August 30th, 2024

Custodian News…

Our long-term custodian, Tia Anderson, has submitted her resignation effective August 31, 2024. Tia has been our custodian for the past seven years. She has looked after the building and taken care of the needs of groups within the church to help promote the ministry of First Christian Church. Tia is leaving her custodial job to join the staff of the Columbia Gorge Christian Academy as one of its teachers. Tia has served as a team player and has been responsive to the needs and requests of the people that needed help within the church. We appreciate her willingness, attitude of service, and pray for God’s presence and blessing as she starts her new adventure with the CGCA…Thanks Tia!

(FCC has contracted with a custodial company who take over cleaning responsibilities)

Mike W.


  • Pray for all of our students returning to school in the next few days. Pray that they stand strong for Christ and are able to be witnesses to their peers.
  • Please pray for Jill, a new believer, that she will make new Christian friends. I've gotten her to agree to join ladies Bible Study. ~ Lois
  • Please pray for the "oompf" to get goin on visiting GNC/JKC kids so we have them already signed up by the time we start the week of September 16th. Also, ask God to do the asking of those He wants to be helpers for each club since I really don't know who to ask. ~ Goodman's
  • Please pray for God's leading to the right man to portray His Son in the Last Days of Jesus ~ Goodman's

Livestream link for Sunday September 1st

"What Is Satan Like?"

or go to 

search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"

You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

Are you one of our awesome volunteers but perhaps forgot when you're scheduled to serve? Here is the September 2024 Volunteer Schedule.

September 8th ~ following morning service

Please join us for an INDOOR picnic following morning worship service. We’ll provide burgers & hot dogs as well as table settings. We’re asking everyone to bring a side dish, salad or dessert.



Ladies Brunch

Saturday October 5th @ 10am

Ladies, mark your calendar, invite a guest and join us for a delicious brunch.  

Nominations Please!

Do you know someone who should be considered for a leadership position as an elder, trustee or Chairman of the Congregation? Please submit suggested names directly to one of Elders: Mike Smith, Lynn Long, Bob Jewett or Art Van Eaton OR write the persons name on the back of your blue attendance card. Deadline is September 8th!


You might have noticed the box of small blankets in the back of the sanctuary. These are for you to borrow for use during service. If you’d like one of your very own, talk to Pat Van Eaton.


Friday Night Meals

Don’t forget that we are now asking for volunteers to help with the preparation and serving of the Friday night meal before the Friday night service. If you can give a couple of hours of service or perhaps provide a dessert or cookies, please contact Marlene Long and get on the schedule. Thanks for your participation in this local ministry.

Beginning Sunday September 1st, Mike Smith will be teaching the book of Hebrews in the adult Sunday School class downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.

Operation Christmas Child


We have been hitting the back to school sales and have a good start on collecting items to fill the shoeboxes. Please be on the lookout for:  

  • ¨ Toys - 3” bouncy balls, 8” baby dolls, NEW Barbie dolls, NEW cars (Hot Wheels or Matchbox kinds)
  • ¨ WOW items: soccer ball & pump, football & pump, basketball & pump, plush toys, craft kits.

Check out Operation Christmas Child on Amazon for ideas!

 If you want Jennifer to do your shopping, let her know (541-300-9061). 


Good News Clubs

We are planning to start our clubs the week of September 16th and would really like helpers this year, even if each helper only commits to being the helper for one school. So, we would like to invite folks to: sign up their kids, grandkids, etc. for our Clubs; pray for our Clubs; and even help with our Clubs.


July 2024 budget amount $244,244.00

received to date: $229,759.02

spent to date: $222,670.70

WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles