Inside Student Government provides weekly summaries of all major board meetings within student government - the Judiciary, President's Cabinet, Business and Finance Committee (BFC), Lobby Corps, and the Senate/Board of Directors - as well as monthly summaries of University Student Union and Student Recreation & Wellness Board of Trustees (URECBOT) meetings.
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Hey Beach!
It’s Matt, your ASI Executive Vice President again! I hope everyone is having a great start to the fall season and enjoying the cooler weather. As we transition from summer, let’s embrace all the fun and cozy moments fall has to offer. Let’s dive into what’s happening in ASI!
Ballot Bowl Competition: We are currently #1 in the CSU system and #3 across all campuses in California for the Ballot Bowl Competition! Make sure you register or check if your registration status. Fullerton is only 1 point behind us, let’s widen the gap and bring home the bragging rights!
Know Your Rights: Campus Protests: Join us on Oct. 7 from 4 to 6 p.m. in USU 205 to learn more about the Time, Place and Manner policy. We are here to answer your questions and keep you informed!
Interested in learning about Student Government? Join Beach Team! This introductory program gives all students the opportunity to learn and get involved with ASI. Apply now!
As midterms approach, be sure to get plenty of rest and study hard! Wishing you all a successful midterm season. If you're looking for places to unwind and de-stress, stop by Beach Balance at either USU 313 or at the Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) in 203C!
Good luck on midterms and like always, Go Beach!
Matt Melendrez
ASI Executive Vice President
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Biweekly on Mondays - 12:30 p.m.
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The Judiciary did not meet. An update for the next meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the Judiciary, click here.
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Mondays - 2:30 p.m.
The President's Cabinet did not meet. An update for the next meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the President's Cabinet, click here.
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Tuesdays - 3:30 p.m.
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The Business & Finance Committee (BFC) met Sept. 24 to approve its minutes and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Majidi.
Action Items Summary:
Business and Finance Committee Agenda, Meeting #7, Sept. 24 – PASSED
Business and Finance Committee Minutes, Meeting #5, Sept. 10 – PASSED
Travel Grant, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) – SASE National Conference and STEM Career Fair – PASSED
Student Travel Fund Grant, David Boehmer, 2024 American Ornithological Society Meeting – PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Grace Boulos, Biomedical Engineering Society – PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Mariia Kharchick, 56th Annual Northeastern Political Science Assn. Meeting – PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Tammy Nguyen, Neuroscience 2024 – PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Emily Siu, Neuroscience 2024 – PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Humanvitha Chinam and Shiny Porwal, Grace Hopper Celebration – PASSED
Andre Achacon, ASI Vice President of Finance – Announced collaboration with the College of Business' (COB) Development Office to identify alumni speaker (s) for the Financial Empowerment Conference. Stated they are working with ASI Communications to adjust the Inside Student Government weekly newsletter, which reports on ASI boards. Said they are in the final week of conducting Fiscal Certification Workshops.
ASI Senate Representatives – Regarding the last Senate meeting, Orozco provided the following updates:
- Announced SR #2025-02 Students Helping and Reaching Everyone (SHARE).
- Announced SR #2025-03 Urging California Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign AB2586.
- Elected one Academic Senator.
- Postponed the election of one Senate representative to ASI Lobby Corps due to board member availability.
CSULB Representatives – Shared information about the Leadership at the Beach Conference, taking place Oct. 11, for a $5 registration fee.
Dr. Miles Nevin, ASI Executive Director – Reminded that the Future U validation phase is upcoming within the next few weeks and that financial planning and building renderings will come before the Board.
To learn about the Business & Finance Committee, click here.
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Thursdays - 3:30 p.m.
Lobby Corps met Sept. 19 to approve minutes, discuss both new/unfinished business and hear member reports. There were no closing comments.
Action Items Summary:
Lobby Corps Agenda, Meeting #4, Sept. 26 – PASSED
Lobby Corps Minutes, Meeting #3, Sept. 19 – PASSED
Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reported on work completed, current projects, upcoming events/meetings and Ballot Bowl updates. Recapped last week's CSSA Plenary meeting, which discussed the Time, Place and Manner policy, Gloria Romero Act and 2024-25 CSSA Policy Agenda. Provided updates on city, state and federal legislation. Stated they are currently conducting interviews for the Chief Legislator Officer position. Announced giveaway t-shirts are forthcoming.
