Hello Summer and Hello Gummies!

We have been experiencing an unusual spring and looking like a late summer for us. Stay Cool and Enjoy the Sunshine :) Please help us get the best gummies out to our members and fill out the survey below !!! Thank You :)

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Cannabis, The #1 Medicine Cabinet Essential

by Billee Sharp

I realized the other day just how often I suggest CBD as a remedy for so many different conditions and ailments. I imagine that I might come across as a little over zealous but the truth is that cannabinoids have a beneficial impact on many health issues, big and small. We now know that keeping our ECS (endocannabinoid system) at optimum activation with cannabinoids is the key to regulating the systems of the body; both endocannabinoids that are made in the body and supplementary phytocannabinoids extracted from plants. Here are the main reasons that I always keep cannabis medications on hand in our medicine cabinet.

Muscle Strains & Arthritic Pain

Synergy 1:1 Salve is the go-to topical for muscle strain and arthritic pain. The combination of equal parts of CBD and THC creates an effective double action


Cannabis Effective in Easing Symptoms of Neuropathy

Relief Without Troublesome Side Effects or Opioids

- By Dan Reich

Neuropathy is one of the most common forms of chronic pain, and is caused by damage to the nervous system. Symptoms can include feelings of muscle weakness, numbness, tingling and burning. Affecting as many as 20 million Americans according to the National Institute of Health, it can be caused by disease (diabetes is the most common) but other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disorders can also result in neuropathy. 


A Synergy Members Testimonial :

A Journey with Pain Management over the years !

Hello, my name is Sarah Gould-Biggs.

I am 40 years old, and at 18, I was in a tragic accident. For many, many years afterwards, I had surgery after surgery, with dozens of medications.

To this day, I have chronic injuries and pain because of them, yet I try to lead an active life.

I began with the tinctures and did them for about one year. However, because of digestive issues and reflux, I was unable to continue, so I switched to the suppositories. They were quite relieving at first and worked well for pain for two years.  Then, I felt my body build a tolerance to them, as with many other things. I stopped for four or five months, then my pain became unmanageable again. 

I restarted them just a couple nights a week and felt relief. With the guidance of Leonard, I have started  a new protocol, and will hopefully find daily relief again.

I cannot thank Synergy Wellness & Healing Essence, Leonard,  and the rest of the team that has helped me the last few years.

All the praise, love, and light.

Sarah Gould-Biggs

July, 2023

- Yours in Healing and Light 

Memberships & Direct Orders:

Medicinal Cannabis