November 5, 2023
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

40th Annual Western Dakota Crops Day

Chris Augustin – Director,
Dickinson Research Extension Center

The 40th Western Dakota Crops Day is right around the corner. It is a great opportunity to hear about the latest agronomy research that is being conducted in the region. Topic for this year’s events include: herbicide and weed control update, variety updates, sunflower survey results, acid soil management and more.

The annual Western Dakota Crops Day Book is also available at the event. The book will be available for pick up at the Dickinson Research Extension Center and on our website The event starts at 9:30 am on December 14 and is located at the Hettinger Armory (1207 4th Ave. S. Hettinger, ND. Below is a poster for the event. I hope to see you there!   

NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center logo
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