Refugee Ministry News
November 2023
While the world is in the midst of deeply disturbing conflicts, the Christ Church Refugee Ministry has been fortunate to offer joyful occasions and growth opportunities to all of our refugee families this fall. The October 28 Community Dinner – our largest ever with 175 attendees— was the happy (and delicious) elixir we all needed. This issue of the volunteer newsletter is devoted to all positive events and steps forward with our families. We will resume publication in February, delving into issues facing our refugee community and profiles of our volunteers and organizations making a life-changing difference.
Happy Holidays to all!

--Barbara Fallon and Amy Bacon, Co-chairs of the Christ Church Refugee Ministry
Spotlight On...
Refugee Thanksgiving Giveaway
Saturday, November 18, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.,
Fairlington United Methodist Church
A tradition since the beginning of this Ministry, families will receive a generous Giant gift card ($100 for small families, $150 for larger ones) and a colorful tote bag loaded with Thanksgiving decorations and more -- a collection of sought-after spices, books for children, heartfelt placemats made by preschoolers and relaxing holiday games and activities for adults. Beth El synagogue will continue its yearly contribution of a huge pumpkin pie for every family. Each family will also receive a package of full-size cleaning supplies and toiletries, provided by Rock Spring United Church of Christ. Gently used board games provided by St. Stephens & St. Agnes School will also be available. An additional shout out to Rock Spring United Church of Christ for again making deliveries to families without transportation.
Good News
"Learn & Play" program begins Saturday, November 18

Our partner St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School is offering its "Learn & Play'' program designed specifically for our K-5 refugee children for a third year, beginning Saturday, November 18, Noon to 2:00 p.m., on the beautiful grounds of their lower school (400 Fontaine Street, Alexandria). When the program began, the emphasis was on library time, and reading with high school student mentors. Because so many of our children are approaching English fluency, the emphasis this year will be on sports activities and friendship building and will have a slightly different theme each month. It kicks off with "The World of Sports”, to include a wide variety including soccer, jump rope, whiffle ball, and basketball, but library reading and art, too, with a sports theme! What our refugee kids always enjoy the most is bonding time with the school's impressive high school mentors.

A HUGE incentive for families to attend the first session: every child can sign up to receive a new winter jacket in the color of choice, gifted by the generous SSSAS community, to be distributed at the December session.

There will be cheese pizza each month, and Afghan tea and culturally-appropriate snacks for parents in attendance. Another benefit of the program: while kids are on the playing fields, parents meet and socialize, and a number of friendships have been made.

CARE TEAMS: In case you are wondering, we intentionally have “Learn & Play” and “Refugee Thanksgiving Giveaway” on the same day, at slightly different times. For our families that have moved further out in Northern Virginia, they can much more easily attend both events.
Major Food Grant for Families

The Christ Church staff scrambled and successfully applied for a special and generous food grant from ACT for Alexandria, totaling $42000. Nineteen families living in the City of Alexandria are recipients and will receive $85 per person each month, for a five-month period, dramatically helping household budgets. In a surprise announcement by Zoom to families, they expressed deep gratitude, and in some cases where no government benefits are being received, much relief. Families were able to choose gift cards at grocery stores of their choice. Pickup will occur at Christ Church on the second Monday and Friday of each month, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
CCRM Begins First Financial Literacy Course for Refugee Families

Partnering with the Virginia Cooperative Extension, the Ministry began on Oct. 30 a free six-week evening course on financial literacy hosted by Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill. Sessions include critical subjects for financial health such as budgeting, building credit, avoiding predatory practices, and debt management. An impressive 14 refugees registered for the program, many of whom are women taking advantage of the childcare offered. Participants will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a financial coach to build a budget. CCRM hopes to continue to offer this program to all families in our Ministry.
Fall-themed Refugee Community Dinner a Resounding Success 

The Virginia Theological Seminary’s Refectory dining hall was a striking setting for the dinner, and with such strong attendance, a large space was needed for seating and for the myriad of children’s activities. Recent Alexandria High School graduate Bilal, who was featured on NPR’s “All Things Considered”, enthusiastically put together a playlist of traditional Afghan music which played throughout the dinner. Mirwais and his wife Forozan prepared delicious Afghan side dishes to accompany the Seminary’s halal main course offerings.

The dessert tables were also a standout, including Egyptian rice pudding, a beautiful Pakistani rice dessert, American pumpkin and apple pies, and more!  
Thank You to Our Partners
The Christ Church Refugee Ministry flourishes because of our relationships with our partners. The time, talent, and treasures brought to this ministry by the volunteers and community members are extraordinary and impact so many people!

Church of the Holy Comforter
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Fairlington United Methodist Church
Goodwin Living
Grace Episcopal Church
Hope United Church of Christ
Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill
Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School
The Falls Church