Monthly News & Updates

November 2023

Transitions from Senior Faculty - Video Interviews

Robert Brown, MD, talks about "The journey to retirement: Listening to the little voice within, coming to terms with one’s meaningful career, and focusing on the joy, well-being, and quality of life of one’s family."  

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Faculty Transition Webinar Series


Successful Transition to Retirement While Balancing Continued Engagement at MGH on December 18, 2023

12:00 - 1:00 pm

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Leadership Skills Retreat

A half-day in-person retreat geared toward MGH mid-career faculty (Assistant and Associate Professors)—including clinicians, physician-investigators, and investigators—looking to build their leadership skillset.

March 6, 2024

7:30 am - 1:00 pm


Last month we introduced The Senior Thesis, our newsletter for the newly created Office for Senior Faculty Affairs (OSFA). We will continue to use this newsletter to update MGH clinicians and investigators on information relevant to established senior and rising mid-career faculty.

We thought we'd take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.

  • Steve M. Greenberg, OSFA Director: I’m a vascular neurologist specializing in cerebral small vessel disease and Vice Chair of Neurology for Faculty Development of Promotion, where I’ve learned a lot about the joys and challenges facing current and aspiring senior faculty. My goal for OSFA is to serve as the central resource for faculty ranging from mid- to senior career and to start open and frank discussions about sometimes difficult topics like how to step back from 80-hour work weeks. 

FUN FACTS about me are that I’m a Philly boy at heart, a lifelong Phillies fan, and will do anything (okay, within reason) for a paper bag of fresh Philly pretzels.

  • Anne S. Levy, Center for Faculty Development Senior Program Manager: Here I am at MGH, a total non-scientist (and coward: in college, I took Physics for Poets). My PhD is in American Studies; I lived in and outside of Paris for 20 years teaching literature (in English) and college counseling at an international high school. Now I counsel and cheer on adults of the highest caliber—you! My goal for OSFA is to help carry out Steve’s vision through focus on mentorship, networking, and purpose.

FUN FACTS about me: my children are bilingual/binational French/American while I am bilingual/binational Irish/American. I am an avid musician and creative writer with no time to find an agent.

  • Brenda I. Vega, CFD Office Manager: I have been with this office working with faculty and trainees for more than 21 years and have loved every minute of it. Seeing the office go from helping women faculty get promoted to supporting all faculty’s well-being and professional development is a great feeling. Being part of the CFD and working with the OSFA allows me to work with experienced and committed faculty that I may have worked with in the past.

FUN FACT about me: I taught Catholic Sunday School in my church for about 12 years.

As a reminder, I hold regular Thursday afternoon OSFA office hours for 1:1 consultations on questions facing senior faculty and very much look forward to rolling up my sleeves and problem-solving with you.

With best wishes,


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