CARE Newsletter

In this issue, you will find upcoming events, news, and work that CARE's partners have been engaging in to serve the diverse Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

CARE Registry:

Giving AANHPI Communities a Voice Through Research

Currently, AANHPI populations are among the least represented groups in scientific research. The goal of CARE is to overcome barriers to research participation and connect AANHPI adults to various types of research.

As of August 27, 2023, 10,074 people have signed up to increase AANHPIs' representation in research!

Click to learn more about CARE Registry
Some examples of potential research studies that CARE registry participants may be contacted about include:

  • Prevention or treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
  • Health issues across the lifespan
  • Caregiving issues and improving the health and wellness of caregivers

If you haven't already, please consider enrolling in CARE at:

Samoan (Sāmoa)
Watch our 30 second animated videos in

5th Annual Bay Area Chuseok Festival

Saturday, September 30, 2023 @ 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST

Presidio Main Parade Lawn

Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94129

Our Annual Chuseok Festival is the Bay Area’s largest public event celebrating, showcasing, and promoting Korean culture, cuisine, music, arts, and community. The festival will have delicious Korean food (both traditional and fusion), exciting live performances from local Korean cultural performance groups, traditional Korean games and activities, and more!


For more details and to RSVP, please click here.

Visit CARE at table #5 across from the activity areas!

Walk to End Alzheimer's®

Held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide, Walk to End Alzheimer's is the world's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research.

Find your 2023 walk HERE.

Alzheimer's Association is a CARE community partner.

6th Annual Vietnamese Caregivers Conference

Saturday, November 4, 2023 @ 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM PST

Vietnamese-American Community Center

2072 Lucretia Ave, San Jose, CA 95122

The Aging Services Collaborative of Santa Clara County warmly invites you to the 2023 Vietnamese American Caregivers Conference - tailored specifically for family or informal caregivers who are caring for their loved ones. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from informative speakers as well as to learn about supportive services in the County.

This year’s topics will cover The Vietnamese Insights into Aging Program (VIP), Hospice and Advanced Care Directives, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and Health Care Benefits and Changes to Medicare/MediCal

The conference will be conducted in Vietnamese

Event Agenda:

  • VIP Research Study | Quyen Vuong & Dr. Van Ta Park
  • Panel on Hospice and Advanced Care Directives | Chris Tran, Quyen Vuong, Chau Nguyen, Thao Le, Diem Bo
  • Older Vietnamese and Cognitive Aging Study Care Registry (Trauma, PTSD, and risk of Alzheimers)
  • Medi-Cal Expansion


or contact Anh Do (408) 260- 5578

Alzheimer's Association, ICAN, On Lok, VIP, and UCSF School of Nursing

 are CARE community partners.

Calling All Voices from the Asian Community!

If you are someone living with dementia and of Asian descent, we want to hear from you!

Dementia Action Alliance and the Global Council on Alzheimer’s Disease are working together to develop a white paper informed by discussions with individuals living with dementia from the Asian community. A white paper is a research-based report and analysis on a complex issue. The white paper is intended to capture the first-person perspectives and lived experiences with the goal of informing a deeper understanding of the cultural experiences associated with living with dementia from the Asian Community.

Please share your story with us so that we can enhance lives and help people feel connected and not alone in their journey.

For more information, please email

Together, let’s shed light on this important topic and make a difference!

Dementia Action Alliance is a CARE community partner.

The new, five-year effort will be known as CARE 2.0 and will build on the success of the original CARE project, aiming to recruit another 10,000 Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) individuals with broader geographic representation across the U.S. and even greater inclusion of diverse AANHPI communities.

The project will be led by three principal investigators: Van Ta Park, professor of community health systems at the UCSF School of Nursing; Janice Tsoh, professor of psychiatry at the UCSF School of Medicine; and Joshua Grill, professor of psychiatry & human behavior and neurobiology & behavior at UCI.

"As Prescribed" KCBS Radio Interview

One of CARE's Multiple Principal Investigators, Dr. Van Ta Park, was featured in an interview on "As Prescribed" hosted by KCBS Radio. During the interview, she talked about the CARE and ACAD studies.

“The intention of this registry is to improve representation of our diverse communities in clinical research, as well as other health related research. Because unfortunately, AANHPI communities are significantly underrepresented in research."

Listen to the full interview.

CARE Community Advisory Board Member

Featured in USA Today Article

Indigenous researchers work to close gaps in Alzheimer's data

Vaatausili Tofaeono (CARE CAB member), executive director of the American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition is leading the research study Puipui Malu Manatu, which translates to “Protecting Memories” in Samoan. He is also creating educational material to help destigmatize dementia.

Read More

Puipui Malu Manatu is a CARE community partner.

