Learn, Teach, Inspire


Wednesday Postings

Easy Acces to Professional Development for All

Medication Administration and First Aid CPR Specials

Classroom Dos and Don'ts Booklet

Qué se Debe Hacer en Clase Y Qué No se Debe Hacer en Clase Folleto

Easy Access to Professional Development Class for All

We've launched a new program for accumulating professional development hours. Each month, there will be at least one 2-hour instructor-led Zoom class, along with frequent discount coupons to help defray costs. For those who prefer online self-paced classes, be sure to watch for these too; they will also feature frequent discount offers.

Avoid the last-minute rush to complete your annual professional development credits. With our new monthly program, you can earn them gradually and avoid the stress of meeting deadlines at the eleventh hour.

NOTE: Click on the coupon for coupon information and click on the class for class details.

2-hour instructor-led classes selected for October and November:

Team: Together Everyone Achieves More

From Tantrums to Triumphs: Equipping Preschoolers with Self-Regulation Skills

Online Self-Paced Classes:

Medication Administration and First Aid /CPR Specials

If you need certification for medication administration AND

first aid/CPR this is the discount for you!

Classroom Dos and Don'ts Booklet

Qué se Debe Hacer  en Clase Y Qué No se Debe Hacer  en Clase Folleto

Click to Download the PDF of Classroom Dos and Classroom Don'ts

School programs are starting their first month of the new academic year. The kids are still acquiring pro-social classroom behaviors through review and teacher modeling.

There's nothing kids love more than creating their own books. What better method to reinforce class rules than by crafting a personal book decorated with their name? In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the book is bilingual, presented in both Spanish and English, as is the accompanying lesson ideas sheet.

It is my hope that the kids enjoy the opportunity to learn writing in both Spanish and English, and that you enjoy n observing their learning and reactions.

ChildCareEd Training Center

Phone: 1.833.2TEACH1 (1.833.283-2241) |

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