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University Unitarian Church eNewsletter

August 23, 2024

Sunday, August 25

Worship service at 9:30 a.m. in the chapel and via live stream

Kyle Turver will lead the service. Music by Camille Watson, soprano, and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.

Kyle Turver recently finished a year-long spiritual care residency at Harborview Medical Center. This Fall, he will return to seminary to finish his final two classes and then graduate! Kyle loves the work of serving the emotional and spiritual needs of people in socially and spiritually diverse contexts. [Continue reading]

Order of Service

(More info on Sundays at UUC at the bottom of this newsletter)

Engagement Opportunity Fair Planning

Sunday, August 25, 10:30 a.m. in the office conference room

There will be a meeting this Sunday after the church service in the church office conference room for those interested in assisting with the planning and/or execution of the September 29 Engagement Opportunity Fair.

Doug and Patricia Graesser are co-leading that effort and are excited to bring as many groups together as possible in one day to increase groups’ visibility and encourage engagement with and among groups.

We’re starting to get organized and seeking a small team of folks interested in helping to plan and execute the event.

If you or somebody you know would like to help us plan or carry out the event, please join us Sunday if you can or let us know if you want to help but can’t attend Sunday.

We welcome your ideas and interest.

~ Doug and Patricia Graesser 

New Tenor Section Leader/Soloist

I'm pleased to share that Danny Szydlo will be our new tenor section leader/soloist, beginning in September. He will be a wonderful addition to our excellent music program staff.

Here is a brief intro from Danny:

"Hi! I'm Danny Szydlo (he/him), and I’m excited to be singing with the UUC choir! I moved to Seattle from Minnesota in 2009 for grad school at UW, and now work at Fred Hutch as a statistician where I research infectious disease prevention. Outside of work I also sing with Seattle Pro Musica, and some of my non-singing hobbies include reading, cooking, running, and befriending dogs.”

When you see Danny on Sunday mornings, please help welcome him to UUC!

~ Karen P. Thomas, UUC Director of Music

Phishing and Smishing*

What You Need to Know About Phishing Emails and Text Message Scams

Scammers never quit. Recently some members of the church have received suspicious emails claiming to be from Rev. Doug Wadkins. These messages are efforts by scammers to trick people into taking action that was not in their interest, simply by leveraging the members’ inherent trust in their minister and in their church. These and related kinds of social engineering scams have become more and more common around the world and lead to billions of dollars in losses to individuals and corporations every year. [Continue reading]


Volunteer in Family Ministry

Click here to indicate your interest in volunteering for the 2024–2025 church year

It’s that time of year again! We are looking for folks who enjoy working with children and love UUC to volunteer with our children and youth on Sunday mornings. Volunteering with UUC’s children and youth is a fun way to support the growth and development of our community, and to deepen one’s own spiritual life.

We rely on adults in the congregation to give their time and talents to these programs, to support our growing ministry to families and ensure it continues to be available into the future. [Continue reading]

Spiritual Deepening through UUC Reflection Groups and UU Wellspring

Our 2024–25 church year will bring two programs introducing and supporting UU spiritual deepening in small groups. Our sixth round of Reflection Groups will begin in October and run twice a month for six two-hour sessions. And in January, we are excited to bring back UU Wellspring with a new curriculum, “Love at the Center: UU Values and Covenant.” This program will meet for 11 sessions, also twice a month, ending in June. [Continue reading]

Care Team Asks "How Can We Help You?"

The UUC Care Team serves people in the UUC community when they encounter illness, grief, medical events, and other life issues. We all need a little help sometimes. If you find yourself needing a listening ear or a little help, please email the Care Team or leave a message on our confidential voicemail at (206) 454-7722. We are trained lay volunteers. We check for messages twice daily and keep your information confidential.

Upcoming Services

Sunday, September 1, 9:30 a.m.

Summer pulpit guest: Rev. Justin Almeida. Music: Holly Eckert, violin; Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.

Sunday, September 8, Homecoming Sunday

Services at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

Rev. Dr. Douglas Wadkins, incoming Interim Minister, and Rev. Beth Chronister will lead the service. Music by the Loft Choir; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.

Sunday, September 15, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

Rev. Doug Wadkins will lead the service. Music by the Loft Choir; Danny Szydlo, tenor; Karen P. Thomas, bass; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.


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Sunday Worship

Join us for our Sunday morning service in our chapel or via our live stream.

In the summer, childcare is available for children ages 6 mos.—PreK and K-5th grade in the Children's Suite during the service. Regular programs for children and teens will return in September. Click here for more information about special summer events and regular programs for children, teens, and parents at UUC.

Current health safety protocols at UUC: Facemasks are optional but welcomed, especially while singing. For the well-being of everyone in our community, please STAY HOME if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, even if you're sure it’s "just a cold."

UUC monitors Public Health – Seattle & King County COVID-19 data dashboards and advisories, updating our health safety protocols accordingly. We also consult CDC About COVID-19 resources to inform our decisions. We additionally track Washington State Department of Public Health Resources and Recommendations for Business and Workers for guidance around COVID-19 safeguards for staff and visitors.

Please continue to check in at a kiosk or on the paper sign-in sheet when entering the building. This helps us better understand attendance on Sundays and for programs and meetings throughout the week. If you would like to be added to our email list for church-wide announcements, please include your email address and phone number on the paper sign-in sheet.

Click here for more information about Sunday mornings.

The Gateway eNewsletter is sent out each Friday. Announcements received by 9 a.m. Tuesday will be included each week.

Email submissions to Please put the date and name of your event in the Subject: line of the email.

Click here to subscribe. (There is an Unsubscribe link below.)

(206) 525-8400