September 12, 2023

The Town of Rolesville Welcomes New Parks & Recreation Director

ROLESVILLE, NC- The Town of Rolesville is pleased to welcome Oliver (June) Greene as the new Parks and Recreation Director. Greene will oversee the operations, program planning, and coordination for the department. Greene brings a wealth of experience with over 17 years in the parks and recreation field.


When asked about his new position, Greene commented, “This role presents a unique opportunity to lead and inspire a dedicated team of professionals committed to the betterment of our community. I am deeply motivated by the prospect of fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment that empowers our team to continuously enhance the recreational experiences we offer.”


The Town of Rolesville has a unique and robust Parks and Recreational & Cultural Program. With a population of over 10,000, residents from surrounding towns also join in our programs. The Town of Rolesville values community engagement, strong leadership, and community...

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Upcoming Reminders

Board of Commissioners Work Session

Preliminary Agenda Items for September 19, 2023 | 6:00 pm 

  • Rolesville Rural Fire Department and Town of Rolesville Unification Resolution
  • Appearance Commission (Board will be reviewing draft of forming a Town Appearance Commission)
  • Discussion of Text Amendments on Private Streets (Carryover from September 5, 2023 Town Board meeting)
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Board Meeting Agendas

The BBQ & Bands Festival is back and better than ever. We hope to see everyone out enjoying music, food and the Rolesville Community. If you have questions or need additional assitance please contact:, 919-562-7069 or visit the Rolesville Chamber of Commerce website.

Rolesville's Veteran's Corner

Are you a veteran living in or around Rolesville? If so, MSG Retired Jerry Mangum would like to extend a warm welcome to you! Whether you are new to the area or have lived here before, Jerry invites you to join in on upcoming events for veterans. To find out more, please reach out to him at 919-602-5490 or via email at You can also contact Eugene Padgett at 919-453-2297. 

Jerry and the team are committed to discussing any issues veterans may face, so don't hesitate to get in touch. Remember, veterans helping veterans is what it's all about!


Coffee with a Veteran

Every third Saturday The Town of Rolesville's Veteran's Group will meet at Arise Coworking Community Center from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm on September 23, 2023, October 21, 2023, November 18, 2023, and December 16, 2023 (Holiday family gathering). Volunteers are needed if anybody is interested please contact MSG Retired Jerry Mangum at

Art FUNdamentals

08/21- 09/25

Ages 7-17 Exploring different mediums of art and experimenting with their creativity. All supplies provided!

Sign Up

Self Defense Class

08/23 - 09/27

Krav Maga Self- Defense will teach awareness, verbal scenarios, defending againist grabs, chokes and more!

Sign Up

Little Doctor School

08/26 - 10/7

Children will use a stethoscope and other medical instruments, learn how muscles and nerves work together and more!

Sign Up

Adult Fitness & Conditioning

09/06 - 10/11


12:00pm - 1:00pm

Get a midday workout in with this high-intensity class. Modify all exercises to fit you, and get active! This is a six week session.

Sign Up

Senior BINGO

09/06, 09/20

10:00am - 11:00am

Grab your card and mark 5 squares in a row to win fun prizes you don't want to miss out on! FREE to attend but registration is required. You can also call 919-554-6582 to sign up.

Sign Up

School's Out(side)

08/23 - 09/27

Spend the day exploring nature and the world outside! Play games with some new friends, explore the greenways of Rolesville, and get in touch with nature! Registration is now open.

Sign Up

Strength Training

09/05 - 10/10

This is an after-school class you don't want your child to miss. Teens will use weights, resistance bands, and their own body weight to develop muscular balance, coordination, and agility. Sign your teen up for this opportunity today!

Sign Up

Introduction to Nature Journaling

09-07 - 10/12

Class meets weekly for six weeks in Rolesville Parks.Thursday Mornings 10:00am-11:00am, Thursday Evenings 5:30pm - 6:30pm Initial supplies and instruction included.

Sign Up

Gentle Yoga

08/31 - 10/5

Gentle Yoga is a great way to restart your healthy lifestyle; you do not need any experience. Make sure to bring a mat and wear comfy clothes. You will learn breathing techniques, stress relief, joint-friendly stretching, and movement.

Sign Up

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Redford Place Park.

Vendor Application is now OPEN!

Sign Up Here
Sign Up

Make a BIG difference in your community and be a Volunteer! 

Fill out the general volunteer form and complete the background check to become a volunteer!  

Upcoming Events

Board of Adjustment Meeting- CANCELED

September 12, 2023, 12:00pm

Yard Waste Collection ALL DAY

September 12, 2023, 12:00pm

Board of Commissioners Meeting

September 19, 2023, 6:00pm

Planning Board Meeting

September 25, 2023, 7:00pm

Parks & Recreation

Planning Department

Economic & Development

Police Department

Public Works

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