December 2023

Upcoming Deadlines

Final LSA Submissions Due December 8th

Submit your final corrections!

Along with the original corrections sent out, some users have received a second email of LSA errors from the data center. These are new errors that have arose from new data input in HMIS. Users will again need to enter the following under the Agency response column:

  • Confirmed
  • Corrected
  • Unsure/don't see error

It is essential that agencies answer the data errors in this report as they are sent to Congress and will ensure our HMIS system is funded!

All agencies who have received LSA error emails will need to respond to all errors by December 8th. Contact the data center for any questions.

PIT HIC Reports

PIT HIC season is fast approaching! Agencies will need to conduct a count of all clients in a shelter on a specific night in January. Agencies PIT HIC night will take place on the following days:

  • Durham Coc PIT HIC takes place on Wednesday, January 24th
  • NC BoS and Orange CoCs’ PIT HIC takes place on Wednesday, January 31st

To prepare, please submit the HMIS@NCCEH Bed & Unit Inventory Update Form to make sure your Housing Inventory Count is up to date.

HMIS@NCCEH System Changes

Systems Update Meeting Date & Time Change

As a result of the 2024 Systems Updates Meeting Dates & Times Survey, we have selected a new date and time for our monthly Systems Updates Meeting.

The new date & time for the Systems Updates Meeting will take place on the 1st Wednesday of the month 10 – 11am, Starting Jan 3rd 2024.

We will re-evaluate the date & time change after a few month to ensure we have the best & time possible that aligns with everyone's schedules. Thank you to users who voted and helped us make this decision!

Delayed Updates to HMIS Reports

Wellsky has extended the estimated dates for HMIS canned report releases with FY24 data standards. The new projected timeline for report updates are:

  • CoC APR – December 28, 2023
  • ESG CAPER – December 28, 2023
  • PATH Annual Report – January 25, 2024
  • CE APR – February 15, 2024

Wellsky will provide another Mid-December update on the timeline. Grantees should reach out to the HUD Field Office to request an extension for due to software vendor issues. 

Keep utalizing the A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report to keep track of your data quality in place of the out-of-date reports.

HMIS Practice Site Flash

The HMIS training site will be going through its bi-yearly reset. This means that current test client data entries in the system will be errased and reset on December 15th. This ensures we keep a clean

Current trainees will need to submit their test clients by December 8th to allow enough time for cases to be reviewed & any edits to be made and finalized, otherwise their test client data will be deleted.


SSVF users will need to use the EVA tool in place of the retired SSVF Data Quality tool. Other users may also find the EVA system useful for other data monitoring uses.

The Hashed HMIS CSV Report is a canned report that produces information from HMIS reporting groups to migrate one HMIS application to another for analysis and reporting.

EVA is an open-source project tool to help assess the accuracy and completeness of the data within HMIS.

As a result, have created a zenguide article in order to support users on how to run the Hashed HMIS CSV report and how to upload the report to EVA. You can now find the Dashboard Report: Hashed HMIS CSV in our zenguide article resource page.

Other resources on EVA can be found on the HUD exchange on the HMIS EVA webpage. This will allow users to access EVA and the provided EVA Quick Start Guide will give users more information on how to use the tool.

Training & Resource Round-Up

System Updates Meeting

Agency Admins should attend the monthly meeting on the second Tuesday to stay on top of all things HMIS. This is your Agency's monthly HMIS meeting to get updates, escalate problems, and give feedback.

Your Next System Update Meeting: December 12th!

For details and registration, go to NCCEH's calendarr event.

Agency Administrators, Program Managers, and Supervisors are expected to attend. Agency representatives must share this important information internally with colleagues.

If you missed one, recordings and materials are posted on the News Archive under HMIS System Updates Meetings.

ZenGuide Knowledge Base

If you haven't yet, bookmark this link!

The HMIS@NCCEH Zenguide is where you can find tip sheets, guides, and other written tools all in one place!

There are already 94 articles published! You can find instructions for how to run your ESG-CAPER and CoC-APR reports, how to update sub-assessments like Income, and how to manage Households!

Featured Articles:

Please keep searching for answers - that helps us identify the next articles to create!


Save the Dates:

  • Tuesday, December 12th: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting
  • Wednesday, December 20th: HMIS Monthly Training: Canceled
  • Wednesday, January 3rd, 10-11am: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting
  • Wednesday, January 24th: Durham’s Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count Night
  • Wednesday, January 31st: NC BoS and Orange CoCs’ Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count Night

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?

Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meeting slides or recordings.

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NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |