Episcopal eNews from Northern Indiana | |
2024 Fall Youth Retreat
Date: September 6, 7 p.m. (EDT) - September 8, 11 a.m. (EDT)
Where: Wawasee Episcopal Center (Syracuse)
Who: 6th-12th grade teens
Cost: $25 per person
As the new school year begins we want to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of Fall for our youth. The Fall Retreat is a time to share our faith with one another, strengthen our friendships and share in fellowship as we head back to school and the busy life that brings about. Jesus is the vine and we are his branches so let us go forth and bear great fruit as we go back to school.
Since our Fall retreat is early, we may be able to do a little swimming too. Bring a modest bathing suit and a beach towel with you.
If you have any questions, please call or text Carol Bianchini 574-551-3087
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At its June meeting, Diocesan Council approved updated versions of our Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth and Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults. Both policies are local adaptations of Model Policies provided by the Episcopal Church. If you are a parish/diocesan leader, or if you participate in a ministry that involves children, youth, or vulnerable adults, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with and implementing these policies as applicable.
If you have a Praesidium Academy Account, you can get credit towards your training renewal by logging in, selecting either Policies: The Episcopal Church Model Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth (ENG) or Policies: The Episcopal Church Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults (ENG), and verifying that you have read the policy in question. If you do not already have a Praesidium Academy Account, please contact Missioner Cindy Spice at safeguarding@ednin.org.
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126th Diocesan Convention | |
Our 2024 Convention is less than 8 weeks away and there is a lot going on. Here's what you need to know right now! (More details are always available at ednin.org/conv.)
- The Friday 10/25 reception at St. Anne's will begin at 5 p.m. Eastern time with delicious food and drinks. Join us!
- Sign-up for Friday's activities will be released in our October newsletter, including our final workshop schedule. Watch for it.
- If you plan to stay in Warsaw on Friday night, please make your reservation soon. (See website for details)
- 9/11 is the due date for pre-filed resolutions, reports, and nominations for diocesan leadership.
NEW THIS YEAR, the nomination form is a Google form. We will be electing for:
- Diocesan Council At Large (2 people, lay or clergy)
- Standing Committee (1 presbyter, 1 lay)
- We are thrilled to welcome our guest speaker, the Rev. Dr. Shelly Stackhouse, Senior Director of Programs from Partners for Sacred Places who will speak to us about The Mission of Sacred Places. Shelly has a pastor's heart along with a gift in helping us make the most out of our church buildings, in alignment with our mission.
Contact Missioner Michelle with any questions or suggestions. We can't wait to see you in Warsaw on 10/25 & 10/26!
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Assisi Pilgrimage Registration Window is Narrowing | |
Episcopalians in Indiana who would like to join us on our April 29 - May 9, 2025 "In the Footsteps of St. Francis & St. Clare" pilgrimage to Assisi with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation have until Monday September 15th for exclusive access to register. After that, Shalem will openly publicize the trip for anyone who might like to join. We currently have 14 pilgrims registered, with availability for 10 more. Sign-up now if you'd like to travel with us.
Information continues to be available on:
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2024 Fall Clergy Retreat
Date: October 14, 3 p.m. - October 16, 1 p.m.
Where: Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center
Cost: $75
Register by September 11
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Renewal of Ministry with the Welcoming of a New Rector
Date: September 24, 2024, 6:30 p.m. (EDT)
Where: Saint Michael and All Angels (South Bend)
Join the people of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in welcoming The Rev. Jennifer Fulton and for her installation as their new rector. The Rt. Rev. Matthew Cowden will be preaching.
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Save the Date
2025 Spring Clergy Retreat
Date: TBD
Where: TBD
2025 Fall Clergy Retreat
Date: October 13-15, 2024
Where: Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center
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EDNIN School for Faith and Ministry | |
Gathering in person one Saturday a month at the Wawasee Retreat Center in Syracuse, the EDNIN School for Faith and Ministry will offer both academic courses and practical training. The materials have been created by the Iona Collaborative at Seminary of the Southwest and will be led by local facilitators. Whether you are a lay person pursuing spiritual and intellectual enrichment, someone engaged in the process for ordination, or an ordained person seeking to continue your education, you are welcome to become a part of ESFM! Register by October 10 in order to receive log in credentials in time to prepare for class. Late registrations will be accepted, but may not leave enough time for adequate preparation. | |
Access to the great Stewardship Ministry resources of TENS, The Episcopal Network for Stewardship, is again available for your use thanks to our diocese’s purchase of a TENS membership.
