January 20, 2024

Did you know?.....

When it comes to burning calories:

REBOUNDING for just 2 MINUTES!!! compares to:




And when it comes to your health, that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Please join me, and I'll tell all!

Live on ZOOM today - January 20, at NOON (EST)

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"Rebounding is an enjoyable and gentle exercise that promotes self-healing of the body and mind. It offers a new style of physical activity that puts more bounce into your life. Rebounding is fun, leads to improved posture, increased vascularity, better muscle tone, enhanced timing, sharper vision, greater coordination, surer balance, more rhythm, elevated energy levles, and holistic living, in general. The movements provide you with freedom to turn, twist, kick, and stretch in the air or on the mat. Such movements are perfectly safe, and they make gravity act as a benefactor. By working against constant gravitational pressure while bouncing you resist the earth's pull. your resistance builds strength. Gravity becomes a foce for the good or your entire body."

You can't be serious??

1. It tones up the glandular system to increase the output of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, and the adrenals.

2. It strenghens the heart and any other muscle being used in the body so that the muscle works more efficiently.

3. By strenthening the heart muscle, it allows the resting heart to beat less often.

4. It encourages collateral circulation, the formation of new branch blood vessels that distri-bute blood to the heart muscle and to other body parts by alternate routes.

5. It tends to reduce the height to which arterial pressure rises during exertion.

6. Furthermore, the blood pressure won't remain elevated quite so long because of this training effect, and it lessens the time during which the blood pressure remains below normal after severe activity.

7. It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

8. It holds off the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

9. It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.

10. It establishes a better equillibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.

11. It circulates more oxygen to the tissues.

12. It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body, which lightens the load on the heart.

13. It increases the capacity for respiriation.

14. It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as the flow in the veins of the circulatory system.

15. It promotes body growth and repair.

16. It stimulates metabolism.

17. It enhances digestion and elimination processes.

18. It enhances the capacity for fuel storage, increasing endurance.

19. It reduces the likelihood of obesity.

20. It provides an addition to the alkaline reserve of the body.

21. It more nearly attains absolute potential of the cells through chemical function.

22. it improves coordination through the transmitssion of more impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.

23. It affords a feeling of muscular vigor from increased muscle tone.

24. It supplies a reserve of bodily strength and physical efficiency.

25. It offers relief from neck and back pains, from headaches, and from other pains caused by lack of use of the various joints and muscles in the body.

26. It curtails the occurrence of fatigue and menstrual discomforts for women.

27. It results in better mental performance, with keener learning processes.

28. It allows for better and easier relaxation and sleep.

29. It minimizes the numbers of colds, allergies, digestive disturbancs, and abdominal problems. Simply, rebounding keeps the entire body and all its varioable systems in tune. They work coordinately to provide optimum metabolsim.

30. Last but not least!


"The effects of hardening of the arteries are reversed, prevented or diminished. By conqureing this ultimate pathology of the main degenerative diseases you will keep your mind alert, skin smooth, skeleton flexible, libido intact, kidneys functioning, blood cicurating, liver detoxifying, enzyme systems alive, hold onto your memory, and avoid different symptoms of the aging process. Rebounding aerobics will do it all for you. It offers limberness, pliability, strength, and stretch for all parts of the body. It does away with 'desk-bound flabbiness' and executive stress, which sometimes is the fate of many business excutives and other persons."

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