Connections: Week of July 24, 2023 | |
Dear Beloved Community at CCSM,
What a Sunday! For those of you who were there, I hope you got just as much insight out of Dr. Sharon Jacob's sermon as I did. As I mentioned, I had the privilege of serving as her teaching assistant during my PhD program for several courses and I always learned so much. Her deep knowledge of the Biblical context reveals how so many stories have meanings that can easily be missed, as well as powerful applications for our work for justice today.
In Sunday's sermon, Dr. Jacob wove together two deeply complex sacred stories, one from the Bible and one from the Hindu tradition. Both turned out to be highly relevant to considerations of class, caste, privilege, and power! We also had wonderful music, prayer, and a beautiful cousin joint baptism!
Dr. Jacob and I are working on a fall series on social justice and the Bible so that we all can have more opportunities to delve into the Biblical texts and see the ways these texts — reading with and against the grain — can deepen our resolve to build a more just world in our context today. This came out of several requests I had after Dr. Jacob preached last summer. Watch the announcements for more details coming soon!
If you missed the service, please do go back and watch. Thank you also to our Connect and Celebrate ministry for organizing a wonderful brownie bake-off competition! So delicious and lots of fun. Unfortunately, that is an event better experienced live than online!
This coming week, I am delighted to be preaching on one of my favorite texts, the parable of the seed and sower. This is a story that has captured the imaginations of many. If Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower is on your shelf or you'd like to pick it up this week — I highly recommend it and really enjoyed re-reading it in preparation for Sunday's sermon.
Blessings of peace be upon you this week and always,
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Dr. Sharon Jacob's insightful sermon:
"Breaking the Sacred Mold: When Caste and Race Intersect in Our Sacred Texts"
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Brownie Bake-off in Kloss Hall | |
CCSM members were all fat and happy after the Brownie Bake-off!
Brownies ranged from traditional to healthy to over-the-top. (Ask Rev. Álvaro about the Latino Ministry's contribution!) Chocolate and Best in Show winner(s) was the Ebneter family; Chase won decorative; the Harrises won healthy; the Nugents won special ingredients; and the Latino Ministry/Rev. Álvaro won blondies.
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SJ Giants Game Was a Huge Success!
Fifty CCSM members and families attended and had a great time eating large quantities of meat at Turkey Mike's BBQ, watching a relatively good baseball game (but mostly chatting), and enjoying amazing fireworks. Remember this when next year's game rolls around!
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Age-Friendly San Mateo News
Meals for Seniors
City of San Mateo residents age 60+ have access to a variety of programs that make it easier to obtain low-cost, nutritious food and help reduce isolation.
City of San Mateo Lunch Program
After a years-long Covid-induced hiatus, when only “Grab and Go” lunches were available, the City once again serves hot meals at two locations:
Senior Center at 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas on Mon/Wed/Fri – $7
(Income-based assistance is available.)
King Center at 725 Monte Diablo Avenue on Tues/Thurs – $5 donation suggested
Check out the menu at Reservations are required. Call (650) 522-7490.
Shopping Assistance for Seniors who are Homebound (S.A.S.H.)
For homebound seniors who need help buying their groceries, call (650) 522-7494 or check for more information.
Meals on Wheels
Operated by the County of San Mateo for homebound persons who are unable to cook for themselves. Check or call (650) 272-5041.
This information is brought to you by the City of San Mateo Age-Friendly Task Force. Contact if you would like to learn more about our work.
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Board Approves Latino/a Ministry Project
On Monday, July 17, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve the Transitional Minister project outlined in the email to the congregation last week. The Board appreciates all of the feedback received during the two forums held the previous week.
Overall, there is strong support in the congregation for the project's goals. The main concern is the financial risk of funding a project that may require dipping into our reserves. The plan approved was modified to ensure that we are only committing directed funds that are in hand. That means we are funded for 9 months of the desired 12-month project. We will seek outside grants or donations for the remaining funding so that we won’t need to dip into reserves for this important project.