Click here to access this year’s TENS annual pledge campaign. When prompted, enter this year’s password: Ephesians5:2 (Please note, this is case sensitive, and there are no spaces.)
The TENS theme this year is “Walk in Love,” an invitation to recognize the gratitude and joy we have for God and our community that lead us to share our stories, our journeys, and our gifts. Note: NOW is the time to organize your Annual Giving Campaign committee and start planning your success!
To help you deepen your stewardship formation, TENS offers free webinars on basic best practices and deeper topics. The TENS Resource Library is full of teaching tools, liturgical practices, and practical tips for making the most out of your faith-based fundraising. All the articles are free to download and use in your ministry.
You can also sign up for TENS monthly newsletter to keep you apprised of upcoming trainings, opportunities, and inspiration for your mission and ministry.
May your Walk In Love be fruitful ~
Linda Buskirk
Faithful Stewards Commission representative
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Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (NP1) | |
Sales Tax Exemption Certificates beginning in 2022 have been in transition to have you fill out a NP1 form in order to receive your “Tax Exemption Status” on your purchases.
If you are asked when making a purchase to have a NP1 form filled out, you will need to login to the Indiana Taxpayer Information Management Engine (where you pay your state payroll taxes) intime.dor.in.gov. Go to: Nonprofit, to the right will be a box that says Account with a NFP-0000XXXXXXX(numbers) and your Balance due in the color green. To the right of that will be options:
- Make a payment
- View all returns and periods
- Request a return transcript
- Request Indiana Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (NP1)
- Close NFP Account.
You want to click on Request Indiana Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (NP1) and fill out the form. You will need to do this in advance of your purchase. (It took several days for me to get the document the first time I requested the NP1.) You will need the information of the business that you will be purchasing from to enter on the form as well as your own information. If you have questions, you can call or email Missioner Carol Bianchini and she will try to assist. treasurer@ednin.org or on Mondays 574-233-6489 from 9 – 4 p.m.
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Reunification Discernment Committee | |
The Reunification Discernment Committee requests your prayers as it continues its work. Click here for options from which to choose. | |
Office of Government Relations | |
Action Alerts
The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations (OGR) identifies opportunities for Episcopalians to participate in our democracy. Click this link to find an action alert that you are passionate about and send a message to your members of Congress.
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Province V Of The Episcopal Church | |
Click here to read the Province V September newsletter. | |
Province V is thrilled to announce the addition of a new network!
All Children and Youth Ministers
This is open to ALL who work with children or youth: clergy or lay, volunteer or paid. ALL are welcome to share ideas, resources, and inspiration.
If you have questions, you can reach out to Carmen Piggins (MI), Convener of this network, or Heather Barta, Coordinator of Province V.
Carmen Piggins cpiggins@edomi.org or provinceVcoordinator@gmail.com
Mark your calendar for these Zooms dates
Thursday, October 10, 3 PM ET / 2 pm CT
Thursday, January 16, 3 PM ET / 2 pm CT
Thursday, April 3, 3 PM ET / 2 pm CT
Thursday, June 5, 3 PM ET / 2 pm CT
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News From Around The Episcopal Church | |
As the Season of Creation begins, the church offers Episcopalians new resources to celebrate | Churches looking for ways to mark the Season of Creation have a new resource from The Episcopal Church. The Season of Creation is a worldwide ecumenical Christian observanc... | | | |
Church's Government Relations Office hosts webinar introducing civil discourse curriculum | The Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations hosted an online workshop Aug. 27 to introduce its civil discourse curriculum. The goal is to help Episcopalians under... | | | |
Diocese of Georgia to sell diocesan offices, move into building of shuttered church | The Diocese of Georgia plans to move from its current diocesan offices into another Savannah building vacated last year when one of the diocese's churches closed, a s... | | | |
Please email any events, articles, or notifications you desire to be
included in the next monthly enewsletter to Canon Christopher Hillak,
Missioner for Communications and Operations, by September 25. Thank you!
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The Episcopal Diocese
of Northern Indiana
117 N. Lafayette Blvd.
South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 233-6489
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