
Parents As Partners Program (PAP)

Holy Spirit appreciates and relies upon our parents' active participation and investment of time, talent, and treasure on behalf of the school and students. Through the required Parents as Partners (PAP) program, parents must provide service hours to support and enhance the school programs. 

We ask that all parents complete the google form (button listed below) by Tuesday, September 5, 2023 to earn one Parents As Partners hour. Please click the link below for detailed information regarding this program. This information is also found in your Student/Parent Handbook on pages 63-65.

Click Here: Parents As Partners Information
Click Here: Parents As Partners Google Form

Virtus Training

Please note, that the Archdiocese of San Antonio required all parents who volunteer to go through Virtus training and have a current background check prior to volunteering/chaperoning at or with HSCS. To access the require training please click the button below. First time user will need to create a new account.

The system will prompt you to fill in your birth date, drivers license number, and home address. This information will be used for your background check.


  • Login | Register (if you are a new volunteer).
  • Choose Holy Spirit Catholic School as your main volunteer location.
  • You will need to answer YES to the question: Do you work around or serve any vulnerable adults? By correctly answering this question, you will receive all three mandatory training modules needed to complete training. 
  • Complete: Protecting God's Children, Sexual Misconduct training and Vulnerable Adults.

All training and background checks must be done every three years. No exceptions. For questions, please contact, Anne Arnst at

Click Here: Virtus Training
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Get In Touch

A: 770 W Ramsey Rd

San Antonio, Texas, USA 78216

Phone Number: 210-349-1169
