For questions about CASA News, please contact Alyssa Downs.

From all of us here at the CASA office, we hope you had a spook-tacular Halloween!!

Winter Conference Registration Now Open

The 2024 Winter Conference is just a few months away and registration is now open! Kick off the new year by hearing from experts on the Inflation Reduction Act, innovative permitting approaches, workforce engagement and recruitment, the circular water economy and much more. The CASA Winter Conference provides an opportunity to gather, network, share ideas, and discover solutions to complex challenges facing the clean water community. We hope you can join us in Palm Springs, January 24 - 26, 2024! 

TODAY: USEPA Webinar on Wipes in Collection Systems

This morning, the USEPA hosted a webinar as part of their Technical Assistance Webinar Series on Wipes in Collection Systems. This webinar detailed the impacts that single use wipes have on the collection system, and the presentation included case studies as well as discussion around why existing standards have led to nationwide challenges. Presenters also discussed suggestions for public outreach to prevent wipes from entering the collection system. The presenters included Steve Jepsen from Clean Water SoCal, Jared Voskuhl from CASA, Jessica Gauger from CASA, Neal Bloom from Rising Tide Partners, and Melody LaBella from Central San. Keep an eye out for the recording, to be posted on the EPA webpage.

CASA to Host Webinar on Inflation Reduction Act and SB 1440

Please join CASA on November 16 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm for a free Webinar on how agencies can take advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act, opportunities in SB 1440 biomethane procurement, and the availability of private funding opportunities to advance Environmental & Social Governance (ESG). These represent significant financial opportunities for co-digestion, biogas utilization, and SB 1383 implementation. Presenters include, Alison (Noji) Nojima with Brown and Caldwell, the PG&E RNG Procurement Team, and Carla De Las Casas with Brown and Caldwell. The session be moderated by Greg Kester with CASA. Register today!

Innovative Technology Seminars Return in November. Register Today!

Are you ready to revolutionize biosolids and resource recovery management? California’s premier technology seminars for resource recovery professionals are just around the corner! Unlock the power of innovation with a lineup of leading experts from utilities, universities, and technology companies. These fast-paced presentations and discussions are moderated by CASA’s Greg Kester. Discover opportunities related to managing food waste with the implementation of SB 1383. Learn about new technologies for biogas, biosolids, energy-recovery, and the game-changing technologies reshaping our profession. Join CWEA and CASA in creating a sustainable future, as we showcase the breakthroughs supporting a cleaner and healthier California. Event will sell-out, register soon!

If you have any questions or would like more information related to state legislative updates, please contact Jessica Gauger or Spencer Saks

AB 818 Wipes Collection Study Phase 1

After the passage of our sponsored wet wipes labeling law, AB 818 in 2021, CASA has been working with industry stakeholders to implement the education and outreach requirements in the bill. This effort includes advising on the industry’s mandatory public outreach campaign and distributing materials from the Responsible Flushing Alliance to our member agencies. Another requirement is for CASA and INDA to complete a collection study in California for the purpose of informing the public education campaign about what types of materials are being flushed into California wastewater systems. 


CASA staff recently attended the collections and forensic analysis which began with the “dry season” studies taking place last month at the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San). Preliminary collection study results from IEUA (Oct. 11-12) and Central San (Oct. 17-18) are still being compiled, but seem to show that a large percentage of the items identified were paper towels (53%), wipes labeled with the “Do Not Flush” symbol, including baby wipes (34%), and feminine hygiene products (7%). Some of the more unusual items collected include an action figure, hair weave, pet mouse, banana peel, a knee sock, rubber bands, cloth towels, and a plastic toy frog. Wet weather sampling will take place during the winter, and a final report should be ready next year!

For questions about this project please contact Jessica Gauger.

If you have questions related to federal legislative updates, please contact Sarah Sapirstein.


Today, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, ad Commerce favorably reported H.R. 2964, WIPPES Act to the full committee by voice-vote. The WIPPES Act would establish national "Do Not Flush" labeling requirements for nonflushable wet wipes that mirror California's labeling requirements enacted under A.B. 818. Thanks to CASA's leadership on this issue, the WIPPES Act enjoys broad support from the wipes industry, national clean water stakeholders, environmental advocates, and civil engineers.


During the markup, subcommittee Vice Chair Tim Walberg (R-MI) spoke in support of the bill stating that H.R. 2964 would establish commonsense labeling requirements that ensure consumers know whether wipes are safe for wastewater and sewer systems. He explained that consumers are often unaware that these wipes are not compatible with wastewater and septic infrastructure and, as a result, flushing the products cause both major system backups and increased financial costs to municipalities and ratepayers. Walberg added that if one "hasn't toured a wastewater facility, do so and ask to see this problem, you'll never forget it."


Ranking Member of the full committee, Frank Pallone (D-NJ), spoke to the bill raising concerns over the bill's U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Trade Commission provisions that should be improved to avoid implementation issues that could lead to regulatory and consumer confusion. However, Pallone stated his support for the bill's intent and is hopeful his concerns can be addressed. He asked his colleagues to work to address these concerns before the bill goes to a full committee markup.

Now that the WIPPES Act has been reported to the full committee, CASA will work with our stakeholder group and legislative staff to prepare the bill for a future full committee markup.

If you have a special project, agency update or other member news you would like to share in CASA Connects, please contact Alyssa Downs.

Central San’s “Go With The Flow” Bicycle Tour

Sunday, October 15, Central San offered its first ever bicycling tour of its service area. Twenty-two participants of all ages came along for the tour, with some riders as young as 5 years old! Together, the group traveled along a portion of Central San’s 1,500 miles of underground wastewater infrastructure following the Iron Horse Regional Trail. To help promote the event, Central San partnered with Bike Concord, a local bicycle advocacy organization. The bicycle tour was based upon Central San’s Go With The Flow project - an interactive story map built to help Central San’s customers see (and sometimes hear) the flow of wastewater along 21 miles of the pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly Iron Horse Trail.

If you have an upcoming event you would like to share in CASA Connects, please contact Alyssa Downs.

CFCC Hosts Fall Funding Fairs

The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is hosting free 2023 fall funding fairs online and in-person, November 1 and 8, 2023 will be online and November 14, 2023, will be in-person (see flyer for more information). The funding fair will provide the opportunity to learn more about available grant, loan, and bond financing options for infrastructure projects from federal, state, and local agencies. For more information about CFCC, please visit the website at

PPIC 2023 Annual Water Conference 

CASA is proud to be a sponsor of the Public Policy Institute of California’s 2023 Annual Water Conference: Stewarding California’s Wet Years. California has made great strides in preparing for a drier, hotter future, but it remains a challenge to harness the bounty of wet years while also reducing flood risk. How did California’s water sector manage the unusually wet conditions of the 2023 water year—and what lessons can we glean for the future? Register today to hear from three panels of experts to find out. An online and in-person option are available for this event on November 14 from 9:00am to 12:30pm.

Innovative Technology Seminars

The 2023 Innovative Technology Seminars, co-hosted by CASA and CWEA, are happening on November 29th at the San Francisco Regional Water Board offices in Oakland and on November 30th at the Hyperion Water Resource Recovery Facility in Los Angeles. We are very excited to bring these popular seminars back this year with a tremendous lineup of speakers. Registration is now open! Please reach out to Greg Kester with any questions or comments.

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CASA represents more than 130 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.

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