CARE Ambassador Program

The CARE Ambassador program is a volunteer opportunity by the CARE Registry, open to high school students, college students, and recent undergrad graduates. Participating as a CARE Ambassador will help leverage community connections and assist the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community to increase research participation and representation. Working as a CARE Ambassador will foster new learning experiences involving hosting virtual events, in-person tabling, and more depending on your capacity. CARE Ambassadors will also have the opportunity to gain skills in community outreach, data management, research, ethics, and team collaboration.

Upon completion of the program, CARE Ambassadors will receive a certificate as well as gained knowledge from our online trainings.  
Click here to apply!
After completion, you will be contacted shortly by our Ambassador team. 

UCSF receives $6.5 million grant for ACAD study

We are excited to share that the University of California, San Francisco is one of the 16 academic medical centers across the US and Canada part of the ACAD study! CARE’s principal investigator, Dr. Van Ta Park, is a multiple principal investigator for this study. Thank you to the NIH/NIA for their continued support!

Read the official press release

Listen to Dr. Park’s radio interview with KCBS Radio

New Paper Published in the BMJ Journal! 

Using community-based geographical information system (GIS) to recruit older Asian Americans in an Alzheimer's disease study

This study aims to show the usefulness of incorporating a community-based geographical information system (GIS) in recruiting research participants for the Asian Cohort for Alzheimer’s Disease (ACAD) study for using the subgroup of Korean American (KA) older adults. The ACAD study is the first large study in the USA and Canada focusing on the recruitment of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese older adults to address the issues of under-representation of Asian Americans in clinical research. Dr. Van Ta Park (CARE Principal Investigator) is a co-author of this paper.

Read the full paper

Educational outreach project for Korean American caregivers and families

The KIMCHI project stands for Koreans Invested in Making Caregivers Health Important. It is a culturally customized project to share research results about Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Diseases (ADRD) Prevention and Advance care planning so that Korean Americans can better take care of themselves and their loved ones’ health. Dr. Van Ta Park (CARE Principal Investigator) is the Principal Investigator for this project.

This project is in collaboration with community partners Somang Society and Asian American Resource Information Network (AARIN).

Visit the KIMCHI project website to learn more.

Support KIMCHI on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube!

If you are interested in participating in KIMCHI, please fill out this online form and leave the following message in the message box “I found KIMCHI through the CARE e-newsletter.” You can also email to find out how to get involved.

The Asian Cohort for Alzheimer’s Disease (ACAD)
is looking for volunteers!

Asians are among the fastest growing populations in the United States and Canada, yet they are underrepresented in Alzheimer’s disease research.

The ACAD study is a collaboration across multiple universities and community partners in the U.S. and Canada to better understand how genetics and lifestyle factors impact Alzheimer’s disease risk in Asian Americans and Asian Canadians. Dr. Van Park (CARE Principal Investigator) is one of the principal investigators for ACAD, and UCSF is one of the recruitment sites. This study will be looking for healthy volunteers, people concerned about their memory and thinking, and people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease who are 60 years old or older. 

Edie Yau (Alzheimer's Association) and Quyen Vuong (International Children Assistance Network) (both CARE Community Advisory Board members) also serve on the ACAD Community Advisory Board. Joyce Cheng, Executive Director of the Chinese Community Health Resource Center (also a CARE Community Advisory Board member), is one of ACAD's community partners.

All participants will be compensated for their time and effort.  

Visit ACAD study website or the animated videos in EnglishCantoneseMandarinKorean, and Vietnamese for more information.

If you are interested in participating in the study,

fill out this online form or email

The Vietnamese Insights into Aging Program (VIP)

The Vietnamese Insights into Aging Program (VIP) is a study funded by the National Institute on Aging and is a collaboration between academic universities (UC Davis and UCSF) and community-based organizations (ARI and ICAN). The purpose of this study is to better understand factors that impact thinking and memory in the Vietnamese American community. Dr. Oanh Meyer (CARE Co-Investigator) is the Principal Investigator (PI) of VIP and Dr. Van Ta Park (CARE PI) along with several CARE Co-Investigators are also involved in VIP.

We are recruiting volunteers who: 

  • identify as Vietnamese American 
  • are 65 years or older 
  • reside in Northern California 
  • can speak either English or Vietnamese
  • have immigrated from Vietnam 

All participants will be compensated for their time and effort.  

If you are interested in participating in the VIP study, 

Bay Area residents (San Francisco Bay area including San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, etc.), contact us at or (408) 609-9144. 

Sacramento residents, contact us at or (916) 432-4197.

So that was the first incident that said there was something wrong and then there were other similar incidents. So I took her to a neurologist and then the neurologist showed me some pictures: one of my mother’s brain and then the other one was a healthy person’s brain. The healthy person’s brain was vivid with different colors like red, yellow, green but parts of my mother’s brain were kind of vacant and gray and dark. 

Read more about Sumi's story
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