Cecil County
200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500
Elkton, MD 21921

September 2024





Maryland Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)

Family & Consumer Sciences Program

Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program



Maryland Department of Agriculture Advises Rural Marylanders to Anticipate an Increase in Low-Flying Planes Due to Fall Cover Crop Planting

The Maryland Department of Agriculture is advising rural residents to anticipate a rise in low-flying airplanes, helicopters, and drones through October 10, 2024. Farmers participating in Maryland’s Cover Crop Program are using aerial seeding to plant cereal grains and other qualifying cover crops in their fields to protect local waterways from nutrient runoff and enhance their soil's health for spring crops.

Farmers enrolled in the department’s Cover Crop Program receive grants to plant small grains, legumes, and other cover crops in their fields in the fall. Farmers may incorporate seeds into newly harvested fields or aerially seed them into standing corn, soybeans, or sorghum. Once established, cover crops work all winter to provide a living, protective cover against erosion and nutrient runoff while building the soil’s organic matter for spring crops. Cover crops also help remove carbon dioxide—a greenhouse gas—from the air and can protect farm fields from too much or too little rain. When planting cover crops, no pesticides or fertilizers are applied. For aerial seeding, small planes and helicopters will take off from local airports serving the county or region.

Maryland’s Cover Crop Program is funded by the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund and the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund. The program is administered by the department and the state’s 24 soil conservation districts through the Conservation Grants Program. For more information, please contact your local soil conservation district.  

Maryland’s Seafood, Eat Food Pass Indulge in Maryland Seafood and Win Prizes

Maryland’s Best, a marketing program of the Maryland Department of Agriculture, has announced the release of the Maryland’s Best Seafood, Eat Food pass. Consumers who sign up for the pass will use it to explore Maryland restaurants dishing out fresh and local seafood. 

The pass, developed in partnership with Bandwango, aims to encourage the consumption of fresh Maryland seafood. Consumers can head to and follow the instructions to download the web-based platform. From there, simply select a restaurant on the list, or a seafood event, check in on the platform and build up points to win prizes.

For more information and to see a list of participating restaurants, please visit or contact Maryland’s Best Seafood Marketing Director Matthew Scales at 

Save the Date!!!! October 2, 2024

Cecil County Annual Harvest Dinner

For more information, contact the Cecil County Office of Economic Development, Ariel Balog,

Cecil County Agriculture Facebook

Want to See More Agriculture Related Information?

Check out our monthly Cecil County Agriculture Newsletter.

Cecil County Agriculture E-Newsletter
Visit our Facebook Page
Cecil County Extension has an
Agriculture Facebook page.

Cecil County Extension Agriculture

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Water & Chesapeake Bay
Watershed Protection and Restoration Program
Improving water quality through stormwater management and watershed restoration techniques, the Sea Grant Watershed Protection and Restoration Program works with local and state governments, watershed organizations, and community groups in Maryland to build partnerships, identify funding sources, and advise/assist in the planning, implementation and monitoring of restoration projects.
The WSA program trains adult community leaders in ways to reduce polluted stormwater runoff and improve local water quality. If you would like more information about the program, visit
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Horticulture & Gardening

Upcoming events, workshops, activities, videos, photos and advice on gardening are posted on our Facebook page, YouTube channel and website.

Follow us on Facebook to get the latest information.

Learn how to become a Master Gardener Volunteer.
Visit our website
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Have a plant or pest question?
University of Maryland Extension’s experts have answers!

Questions are answered by Home and Garden Information Center’s Certified Professional Horticulturists.

4-H Youth Development

Maryland State Fair

August 22-25,

August 29-September 2, and September 5-8, 2024

Good Luck to Cecil County 4-Hers participating in the Horticulture Judging at the Maryland State Fair on Saturday, August 31st and those 4-Hers that will be participating in the other fair 4-H activities.  

Maryland State Fair Facebook
Maryland State Fair Website

National 4-H Week-October 6-12

Every year, 4-H programs across the country set aside a week to celebrate 4-H. Cecil County 4-H will be offering a 4-H Week Social Media Showcase where 4-Hers and their families and volunteers can post pictures of

4-H in Action”.  

Below are the daily themes: 

Sunday, 10/6- Share a picture of you in your 4-H swag

Monday, 10/7- Share a picture of you and your favorite 4-H project

Tuesday, 10/8-Share a picture of you and your service to others in 4-H

Wednesday, 10/9-Share a picture of you with a 4-H STEM or Agriculture related project or activity

Thursday, 10/10-Share a picture of you and your 4-H mentor (older member, club leader, volunteer, etc.)

Friday, 10/11- Share a picture of you and your favorite 4-H activity (camp, fair, etc.)

Saturday, 10/12-Share a picture of you being healthy in 4-H (making/eating a healthy meal, doing a wellness activity, etc.)

