This Week @ MC3

December 5, 2023

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This Week's Highlights

  • Tabletop C-Group Christmas party coming Wednesday

  • Breakfast will be served on Christmas Eve

A word from Art

Sermon Title: Prophecies Fulfilled

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-8

Today, we started our staff meeting by asking the question, “If someone were to ask, ‘Why do you believe in Jesus,’ what would you say?” To what evidence is your faith anchored?

This Sunday, we will look specifically at the number of prophecies that Jesus fulfilled; the number is staggering! The number hovers at over 300 fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Either someone is lying or Jesus is exactly who He claimed to be. We will examine a handful of these prophecies so that we might be better equipped to help others walk one step closer to Jesus.


Dec. 5 - 7 p.m. - Pray with the Preacher at the church building (via Zoom Meeting ID: 814 1163 6733)

Dec. 6 - 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Small Groups Christmas Party

Dec. 9 - 11 a.m. - MC3 Ladies' Christmas Brunch and Ornament Exchange (home of Anita Carver)

Dec. 10 - 9:30 a.m. - Faith Builders C-Group (downstairs meeting room) (taught by David McGaughey and Donna Dukett)

Dec. 10 - 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Worship (Coffee and donuts at 10) (Access live online through MC3.LifeFacebook or YouTube)

Dec. 12 - 6:30 p.m. - Ladies Monthly C-Group Bible Study - "When You Pray" (home of Anita Carver)

Attendance and Giving

Sunday's Attendance


Sunday's offerings


2023 YTD Offerings


Give your tithes and offerings here

Or mail your offering to:

MC3 Church

4415 Stone Mountain Hwy

Lilburn, GA 30047

Or you can


to 770-249-5834

Or give via ZELLE using

MC3 Church | 770.783.1035 | |

4415 Stone Mountain Hwy, Lilburn, GA 30047


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