November Provider Check In

and Updated Wraparound Pre-Requisites

Happy Monday!

There are two items we wanted to update/remind everyone.

#1 - There is a third pre-requisite for the Introduction to Wraparound training called SOC Module 1: An Introduction to Systems of Care. You can access the link below; it is also updated on our website.

Please note, you will still need an account with the LMS - if you have completed any pre-requisites or courses with NWIC you will have an account. If you click the link and it takes you to the homepage, please sign into your account and it will give you access to this course.

SOC Module 1: An Introduction to Systems of Care

#2 - The November Provider Check-In is scheduled for

Tuesday, November 28th, at 11am.

You can register on our website or through the link below:

November Zoom Registration

In the November Provider Check-In, we will be reviewing and discussing the Family Story for Wraparound and the CANS database.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your local coach. We hope everyone has a safe and happy week!