
December 1, 2023

The Beginning of Advent Season

This Sunday, like New Years Day, we start our church calendar over. The first Sunday of the new calendar begins Advent. Advent literally means coming or arrival. In the Western church, we both remember Jesus’s coming, his birth into our world, and await, anticipating Christ’s return. It is with intention that the church calendar and our social (Gregorian) calendar are different and in many ways’ contradictory. Advent is celebrated in light of the Christ-event; serving both as an examination and a celebration of the Easter mystery from this side of the empty tomb. Our scriptures will both look backwards at Israel’s expectation of the Messiah (mostly Old Testament), and will look forward to the consummation with the ultimate triumph of Christ over the power of sin and death. For this reason, the early church typically spent the season of 40 days before Christmas in preparation through fasting and prayer, more akin to our Lenten practices today. Much later, Advent was joined to the Christ Mass celebration (now Christmas) in the anticipation of Christ’s return. It is here that the two elements, remembrance and anticipation, which you will hear frequently today, took their meaning. As such, the first two Sundays in Advent (December 3, and 10) look forward to Christ’s second coming, and the last two Sundays (December 17th – 24th) look backward to remember Christ’s first coming. During the Advent Season, we make symbolic use of Wreaths, with different colored candles which are lit to demarcate the 4 Sunday. Customarily the color purple is used for the majority of candles, denoting not penance (as in Lent) but royalty because of the manufacturing cost for the dye’s color. Purple points to the kingship of Christ as the Lord’s anointed. The unique pink candle has a much more convoluted historical usage tradition, which I will not expound upon here. It is in humor and truth that I share that the various candles on the Advent Wreath don’t mean anything. Yet as symbols they point to and remind us of something much greater. If you join with us each Sunday during Advent (December 3, 10, 17 and 24) you may hear, see and experience the truth of these symbols which is being lifted up. As well, the Worship committee is providing Advent Devotional books for families and individuals to use each day of the season of Advent. You will find a copy (one per household) at the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary entrances. By its daily use, the hope is that you will be more prepared to remember and anticipate the gift of Jesus the Christ whom we worship as we gather.


December 3

First Sunday of Advent, 27th Sunday after Pentecost



Daniel 7:11-14, Mark 13:24-37


“Night Watch”

Rev. Samuel Weddington


Last Sunday's Attendance

9:00: In person: 120

11:00: In person: 77

9:00: Online: 141

11:00: Online: 117


Sunday, December 3

9:00 a.m.

Contemporary Worship, FH

9:30 a.m.

Handbell Practice, Room 212

10:20 a.m.

Sunday School

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship, Sanctuary

11:00 a.m.

Hanging of the Greens

3:00 p.m.

Children’s Christmas Play Rehearsal, Sanctuary

6:00 p.m.

Student Fellowship, Fellowship Hall

Monday, December 4

10:00 a.m.

Staff Meeting, Rm 123

Tuesday, December 5

7:00 p.m.

Troop 3, Scout Hall

7:00 p.m.

Women’s Advent Service, Chapel

Wednesday, December 6

7:15 p.m.

Adult Choir Practice, Room 202

7:15 p.m.

Praise Team Practice, Fellowship Hall

7:00 p.m.

College Worship Night

Thursday, December 7

7:00 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study, Parlor

1:00 p.m.

Women’s Bible Study, Rm 123

Pick up your Advent Devotional 

The season of Advent has started and Advent Devotionals are available now. Prepare for the coming of Christ with a daily Scripture verse, a story and a prayer from Daily Guideposts for Advent. You can pick up a copy (one per family) in the narthex or the fellowship hallway. Call the church office to have a devotional mailed to you.

Is FPC's Brazil Mission Trip 2024 Calling You?

Planning is underway for FPC’s 17th visit to northeast of Brazil! We will travel to the city of Natal on Saturday, May 18th and return to Bristol on May 26th (Note: The dates have changed from the prior announcements). The week will be filled with worship, work, and time to connect with and encourage the church families in Felipe Camarão and Cidade Nova and the Bethel School students and staff, all of whom are such important parts of FPC’s global connection in the name of Jesus. Whether your first time thinking of traveling or you are someone who’s made the trip many times, each visit offers a unique opportunity to see and share in life with our Brazilian brothers and sisters. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you. To learn more about this year’s trip, please contact Justin Miller or Dave Welch or visit the FPC website. Applications are due on or before January 7, 2024. Vamos! Let’s go!

Rehearsals for this year’s Christmas play have begun! The play will be on Sunday, December 17 and is for children ages 4 to fifth grade. There is still time to participate! Rehearsals are Sundays November 19, December 3, 10, and Saturday December 16. Come be a part of this fun and meaningful annual event!

Join us for a special gathering that takes place during the Advent season, the four weeks leading up to Christmas. It is an opportunity for women to come together to celebrate the coming of Christ, reflect on the meaning of Advent, and prepare their hearts for the holiday season. Join us at 7 pm, Tuesday December 5th for a time of reflection, stillness, praise and togetherness during the hectic Advent season!

Poinsettia in Memory or Honor!