The next steps for the project are outlined below:
- Send letter of Intent to Rev. Álvaro outlining the 9-month commitment to engage him as our Transitional Minister for the Latino/a participants.
- Rev. Álvaro to secure a work permit. The earliest this is expected to happen is October.
- Latino Ministry team to plan for worship leadership until Rev. Álvaro has secured his work permit.
- Latino Ministry team to organize more feedback and participation opportunities for the congregation.
Please feel free to reach out to the Board at if you have any questions or comments.
CCSM Board of Directors
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If we get at least 1,000 subscribers, the YouTube algorithm bumps our CCSM site higher on people’s search engine. CCSM Media has 421 subscribers today. Let’s pump it up!
So, please go to
and click the “Subscribe” button. Cost: Nothing. Benefit: HUGE!
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New members will be joining on Homecoming Sunday, September 10. If you are curious about officially becoming one of our flock, please email for more information.
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The 2024 CCSM Budget Process is Beginning!
Come Join In!
Have your voice heard!
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CCSM is beginning to plan the budget for 2024. We seek your involvement during this process, which began Sunday, June 18. The process, which is outlined below, involves the Finance Committee, the Congregation, and the Board in three separate phases.
Phase 1 is the development of Budget Principles -- values-based and faith-rooted principles for CCSM -- that will guide us throughout budget development. At the
June 18 Second Hour, Sheryl will lead off with ideas based on her book, Serving Money, Serving God. Together, she and the Treasurer will lead an exercise and discussion aimed to come away with a list of principles for the Board to discuss at its meeting on July 9.
Phase 2 is the development of one or more fiscal plan(s). The notion is to set out two or maybe three goals for general fund donations and also total revenue, together with a description of what we think would be funded at each revenue level. This phase is currently scheduled to involve the Congregation after worship on August 6 and would end with Board adoption at its meeting on Aug 13. This will be in time for the Stewardship Ministry to use the plan(s) when they kick off the campaign for pledges (which are estimates of giving) in early September.
Phase 3 is the development of one or more detailed first budget drafts -- possibly a budget for each fiscal plan. The tentative date to discuss with the Congregation is October 29, but much could happen between now and then to change that date. The notion is that CCSM would be providing detailed information more than two months prior to adoption of a budget in January at the Annual Meeting.
Come join in the discussions for one or all three phases.
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Priorities and Values for
Reimagining CCSM Finances
About 20 members of our church community participated in the forum after worship on June 18, entitled, “Reimagining CCSM Finances.” Treasurer Veril Phillips provided an overview of the three-phase budgeting process this year and the improvements we believe the process will provide. Acting Senior Minister Sheryl Johnson gave an overview of her book, Serving Money, Serving God, with a few examples of communities who live out their values. With that stimulation, we handed out three or four index cards per person and asked participants to brainstorm with principles or values they’d like to see used in our budgeting process this year. Then we formed four groups and randomly divided the 71 cards that were received among the groups who then read them out loud and picked out some themes. A list of all the items on all the cards and a list of the themes picked out by the four groups may be accessed here.
Overall, there were five themes that seemed to stand out. All four groups identified Vibrant Community as a significant theme and 15 of the 71 cards – 75% of the participants – identified that theme in one form or another. The other four themes were identified by at least two groups and at least seven of the cards – one third of the participants.
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Vibrant Community
Children and Youth
Sustainable Budget
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Additional Detail
– Both internal and external
– Includes families and building programs and church school
– Social, political, economic, and service to the wider community
– Including education and growth as a community with different cultures and faith traditions
– Stewardship and budget process
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Don’t go on vacation—come to church! Want to know what goes on behind the scenes, like how decisions are made or the church budget is put together? If you want to observe, learn, or speak up, these opportunities are for you.
Gatherings, classes, and meetings will be before and after church in the
Buckham Room (both live and Zoom).
Everyone is invited to participate.
