Hello all,

The Governor released her budget proposal for the upcoming year. It recommends a "claw back" of roughly $145 million in funding for transportation projects that have received appropriations in recent years. As ADOT just released a couple of months ago an updated long range transportation plan update that estimates a future revenue to needs gap of over $160 billion on just the state system, our focus needs to remain on increasing infrastructure investment not adding to the already severe under-investment levels and list of unmet project needs. The list of recommended claw backs is attached.

As outlined in this week's transportation bill matrix, it will be another very busy transportation week. On Wednesday afternoon, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will be considering HB2318, legislation put forward by Yuma Representative Tim Dunn at RTAC's request to enact reforms to the Arizona SMART Fund which was established to assist Greater Arizona communities pursue federal competitive transportation grants. A fact sheet for HB2318 is attached. Please register your support for the bill.

Transportation Project Clawback List in FY25 Executive Budget Proposal

HB2318 Arizona SMART Fund Fact Sheet

2024 RTAC Transportation Bill Matrix January 21

Kevin Adam,
Legislative Liaison
Rural Transportation Advocacy Council