There were many joyful Chanukah celebrations on the Coastside this year, and there are probably more to come this week! Send Reb Moshe your pics if you'd like him to share them in Friday morning's message.

Thank you to the many volunteers who made our celebration in HMB a huge success on Saturday, as well as those who brought food, made donations, bought raffle tickets, and played music for our sing-a-long.

Many Jewish and Jewish-adjacent Coastsiders were meeting one another for the first time that night. Lots of connections and friendships were forged, the kids enjoyed several rounds spinning the dreidel, and everyone enjoyed a delicious meal with latkes and sufganiyot.

Happy memories and positive associations with Jewish observances are essential when it comes to developing strong Jewish identities. But this is not an end in itself. Judaism is a vehicle for the transmission of shared values and a commitment to truth, justice and peace.

Just as we kindle the Chanukah lights for all to see, so too can we shine as a strong, vibrant, and inclusive Jewish community on the Coastside.

Stay tuned for Rabbi Moshe's message on Friday morning with more Chanukah pics, as well as details about this Friday's Shabbat dinner & service in Half Moon Bay. Or you can always visit our website:


Saturday evening's menorah lighting in HMB followed by CJC's Chanukah Celebration

There were other Chanukah parties on the Coastside, like one at Kobi & Zehava's.

Thank you Lissin & Kerry for bringing Chanukah to the kids at Pescadero Elementary!

And thank you to Janet & Roberta for bringing Chanukah to Table of Plenty. Send more pics to us here so we can share them in our next email on Friday.

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