Friday, August 30, 2024

Greetings UCCB,

Come this Sunday, September 1, 9:30pm, at UCC Boxborough as we read of love’s passion in the Song of Solomon, hear a Word for all Ages from The Circus Ship, and gather with one another at God’s Table.


Peter Senghas and Steve Griffin will offer special music by the blues musician Keb’Mo,’ “I’ll be Your Water.”


Also, this Sunday we will have the opportunity for healing prayer. Healing prayer and the laying-on of hands are ancient traditions of the church. With illness, tragedy, brokenness, or any brush with mortality, a common response is to feel isolated or estranged from others and from God. Healing prayer is more than a request for divine intervention, it is a tactile blessing that you are not alone and the physical assurance of Jesus’s promise, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.”


During Communion, a Pastor and a Deacon will position themselves near the Pray Ground. Before or after going forward to receive the Bread and Cup, people may come forward for prayer. You may come for yourself, or you may come as a channel of God’s healing power for someone else.


See you on Sunday,


Richard & Jill

Richard & Jill Edens

Interim Co-Pastors

UCC Boxborough


Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 9:30 am

In person at UCCB also via Zoom


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 883 0675 3408

Passcode: 7387


Please note: our worship services are streamed live via Zoom and recorded for posting on Facebook and YouTube (



On Tuesdays at 10am, you are invited to a lively and far-ranging conversation with the Pastors on the scripture for the coming Sunday.


On Tuesday, Sept 10, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, September 15

17th Sunday after Pentecost: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38. 


On Tuesday, Sept 17, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, September 22

18th Sunday after Pentecost: Proverbs 31:10-31; Psalm 1; James 3:13-4:3,7-8a; Mark 9:30-37.


On Tuesday, Sept 24, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, September 29

19th Sunday after Pentecost: Esther 7:1-6,9-10; 9:20-22; Psalm 124; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50.


On Tuesday, Oct 01, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, October 6

20th Sunday after Pentecost: Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 26; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16


The meeting opens at 9:45 for visiting. Please join us. The Zoom link is:

Passcode: 7387


Choir resumed on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd

If you'd like to join the Senior Choir this year, we always welcome new members. Don't worry if you're not an operatic singer or Taylor Swift—keeping in the ballpark of the pitch works for us. We meet every Tuesday, September through early June from 7:30-8:30 to rehearse our music and have a great time together. If you love to sing-please reach out to Cindy Blanchard, Sr. Choir Director at


Sit and Sew at UCCB

September 4, 2024

9:00 – 3:00


Fall is here! Well, not officially, but close enough. It’s time to start working on holiday gifts, or just settling in for the fall or winter. If you have sewing bring your sewing machine and project. Knitting, needlepoint, card-making? Any kind of handwork or sewing is fun to do in good company. Come spend some creative time in the company of friends in the Gathering Room at UCCB. We continue to meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 9:00 to 3:00. You are welcome to join us for all or any part of the day. Hope to see you there! Happy stitching.

FreeBee Market with a “Harvest” theme! On Saturday, September 7th

Mark your calendars! The September 7th FreeBee Market will have a “harvest” theme. 


The Deacons are planning to serve hot dogs to transform this FreeBee Market gathering into a festival. Mark your calendars and join us. In fact, invite a neighbor or a newcomer to Boxborough to join you that morning.

Welcome Sunday & Congregational Meeting - September 8th

The Fall Program resumes on Sunday, September 8, with worship at 9:30pm. After worship, there will be a congregational meeting to affirm the Search Committee and the Ministerial Profile that has been written by the Profile Team over the summer. See the letter from our Moderator, Peter Senghas, for more information.

Children’s Programming Begins Sept. 8th

Beginning September 8, children may go with two adult volunteers following the Word for All Ages to the Gathering Room for a program. During the Offering the children will return to their Sanctuary to sit with their parents. The programming is intended to reflect the scripture from worship. Some Sundays there will be other activities. For example, on September 8, the children and youth will learn about the Little Free Pantry from volunteers, Anne Chandler and Kellie Senghas. Please bring gifts of canned fish/meat, peanut butter and canned vegetables for the Little Free Pantry as one of the activities will be sorting and shelving the food inside and replenishing Little Free Pantry outside.

Register now for the Southern New England Conference UCC Justice Summit: Politics as an Act of Faith - Saturday, September 14.

This day-long program will equip local church leaders, both lay and clergy, to engage with politics as people of faith. This Summit has something for everyone, including: a Bible study exploring what scripture says about politics and justice; sessions on the challenges of engaging political conversations, especially in such a polarized time; and connection with faith-based justice leaders for practical opportunities to take your faith beyond the pews. You can join on site at Wesleyan University in Connecticut or online. Learn more and register (by August 30 for onsite) at:

Church Office Summer Hours UNTIL SEPTEMBER 3

In the summer the Church Office is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. On September 3, we return to our regular hours of being open every weekday except Wednesday from 9:00am – 3:00pm. On Wednesdays you may still contact our Office Manager, Jenn LaCross, but she works from home. If you have questions, please call Jenn at 978.263.7387 or email at

Are you whiling away your evenings (or days)?

Shame on you! Just kidding. If you are into sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, taking pictures, decoupaging, making cards, creating doll clothes, painting, macrame, cross stitch, embroidery, candle making…………. The KNITS AND GIFTS table needs your talents. I’m hoping that many of you will contribute items to the table for the Merry Christmas Fair. In past years this table has offered a large variety of beautiful homemade items.


Pricing of items will take into account the cost of materials, but recouping your time can be difficult. It’s truly a labor of love. Shoppers are looking for unique, one of a kind items at a reasonable price.


If you have any questions please give me a call or send a message.


Marlee Roberts.


Do you have something you want to share in the weekly Flash?

Submissions for the weekly newsletter are due on Thursday morning at 9:00am. Please submit your camera ready announcement and the dates which you would like it run to Any questions, please contact Jenn in the church office at 978.263.7387.

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