ASI Lobby Corps Vice Chair – Said the new Weekly Farmers Market tabling location, near SSPA and the Outpost, yielded a slight increase in student engagement.
ASI Lobby Corps Representatives at-Large – Updated on the Student Recreation & Wellness Center's (SRWC) tabling.
ASI Senate Representatives – Updated on SRWC tabling as well, with approximately 5 interactions. Said it was challenging as students are focused or wearing earbuds in front of the building.
CSULB Associate Vice President University Relations' Designee – Announced the following two events:
- CSULB 75th Anniversary: Took place Sept. 28, where tabling was right inside the venue.
- Vice Presidential Watch Debate: Hosted by the Political Science Department, is taking place Oct. 1.
To learn more about the Lobby Corps, click here.
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First Friday of the Month - 1 p.m.
The URECBOT did not meet. An update for the next URECBOT meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the URECBOT, click here.
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Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m.
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The Senate met Sept. 25 to approve its agenda, discuss new business and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Obert and Melendrez.
Action Items Summary:
Senate Agenda, Meeting #7, Sept. 25 – PASSED
Senate Minutes, Meeting #6, Sept. 18 – PASSED
Business and Finance Committee (BFC) Minutes, Meeting #5, Sept. 10 – PASSED
SR #2025-03 Urging California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB2586 – PASSED
Gene Wohlgezogen, CSULB Parking and Transportation – Reviewed an overview of Parking and Transportation programs, services and completed/upcoming initiatives:
- Facilities: Stated that Long Beach State University (LBSU) has the second largest parking in the CSU system, with over 30 lots (including street parking).
- Services: Recapped a variety of services including Find Your Vehicle, traffic control, event service assist., 50 EV parking spots, 47 pay stations and the ParkMobile app.
- Assistive Programs: Went through many assistive programs including Donations for Citations, temporary assistance, waivers for financial need/accessibility issues and support from Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) regarding ADA parking.
- Sustainable Transportation: Announced the steps they are taking towards a sustainable transportation with initiatives like biking incentives, partnerships with the city on a Bike Share program, OCTA/Long Beach Transit discounts, ZipCar services, accessible pick-up/drop-off zones and adding a cell phone lot at the south turnaround, which allows parking for 15 minutes to pick up a passenger.
- Shuttles: Discussed the different types of shuttles on campus and their routes, including the on-campus shuttles (east loop, west loop), All-campus Chipper night shuttles and off-campus shuttles (Beachside, Overflow Lot). Said there is a 20 minute overlay between shuttles and can be tracked with the Passeo GO app.
- Overflow Lot: Mentioned the Overflow lot was brought back from 2022 due to 238 spaces in G4 being unavailable because of housing construction. Said overflow parking is offered for the first 8 weeks of the semester and the permit is $180, which is 30% less than a standard permit.
- Lot Maintenance: Stated that 14 lots were corrected and the Pyramid and Palo Verde parking structures were renovated.
- Permit Fee Schedule: Recapped how they froze a $50 permit fee increase last year and decided that this year would include the future increases. Said it will either be 5% or Consumer Price Index.
- Fall changes: Brought back overflow parking, adopted a new electric vehicle charging policy, mentioned the parking permit fee is $9 per semester and completed 14 parking lot maintenance activities.
- Upcoming: Announced the summer 2025 overhaul lot G12. Said they will complete the remaining lot crack/slurry during fall break, remodel the Visitor Information Center, obtain a campus rideshare app and reduce pay stations due prevalence of the ParkMobile app.
Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reviewed work completed, current projects/initiatives and upcoming meetings.
ASI at-Large Senator Reports – Presented work completed, constituency outreach efforts, current projects/initiatives, student concerns/suggestions and fun facts about their respective community.
Dr. Matt Cabrera, CSULB President's Designee – Reminded that the deadline for student organizations to register was Sept. 30. Mentioned the Leadership at the Beach conference is Oct. 11. Announced the Mentors in Violence Prevention Leadership Training will be Oct. 5, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Odalys Zamora, ASI Associate Director, Government Affairs and Initiatives – Introduced the new government student staff member, Sofia. Announced the LGBTQIA+ Ally Training on Oct. 7, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mentioned that the URECBOT Social was Sept. 26. Updated that the Ability Ally Training will take place in November.
To learn more about the Senate, click here.
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