October Lawn and Gardening Tips
Tree and Shrubs
There’s still plenty of time in early and mid-October for tree and shrub planting. If it’s a new landscape, consider shade for the outdoor living spaces and for cooling the house in summer.
See more fall tree planting tips here.
Reduce problems in 2024 by removing dead and dying plants now. Disease infected and insect infested veggie plants can serve to provide harborage for these pests for future reoccurrence. If they’re pest ridden, avoid tossing them on the compost pile; if they’re just reaching the end of their lives, then they’re good compost pile additions.
Control dandelions, plantain, clover, field bindweed and wild violets with spot spray applications of Trimec, Speedzone or Roundup for Lawns (Not Roundup Weed and Grass Killer or Roundup 365). These combination herbicide products are effective if the label instructions are followed carefully. Pay special attention to wind speed, amount of product per gallon of water, temperature on the day of spraying and personal protective equipment to wear.
Fruit in the Garden Online Class
When: October 24 from 7-8 pm
Register at https://hles.unl.edu/grobigred
Learn about common, unusual, and native fruits and how to incorporate them into your home garden. We’ll discuss fruit options for Nebraska’s growing zones and basic establishment and management for bountiful harvests.