Fairfax Newsletter | October 24, 2023

Upcoming Town Council Meeting

The Town Council will hold their next regular meeting on Wednesday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fairfax Women’s Club and online. 

If you missed the October 4 Town Council meeting, catch up with our recap for direct links to staff reports and videos of the meeting! 

Subscribe to receive agenda notifications

Agendas are posted online 72 hours in advance of the meeting, you can subscribe to have them sent directly to your email inbox.

Upcoming Meetings

Open Space Committee

Tuesday, October 24 | 7:00 p.m.

Town Council Meeting 

Wednesday, November 1 | 6:30 p.m.

Parks and Recreation Commission 

Monday, November 13 | 7:00 p.m.

Community Emergency Preparedness Committee 

Tuesday, November 14 | 7:00 p.m.

See more public meetings.

New Mural Coming on Sir Francis Drake Blvd!

At the October 9th Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, permission was granted to Ben Jensen to paint a mural near St. Rita’s Church. Ben is a Woodacre resident who studied art at College of Marin and Cabrillo College. He has worked on community murals with Youth Spirit Artwork, a non-profit based in the East Bay. 

If you’re interested in painting a mural on a wall in Fairfax, contact Maria Baird to learn more about this process!

Bolinas Road Repair Project Update

Last week, Marin County construction crews completed crack sealing along the roadway repair and retaining wall project on Bolinas Road near Sky Oaks Road.

Contractors will also be improving patches of the roadway by grinding and replacing sections of asphalt. The Town and the County are continuing to explore options for funding to perform additional improvements in future years.

Learn more about this project and submit questions to the project engineer online. 

Building Permit Fees Waived for Accessibility Improvements Made to Existing Structures

Accessibility improvements are essential to ensure that individuals with disabilities can fully participate in society, have equal access to services and opportunities, and enjoy a higher quality of life. These improvements are often mandated by laws and regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to promote inclusion and prevent discrimination against people with disabilities. 


If you’re making accessibility improvements to meet ADA requirements on an existing building, like your home or business, your building permit fees are waived for the accessibility portion of the work


Learn more about how to apply for a Building Permit

Free Compost for Fairfax Residents 

Free compost has been delivered for Fairfax residents by Marin Sanitary Service! Bring your own container and shovel to the parking lot next to the skatepark off Bank Street.


Limit your collection to five-gallon buckets. 

Volunteer at the Fairfax Food Pantry

The Fairfax Food Pantry, located at the Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. (corner of Manor Drive), is an all-volunteer operation. The Food Pantry needs additional volunteers to help it continue to serve its clients effectively.


Volunteers are needed most Saturdays, any time from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., to assist with the bagging/boxing of groceries for delivery and for in-person pick up, breaking down of boxes, and to greet clients and to assist in carrying bags to clients’ vehicles. 


Please contact Jack Judkins by email at, if you can help.

Review your Nixle Notification Settings 

Public safety officials use specific alert types based on the information they’re sharing. Nixle defaults users’ notification to email, text, or email and text based on the message type.

Learn more about the different alert types and log in to your Nixle account to review your notification settings.


Have you seen our 2023 Fall Winter Guide?

We're offering super fun classes and programs this Fall and Winter - we hope you join us!

The second part of the fall series of our Toddler Music class starts October 31!

Sign up top reserve your spot.

Plus, we’ve got some fun activities and events coming up this week and next:

Our new class, Soulful Yoga, is happening every Sunday this month!

Family Fun Days are right around the corner! Check out upcoming dates online.

Save the Date for the Annual Fairfax Craft Faire—December 9

We are gearing up for another great year of local crafts in the Pavilion and wreathmaking brought to you by Fairfax Recreation. The Crafte Faire will be Saturday, December 9, 2023, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Apply to be a vendor at the Craft Faire

We are accepting applications for folks interested in being a vendor at the Craft Faire. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, November 1st at 5:00 p.m. Apply online!

Age Friendly Fairfax

Read the Age Friendly October newsletter to learn about new and upcoming age-friendly classes and events.