It’s poinsettia season! Order forms will be in the bulletins December 3 and December 10 as well as in the church office or order online. The plants are $20 each, and the deadline for orders is Monday, December 11. Your poinsettias will grace the sanctuary and fellowship hall from the third Sunday in Advent through Christmas Eve.

Hanging of the Greens

Advent is here and it’s time to mark your calendars for the annual Hanging of the Greens at the church. Sunday, December 3 at 11:00am after both services. Lunch is provided and it’s such a nice way to get the season going together. Contact Katie Sword for more details at 423-914-2181. Texting is best.

Gifts to the Church

Memorials and honoraria are published in the newsletter only after the family has been personally notified by our business office. Today we gratefully acknowledge the following gifts in memory of:


  • Dave Whitesides: to the Student Ministries Fund from an Jack & Emily Hyder

Organist's Footnotes

As we begin our worship service, we are greeted by a stirring organ

improvisation based on the familiar hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”. This arrangement, crafted by the esteemed composer Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow (1874–1946), is one of his Three Short Preludes for the organ, published in 1947. Bairstow’s setting carries the tune in long notes, sometimes highlighted by a colorful reed, while patterns of eighth notes undulate in the accompaniment. Bairstow was organist of York Minster from 1913 until his death. He was held in high esteem by his pupils, one of whom considered his acceptation as chorister under Bairstow in 1929 “the most fortunate day of my musical life.” Notwithstanding, Bairstow was notorious for his terseness and bluntness, and did not always endear himself to others. Asked whether he would be willing to follow the example of his predecessor at York, Thomas Tertius Noble, and emigrate to the United States, he replied that he would “rather go to the devil”. Healey Willan (1880–1968) is one Englishman who did emigrate to the New World, to Canada, where he was regarded as the “Dean of Canadian Composers.” His setting of Aberystwyth is paired with a setting by American composer Gerald Near (b. 1942) for our Communion music. Aberystwyth is the name of the Welch hymn tune to which we sing our closing hymn, “Watchman, Tell Us of the Night.” Finally, our closing voluntary is a setting of Aberystwyth by Warren Michel Swenson (b. 1937). It is found in Seven Hymn Preludes in a New Style (published 1977). “New” in 1977 now translates as “dated” in 2023, as Swensen (an American composer living in New York) incorporated a jazzy, “pop” style much in vogue at the time. - Bob Greene

Pray for One Another

We want to pray for and celebrate with you! Send us your prayer requests and glad tidings.

In Our Prayers

We have several unnamed or private requests. Please pray for the members of our community who wish to remain anonymous.

Patsy Adams

Ricky Adams

Kelsey Allerton

Ginger Alvarado

Fitz Anderson

Bud & Marg Branscomb

Bristol Tennessee City Schools

Laura Ann Buckles

Rachel & Ben Cherry & Dean Millard

Bill Coleman

Barbara Daniel

Frances Emerson

Debbie Garritson

John Graham Sr.

Lou Hebb

Jessica & Michael Hicks Adam, Nicole & Warren Hodgson

Patty King

Mardia Long


Dot Mattison

Montana Indian Ministries

Wynn Murthy

National & International Leadership


Lee North

Serve Orlando

Billie Peterson

Phyllis Phares

Pastor Bruce Plummer

Nelson Pyle

Cora Lee Raccioppo

Lillian Rhoads

Earl Rose

Harold Rutherford

Teachers & school administrators

Adrienne Teague

Family of Dave Whitesides

Those suffering with addiction

Julia Torbert

Debbie Turner

Bill & Patsy Ward

Amy Williams

Darrell Wilson

Ann Woods

Bill Woods

December Birthday

Prayer Fellowship

To protect your personal data, we now announce birthdays without dates.

Brady Arnold

Emma Arnold

Jim Arnold

Renny Arnold

Gil Bailey

Todd Booher

Kat Borsch

Jack Butterworth

Tom Carter

Jane Daniel

Linda Darnell

Derek Dowdell

Pat Flannagan

Braxton Foster

Macie Foster

Wesley Foster

Dottie Havlik

Lou Hebb

Greg Jordan

Vonda Kent

J.B. Madison

Wendy Olson

Daniel Osborne

Reese Peltier

Deidre Pendley

Linda Poteat

Rosa Poteat

Laynie Richardson

Peter Stigers

Hugh Testerman

Dottie Whitesides

Tina Witcher

Visit our website

The session continues to encourage masks for those at higher risk of complications from COVID-19 or not fully vaccinated. The session encourages everyone to consult their medical professional about vaccinations and boosters.

Wednesday of the week of publication is the deadline for contributions to Windows. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter by sending your name and preferred email address to the editor. Livestream our worship services and other activities at  FPC Bristol on YouTubeClick on the link and hit Subscribe to receive notifications of new videos. Find us on Facebook at FPC Bristol. Several accounts will show up. “Like” the page or ask to join a group.

We encourage you to use text, mail, or our website to safely continue your faithful support of our ministries. Give online here; choose a fund from the drop-down menu. Text fpcbristol  to 73256 to send your pledge, offering, or special gift to the church. Messages and data rates may apply. Message varies frequency. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel. If you prefer, you may mail your contribution to the church.

701 Florida Avenue | Bristol, TN 37620 | 423-764-7176 |