August 6, 12:00 PM
CCSM Finance
Step into the realm of church budgets—balancing our 2023 shortfall
and planning for 2024. Voice your opinion about how to reign in our spending
and encourage giving at CCSM.
August 13 – Double Header
Toxic Theology, 9:30 AM
with Kibbie Ruth
Ever wonder if the Bible really said what you were told it did,
for example, “suffer in silence”?
Board of Directors, 12:00 PM
Join in the policy discussions of the leaders you elected to serve the church.
August 20, 11:50 AM
Council of Ministries
Learn how teams of volunteers help the church thrive.
Maybe you could volunteer too!
August 27, 9:30 AM
Living into the Guiding Principles
Analyze CCSM’s Guiding Principles.
Do we really mean what we say?
For more information, email
Because these classes might not be available for Zoom participants,
the classes will be be filmed and uploaded to the website.
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Youth and Family News
Sunday, July 30, 9:15am - CCSM Parents' Gathering in the CE building (2nd floor Community Room, childcare in the 1st floor nursery)
July/August 2023 - Summer camp sessions at
Camp Tamarack! Please check the website to learn more and to see which week is open to your age group, registration should be open soon. Please let Sheryl know if you are interested in help with carpooling, assistance with fees, etc.
Saturday, August 26 - LifeMoves Bike Ride to End Homelessness. This is a fun ride for a great cause. There are routes for all ages - kids included! (See below for more information) Please consider signing up as a family.
Sunday, September 10 - Homecoming Sunday! Please plan to stay after church for facepainting, balloon animals, games, and more! Youth are encouraged to help out - and can earn volunteer hours. Please let Sheryl know if you're available!
Saturday, September 16 - City of San Mateo Annual Bayfront Cleanup
Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1 - Join our local UCCs for a fun youth retreat weekend! More details to follow.
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Board of Directors
all meetings are Sunday at Noon
in the Buckham Room
(unless noted)
August 13
September 17
October 8
November 12
December 10
To view June 14 Board Meeting Minutes,
click here or go to
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Council of Ministries
all meetings are Sunday at Noon
in the Fireplace Room
(dates in yellow are combined BoD + CoM)
August 20 (11:50 am)
September 24
October 22
November 12
December OFF
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CCSM Council of Ministries
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Kay Harris - Council of Ministries Lead
Jim Schwandt - Buildings and Grounds
Kim Rey and Troy Grabow - Children, Youth, and Families
Diane Kalliam - Congregational Care
Alison Schwandt - Engagement
Gary White - Energy + Environmental Justice
Sandy McNabb - Connect and Celebrate
Julien Phillips - Latino/a Ministry
Laura McKenzie - Liturgical Arts
Sue Bell - Music
Genel Morgan - Service and Justice
Chris Wuthmann - Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.
Martha Bronitsky - Stewardship
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You don't need to wait for the Ministry Fair to learn more, or join a ministry. Contact the Ministry Lead anytime! | |
Click HERE for CCSM's Governance Manual, and HERE for CCSM's Bylaws
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The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community. The container will be in the narthex to collect food (canned, dried and boxed, no fresh food please! donations must be full UNOPENED containers, no fruits, vegetables, or bread) on any Sunday of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity!
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Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm
CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th, 2022, and will share this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.
Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.
Link for Prayer Ritual on YouTube:
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9am - 1pm
Monday - Thursday
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Please welcome Jennifer Prince Londgren
to CCSM’s administrative staff
Jennifer has been a CCSM member since 2002. Jennifer will be filling in for Zoe Mullery and Austin Mader-Clark over the summer (July–August) to bring you Connections and the Sunday Bulletin and to help out in the office. You can contact Jennifer at with any content for Connections or the Bulletin. Zoe Mullery will continue to produce the Pine Tree and can be contacted at
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225 Tilton Ave. • San Mateo, CA • 94401
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Scan the QR code above or go to
to make a donation or pledge to CCSM.
Don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.
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