If you're looking to get connected with or have questions about the Age Friendly community, contact our representative for the Commission on Aging, Kristin Amlie at

Local events

Fairfax Farmer’s Market 

Wednesday, October 25 | 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Farmers’ Market

This is the last week of our beloved Farmers’ Market. Come check out some live music, locally grown foods, and artisans before it’s gone!

The Fairfax Mayor and Town Manager will be there from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., so be sure to stop by and say hi!

Marin Green Home Tour - Free!

Thursday, October 26 | 6:00 p.m.


How are Marin neighbors adapting their homes to combat climate change, improve air quality, generate clean energy, and move towards a safer, healthier, greener, more resilient future? This year’s free, virtual Marin Home Tour features video tours of 6 Marin homes, followed by live Q&As with the homeowners. Experts will be lingering in the Zoom chat, ready to answer all your questions.

This year’s all-new lineup of homes will show features like solar, storage batteries, heat pumps, induction stoves and cooktops, passive solar, an electric fireplace, greywater systems, rainwater harvesting, water monitors, native and edible gardening, and even sheep as lawnmowers! Learn the most up-to-date information about local, state, and federal funding sources and resources to help you get started greening your own home.

This event is a project of Sustainable Marin. Learn more and register at  

Fairfax Photo Club

Thursday, October 26 | 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.


This Thursday, world renowned photographer Peter Turnley will join the Fairfax Photo Club to discuss his recent book – don’t miss it! Learn more about the October class

25th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Saturday, October 28 | 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Town Hall front lawn

Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. Use this opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinets and safely dispose of unused or expired medications.

Medications are accepted in their original containers or a sealed bag. A full list of year-round drop-off locations is available on the Take Back Day website

The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

Halloween Festivities in Fairfax

The Rev9 All-Star Halloween Cover Show

Saturday, October 28 | 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Fairfax Pavilion

Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Costume contest begins at 7:00 p.m.

All Ages Welcome! Free of charge but tips for the musicians encouraged. 

Contact Anne Mannes for more information.

Annual Halloween Parade + Trick or Treating

Tuesday, October 31 | 5:00 p.m.

Fairfax Theater > Bolinas Park > Dominga and Napa Avenues

Fairfax kids and parents – come one and all to the annual downtown parade sponsored by the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce. Meet at the Fairfax Theatre on Broadway for the start of the parade at 5:00 p.m.! The parade goes down Broadway to Bolinas and over to the Haunted Grove in Bolinas Park.

Trick or treaters can head to Dominga and Napa Avenues for more trick or treating in the neighborhood. The street will be closed to traffic to allow for safe foot travel all evening.

Save your plastic candy wrapper waste! 

There is a box outside Town Hall to collect plastic candy wrappers to send back to the manufacturers. The box is called “Trash or Treasure”.

Learn more about why we’re doing this!

From our partners

Sign up to Receive Emergency Preparedness News + Attend Fairfax’s Community Emergency Preparedness Committee Meetings

Fairfax is dedicated to supporting and coordinating collaborative town-wide efforts to prepare residents to respond to emergencies. Sign up for the Ross Valley emergency preparedness newsletter to get preparedness updates fire safety tips, and more!

Ways to get involved

Attend one of Fairfax’s Community Emergency Preparedness Committee meetings to learn about local preparedness efforts. There are two vacancies on this committee—consider applying to join!

PG&E is Offering Free Gas Appliance Safety Checks and Pilot Re-lights 

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) offers free in-home safety checks to help customers prepare their gas appliances for the upcoming cold weather months. These checks include relighting pilot lights for customers who turned off their heaters or other appliances during warmer months.

Learn more about this and schedule your free inspection. 

Free Homework Help at the Fairfax Library

Starting this September, the Homework Helpers program, created and run by high school students and the Marin County Free Library, is offering free one-on-one Homework Help sessions for students in grades 3 through 10 at the Fairfax library every Monday from 4-5pm.

The program will continue throughout the school year.

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