Virtus Training
Please note, that the Archdiocese of San Antonio required all parents who volunteer to go through Virtus training and have a current background check prior to volunteering/chaperoning at or with HSCS. To access the require training please click the button below. First time user will need to create a new account.
The system will prompt you to fill in your birth date, drivers license number, and home address. This information will be used for your background check.
- Login | Register (if you are a new volunteer).
Choose Holy Spirit Catholic School as your main volunteer location.
You will need to answer YES to the question: Do you work around or serve any vulnerable adults? By correctly answering this question, you will receive all three mandatory training modules needed to complete training.
- Complete: Protecting God's Children, Sexual Misconduct training and Vulnerable Adults.
All training and background checks must be done every three years. No exceptions. For questions, please contact, Anne Arnst at