The First English Lutheran Church is being honored as the Logan County Chamber of Commerce Member of the Week. Accepting the award are (front row) Tina Gilkey, Jeni Felzien and (back row). Monica von Steinman, Gordon Felzein, Don Saling, Richard von Steinman, Darren Luft, Kraig Gilkey
…First English (FELC) was established in 1927. FELC is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. FELC wanted to be able to attend Worship in English, as they did not have an English-speaking Lutheran church in Sterling at that
…During the decade of the 1920’s the need was seen among Lutherans in Sterling for an English language opportunity to worship our Lord and Savior. Many attended an organizational meeting on Dec.11, 1927. First English Lutheran Church was born that night.
…In the years since that first night, they have worshipped their Lord in a variety of places. Their locations were: Sterling Junior High School (formerly Sexson School) and the basement of Trinity Lutheran School, their first church building was located at 210 N. Division St. (dedicated in 1937), The Fox Theater (while our present building was being constructed), and their present facility 701 Fairhurst St., dedicated in 1954,and their education building dedicated in 1965. God has blessed them with a beautiful facility from which to serve Him and in which to worship Him.
…From the beginning of their congregation’s history they have been served by dedicated Pastors. After signing theconstitution for the newly formed congregation in December of 1927, the first call was issued on Jan. 4, 1928. Rev. E.C. Knorr was installed on Jan. 28,1928 and served until March 22, of 1936. During the vacancy we were served byRev. Brott of Trinity in Sterling; and from Haxtun, the Rev. J. Hannewald. Rev. A. Heimsoth was installed on Oct. 11, 1936, and served until March 10, 1942, when he was granted a peaceful release to become a chaplain during WorldWar II. During the brief vacancy, they were again served by Rev. Brott of Trinity, Sterling.
…Rev. Arnold Obermeier was installed on April 26, 1942, and served over 40 years until retiring in July of 1982. Rev. John Gorklo was installed on Sept 11, 1983, and served until February of 1988. During the vacancy they were served by Rev. Everett Garwood from February of 1988 until September of 1988 when Pastor and his family returned to the Philippines to continue his work in the mission field. Rev. Lohn M. Johnson was installed on Oct. 16, 1988, and served until May 31, 1997. During the vacancy they were served by Rev. Gregg Reiser from Trinity, Akron.
… Rev. Andrew Dimit was installed in July of 1998 and served until Dec. 31, 2004, at which time First English Lutheran and Trinity of Akron formed a dual parish, and Pastor Dimit was released from our call to accept the call to the
newly formed dual Parish. He served the dual parish until July of 2012, when the dual parish was ended. During this
most recent vacancy we were served by Rev. David Loeschke, from Haxtun. From August of 2012 until November of
2016 Rev. Loeschke helped the congregation heal.
…Rev. Richard von Steinman was called in November of 2016, however formal installation was on Jan. 8, 2017. Pastor von Steinman continues to shepherd the members of First English today. Pastor Richard served FELC during Covid19 during all of those different and difficult times. FELC kept their doors open and had worship by forming tiny worship services, at one point Pastor was leading 6 services each Sunday.
…First English Lutheran Church are looking forward to their future years of sharing with others the wonderful Life-
Giving message of Jesus our Savior. They look forward to worshipping Him and Celebrating his Sacraments of Holy
Baptism and Holy Communion. They rejoice that they are able to serve Him. They pray that many more souls are
blessed by their Lord through His Church. They at First English Lutheran are excited to be a part of the community of Sterling where they are able to proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ until he comes again.
…FELC has an Oktoberfest and a Craft Bazaar each year for the community. Oktoberfest is just fun and a way to bring
the community together. The Craft Bazaar helps local crafters and vendors sell their items before Christmas.
…For more information, stop by First English Lutheran Church at 701 Fairhurst St. Sterling, CO 80751, call (970) 522-
5142, contact Pastor Richard von Steinman (970)-522-7096, Email:, online or on Facebook at