Friday Newsletter

August 25, 2023

This Sunday

Worship Service in Boulder Hall: 10 am

with Creative Reflection

Coffee Hour

Plethora of Produce continues

From the Pastor's Desk

Yesterday you received an important letter from your elders regarding the scouting program at Westminster (view here). There are a number of you who hold an enduring connection to the scouts and have shared that this feels like a big change. We can hold strong bonds to beloved programs and when they evolve over time, it can feel jarring. I encourage everyone to do two things: 1) read the two letters closely to really understand what they are and are not saying; and 2) volunteer to serve on the next steps team helping the congregation discern just that…the next steps; perhaps there is a need for additional space to learn more, to hear more about the various paths forward, to volunteer one’s workplace as the next sponsor, or to honor and remember all that has come before. Westminster’s deeply-held commitment to young people remains as strong as ever and with prayerful intention, I am confident a clear way forward will emerge.


Lastly, there are a number of additional resources available that help describe how the BSA has changed since 2020 and how this has impacted churches nationwide. This is not an exhaustive list but it is a good place to start.

Your elders and I are readily available for prayer and listening. Please do not hesitate to reach out.


Ever onward,


Pastor Kelly

Worship Notes

In worship this week we will have a shortened service followed by a festive and artistic Creative Reflection led by artist Faith Rockenstein. Join us for our last service around the tables in Boulder Hall (this year anyway).



Noah Nishimura and Matthew Curtis, the 2023 Barbara Tallman Art Festival scholarship recipients, will be honored during Sunday's service. Please join us in congratulating these deserving students as they both begin their college education at Oregon State University.

Survey: Joys & Concerns in Worship Service

Dear Westminster members and friends,

The Worship Committee is in the process of planning for fall services. We've been tossing various ideas around and need your thoughts on the topic of managing the Prayers and Concerns portion of our service, which can take 10 minutes (and occasionally more) of our service time. As you might imagine, as we ask people informally, we get a range of ideas, and some people have strong opinions on this. We want to do our best to approach this arena respectfully but need to know more from more people. Even if you’ve told us your thoughts, and especially if you haven’t, will you please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us?  There are only a few questions, although the last one allows you to give a lengthy answer if you’d like. Click here for the survey.  

Many Thanks, 

Lucy Foster and the Worship Committee


Plan to attend the Family BBQ & Potluck on Tuesday, August 29, at 6 pm. Burgers and dogs (with vegetarian options) will be provided, along with games for the kids. Last name A-M bring a dessert, N-Z bring a side or salad. Everyone welcome to this end-of-summer time of relaxation and connection!

Sacred Places Interest Session: in October, a nationally recognized expert in turning church buildings into thriving community spaces will be coming to our Presbytery to help interested congregations explore their options. This Tuesday, August 29, from 9 am-10 am, you can attend the interest session and help the leadership of Westminster decide whether this is a fit for our congregation. Attendance and input does not imply long-term commitment. Either come to the church, where Pastor Kelly and others will be attending via Zoom, or join the Zoom meeting from home here: Also, please RSVP to Bill Faust at

Save the Date

September 10: Sunday School Resumes

September 17: Youth Mission Dinner

September 24: Youth Groups Resume

September 25: Red Cross Blood Drive

October 12-15: Fine Arts Festival


CORRECTION: The correct email address to send in your own photos for the church directory is Be sure to include your name(s)!

The sanctuary and narthex wood oiling project has been completed. Come take a look!

The childcare task force invites ministry groups in the congregation to walk through the education wing and to identify items, furniture, etc., that are theirs and not part of the Clean-Out Day on Sept 9.

The Pastor’s Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 10:30am now on hiatus until 9/12.

Summer Staff Schedule Info (August-September):

Pastor Kelly will be out August 30-August 31.

Krisha will be out September 5.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


Table of Plenty sends thanks to Westminster for the 100 lbs. of peanut butter delivered last week! Smaller sizes (16 oz and 28 oz) are still needed. School lunches will soon be on parents' agendas, and PBJ sandwiches are a staple as we all well know.


From the Presbytery: Our siblings in the McKenzie Valley have asked for our prayers for the residents and firefighters as fires yet again threaten the area. This week, the Lookout Fire near McKenzie Bridge has evacuation zones 25 miles east of McKenzie Valley Presbyterian in Walterville, and with a change in wind direction, the houses that have been rebuilt are threatened again. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin or here, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


Presbyterian Disaster Relief for Maui wildfires--donate here.

School Supply Drive: 8/9-8/31

There's still a little time left! Deadline for donations: Thursday, August 31.

Give blood September 25 (1:00 pm to 6:00 pm). The whole blood appointments are nearly half full already which is great! There are still many appointments in the desirable 5:15PM to 5:45pm times AND we need some Power Red donors 😃 As always to schedule your appointment, contact Bill Nelson at or (503) 576-1278 or Pam Garland at (503) 551-2998.

Smaller sizes of peanut butter jars can be placed in the Table of Plenty bin near the water fountain.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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