Friday, October 11th is show your 4-H Spirit Day so be sure to wear your 4-H attire

Hands-On Animal Science

Eyes, Ears, Nose & Mouth 

September 18, 2024 | 7-8 PM

Cecil County Farm Museum, 820 Appleton Rd, Elkton

Participants will learn about animal senses-Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste and Touch. Youth ages 5-18 are welcome to participate. Please register online at: by noon the day before the program so that we can gather enough supplies.  

Get to Know Cecil 4-H (virtual)

October 9, 2024 | 7 PM

This program is designed to help newly enrolled or prospective members understand more about the 4-H youth development program in Cecil County. Participants will learn about the many opportunities 4-H offers from aerospace to dogs to horses to photography and every project in-between. To participate, register by 3:00 pm the day of the program at: After  registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the program.

Creative Clovers

October 2, 2024 | 6:45 - 7:30 PM

Cecil County Farm Museum, 820 Appleton Rd, Elkton 

All Cecil County 4-H Clovers members ages 5-7 as of 1/1/24 are welcome to attend 4-H Creative Clover sessions. Participants do not have to attend every session. Please register online at: by noon the day before the program so that we can gather enough supplies.  


Follow us on Facebook for information on future events and activities.

Visit the Cecil County 4-H Website
Youtube  Facebook  

Food, Nutrition & Wellness

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education
Maryland Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed) offers nutrition education programs to help Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households and those eligible for SNAP. SNAP-Ed programs are provided at no cost to support the work of community agencies serving SNAP-eligible individuals and families, such as local food banks, schools, out-of-school sites, farmers markets, community centers, and food assistance sites.

Maryland SNAP-Ed is a program within University of Maryland Extension that creates healthier environments and improves the health and wellbeing of limited income families across Maryland. SNAP-Ed programs encourage a nutritious and active lifestyle through increased food access, drinking more water, and promoting physical activity.

Back to School Basics

School is starting! Get started on the right foot by starting a routine now.

Check out our tips HERE to make it a smooth transition to school!

Does your family have a favorite back to school tradition? 

Here are some ideas to try with your family this school year!

  • Make breakfast the first day of school
  • Pack your lunch together the night before. Don't forget the fruits and veggies!
  • Walk or bike to school
  • Pack a snack box with fruits, veggies, yogurt and cheese to grab and go after school.
  • Before starting homework, find ways to get the wiggles out!

What's your favorite back to school tradition?

Don't forget to add a water bottle to your back to school list!


Pack a filled water bottle for your child everyday to keep them hydrated as they learn. 

MD Market Money $

Markets participating in MD Market Money typically match up to $30 of your SNAP, EBT, SUN Bucks, or FMNP benefits for you to spend at the market. 

Did you know?

Flying Plow Farm in Rising Sun accepts SNAP and FMNP benefits! Visit Flying Plow Farm this Saturday! Check out the schedule below.

Flying Plow Farm
96 Charles Johnson Farm Lane, Rising Sun, Maryland 21911
Main Season (May - November) -- Saturday 8 am - 12 pm
Winter Hours (December - April) -- Saturday 9 am - 12 pm

What's In Season?

Try fruits and veggies that are in season.

Check out this Seasonal Produce Guide

Recipes Highlight

Fruit Salad with Jicama
Jicama is a root vegetable. It is high in fiber and potassium!
Southwestern Quinoa!
Quinoa is a seed. It is high in fiber and protein!

Veggie Flatbread!
Let the kids get creative making their own veggie flatbread.

Check out more of these colorful featured recipes

on our Recipes Page!

Connect with Maryland 


on Facebook

Planning a Winter Garden? 

It's never too early to think about planning a winter garden. This time of year is the perfect time to start planning winter crops. Leafy greens are a popular item to plant and harvest during the winter. Check out our latest blog on  Planning a Winter Garden HERE.

Like our Facebook page and check out all of the great resources, which include healthy recipes, physical activity ideas, and gardening tips. 
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Family & Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) programs "strengthens families, farms, communities and the economy by focusing on the human dimensions of food and agriculture. Family and Consumer Sciences includes all topics of considerable importance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle in today’s society.

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Fall Dining with Diabetes Programs

Cecil County Family YMCA

Kent County Family YMCA

Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) helps young families and youth with limited resources—those most at risk to suffer from hunger, food insecurity and the inability to connect with available support systems. 

To learn more about this program or to sign up a group of five or more, contact Tammy Pryor, EFNEP educator at or call (410)-996-8136.

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Cecil County Extension Office
Faculty and Staff

Paul R. Rickert, MS, MCJ, EdD

Area Extension Director - Upper Shore Cluster


Micki Preston

Administrative Assistant


Donna Witkowski

Administrative Assistant


April Barczewski

4-H Youth Development


Doris Behnke

Agriculture & Natural Resources, Master Gardener Coordinator


Sam Covington
Nutrient Management Program

Eric Buehl
Regional Watershed Restoration Specialist
410-827-8056 x176

Beverly Jackey
Family & Consumer Sciences

Amelia Gerres
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education

Tammy Pryor
Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program

University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.

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