Poverty Simulation
It is difficult for those of us with enough to truly understand the situations that families living in poverty experience every day - the decisions they have to make, the fears and frustrations they feel. That is why we are inviting our church family and community members to experience just a glimpse of what it is like through the Community Action Poverty Simulation on October 2 at 6:15 PM.
Participants will assume the role of a low-income family member living on a limited budget. The event is divided into four increments, each representing one "week", in which you must provide for your family and maintain your home.
Adults and children in the 3rd grade and up are invited to participate! Kids Ministry programming is also available that evening from 6:00 - 7:30 PM for younger children.
You can register yourself and family members, with friends, or as a small group. Limited space is available and registration closes on September 25. Register here.
We're looking forward to opening our eyes to the realities of living in poverty together, so that we can better serve all people the way that Jesus did.