September 6, 2018

The Drexel Libraries is a gold mine of information
that many faculty don't know about.

– Sentiment of the 2018 cohort of Library Faculty Fellows,
who are inspired to continue promoting the Drexel Libraries
A new academic year is upon us, which for many signals the start of something new--new season, new classes, new challenges. In this issue of In Circulation, we look at some of the changes the Libraries is introducing to inspire renewed engagement with information.

Notice anything different? Our newsletter has a fresh new look! One thing that hasn't changed is the Drexel Libraries' commitment to bringing you the latest news and updates about our work to support the Drexel community.

The Drexel Libraries is pleased to announce the theme for its 2018/2019 ScholarSip event series: Communicating Research to Inspire Citizen Engagement.

Shannon Sheridan joined the Drexel University Libraries in September to complete the second year of her fellowship with the National Library of Medicine. Shannon will serve as a liaison and data librarian through 2019.

There are a lot of misconceptions about the Drexel Libraries--like the library is quiet and boring. Not true, says Danuta A. Nitecki, PhD, in this interview with DrexelNow Staff Writer Beth Ann Downey. Here's what you need to know.

In Other News
Resources & Services

September 5 - 8: Summer Term Exams
Stop by the Drexel Libraries for a quiet place to study during finals week. We'll also have coloring pages, brain teasers and a community jigsaw puzzle available to help you decompress after a long study session.

September 14: REFRESH
This monthly session provides an introduction to locating evidence-based material using resources licensed by the Drexel University Libraries.

September 15 - 23: Welcome Week
The Libraries will once again participate in Drexel's New Student Orientation Week, which starts the week before the fall term begins and includes plenty of activities to help incoming freshmen find their way around their new home on Drexel's campus.

September 27: "Wooder Ice" Social
Drexel students are invited to join the Libraries staff outside the Library Learning Terrace for good conversation and some of Philly's famous water ice (that's pronounced 'wooder ice' for you Philly newbs).