to Bethlehem. Focusing on these themes is, I believe, a great way to help us focus on what really matters. Attending worship during the busiest of months is a good starting point as I will focus on those four themes on their given Sundays. But, what about the other six days of the week?

I’m glad you asked! What if you spent a little time each day focusing on the theme of each week of Advent? Read some scripture or a devotional related to hope, peace, love or joy? What if you spent a little time in prayer thanking God for the hope, peace love and joy He provides? Perhaps even meditating or reflecting on how those four themes are present in your life every day during Advent. How might 28 days of intentional time impact your feelings about Christmas? You’ll never know if you don’t try.

Christmas is truly one of our greatest gifts and it is a holiday that should be filled with joy and the corny Christmas spirit. If it isn’t or hasn’t been that for you, that is what is truly lamentable. Are you feeling the weight and burden of all commercialization of this most sacred of holidays? It doesn’t have to be that way my siblings. Join us for worship during the four Sundays of Advent (which includes Christmas Eve morning) and be intentional in seeking, like the shepherds, that Babe in a manger during the season of Advent. We have already received the greatest gift ever, so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Steve 

November Council Report

From the Council Meeting of November 14, 2023

November 2023

• The Thanksgiving Eve service will be held at Grace this year.  The service will begin at 6:00 pm, followed by a Pie Social.  A combined ACTION choir will be participating in the service, coordinated and directed by Jeff Saltonstall.

• Grace met its goal for mashed potatoes and gravy for the AFP Thanksgiving baskets.  Thanks for giving generously!

• For Advent, Grace will be focused on one project, the Reverse Advent calendar, to benefit the AFP. The Good Gifts Tree will be a “Tree of Love” in February.

• With the beginning of Advent comes the decorating of the sanctuary. This will occur on Sunday, November 26. Please come and enjoy the fellowship. 

• October events were very successful.  The Oktoberfest was well-attended and raised money for a number of college scholarships.  The Pre-School Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat event was also well-attended by Pre-School families and others from the neighborhood.

• A BIG Thank You to everyone for your continued financial support of Grace Lutheran Church!  Because of your generous giving, we are nearing our goal of being in the “black” at the end of 2023. God’s blessings are abundant here!

• There is still an opportunity for someone to become a member of the Church Council as a Member-at-Large.  The term is for two years, beginning January 2024.  Please contact Brenda Noriega if you are interested.

In His Service, 

Brenda Noriega

Council President

December Scripture Readings

Sunday, December 3, 2023

First Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 64:1-9

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Mark 13:24-37

Click here for readings

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Second Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 40:1-11

Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

2 Peter 3:8-15a

Mark 1:1-8

Click here for readings

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Third Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

Psalm 126

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

John 1:6-8, 19-28

Click here for readings

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Advent

2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

Luke 1:46b-55)

Romans 16:25-27

Luke 1:26-38

Click here for readings

Sunday, December 31, 2023

First Sunday of Christmas

Isaiah 61:10--62:3

Psalm 148

Galatians 4:4-7

Luke 2:22-40

Click here for readings

In-person (at 11:00 a.m. on the Grace campus) or online (at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom), our Bible study is a space to be curious, to ask questions, to give feedback, to wrestle with tough topics, and to express doubts and frustration. Consider joining in Wednesdays as we continue our study of Romans!

ACTION Food Pantry - December Giving

The traditional Advent calendar is used to count down the days until Christmas by opening a box and discovering an ornament, a chocolate, or another treat - something fun that helps you focus on the Advent journey. A Reverse Advent calendar focuses on giving something instead of receiving, since Christmas is all about God giving himself to us as a baby.

The idea behind a Reverse Advent calendar is simple. Fill a bag with food donations for your local food pantry - one item for every day in December. The Reverse Advent Calendar below features those items most needed by the clients of the ACTION Food Pantry. This is a great activity to share with your children and grandchilden to share the special act of giving!

December Birthdays

Ryan Noriega | December 8

Richard Davisson | December 9

Mike McCabe | December 12

Julia Loyd | December 21

Deneice Hadley | December 22

Saige Bergerson | December 25

Michael Bergerson |

December 28

Shelby Banks | December 29

Patty Van Raalte | December 30

Amelia Varela | December 30

December Anniversaries

Michael & Charlene Bergerson

December 5

Bob & Connie Brown 

December 15

Chris & Lorie Turner

December 16

December 2023 Calendar

Please see the online calendar here for the latest updates

Make or update a prayer request here

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry – Psalm 34:15 

Please pray for those with medical needs, including: Billy Thompson, Joyce Gower, Chris Saltonstall, Martha Olson, Leo and Audrey Fuller, Victor (EGM Pastor), Emma Reardon, Jane Wurtz, Tony Alvarez Sr., Marge Clark, Steve Quick, Diane Syslo, Spencer, Jim Oravetz, Deneice Hadley, Alma Pasos, Marie O'Malley, Judith Tury, Cindy Skolaski, Elena Navarette, Nancy Klotzche, Larry Weidner, Barry Gustaferro, Yolanda Weidner, Joan Pelleren, Shelly Ruiz, Elizabeth Ordonez, Patty VanRaalte, Elva Maldonado, Felix Noriega, Holly Masters, Gen Alley, Ray, Arlen Heyne, Gil and Yolanda Erro, Linda Dalton, Rick Turner, Herb Westerfield, Noa Buhler, Rose Marie Quesada, Jaxon Turner, Art James, Trina Clay, Connie Brown, the Davidson Family, Jamie Wilcots, Joan and Lee Juneau, Kari Watson, Mike Spangler, Pam Elparin, Ed McGee, Sarah Encabo, and victims of COVID-19.

Please pray for others in need of prayer, including: the family of Robert Larsen, the family of Aaron Melland, Christopher Oravetz, Jeffrey Saltonstall, Timothy Morgan, the family and friends of Marie Dabbs, Rocio Orozco, and our Grace neighbors.

Please pray for the men and women currently serving in the military, who are bravely protecting us and our country, including: Richard Larini (Navy), Andrew Ranabarger (Marine Corps), and Christian Van Allen (Navy), and Phillip Beserra (Air Force).

Please pray for all victims of natural disasters.

Please pray for those who are being faced with grief, and all who know violence and hate.

Please pray for our Grace Lutheran Church Congregation and partners in ministry.

Please pray for the teachers and children of our preschool and infant care program, and for the teachers and students of Ben Lomond Elementary School, our school districts, and all schools, that they and their families will be safe.

Please pray for hospital staff, all medical personnel and first responders, those in essential services, and the leaders of our world, state, country, and local governments.

Please pray for the ACTION Food Pantry, the clients that they serve, and all those in need.

Your Church Council

President | Brenda Noriega 

Vice President | Johna Stienstra 

Secretary | Diana Alley 

Treasurer | Robert Ordonez


Cindy Skolaski | Nancy Adzovich | Sarah Encabo

Your Church Staff

Pastor | The Rev. Steve Otte

Director of Worship & Music | Jeffrey Saltonstall

Preschool Director | Christy Arreguin

Custodian | Laureen Alvarez

Parish Administrator | Samantha Henderson

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