eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
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Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On eBay

Thank you to those of you who gave feedback to the me on the 1-Page TOR flyer that I created. Through many revisions this has now gone to the printer with an order to make 3k copies. I'll be including this in all my eBay orders during the fall so that I can help promote ALL the shows across the country. Part of my mission with the Hot Finds is to spread the passion for this hobby in Scouting.

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Order of the Arrow Top Selling Auctions

If you check out the TOR calendar you will find a very interesting new TOR scheduled for October 2025. I don't want to say too much about it because I'll let Chris Jensen be the first person to share all the details. But as it's located just a few hours north of me I'm definitely going to be there.

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Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay

By Thursday PM I'll have my own website updated with TOR flyers that you can download. For now the simple 1-page flyer has the TOR contact so feel free to reach out them directly if you are thinking about making plans to attend.

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Patchblanket eBay Store Santeeswapper

i am back up to 181 live auctions on eBay with camp patches and OA being a big part of those listings. I should be maintaining about 140 auctions every week as a settle into a new listing goal.

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4-Pocket Polypropylene Archival Envelope (short side card included)
Buy Now
1-Pocket Traditional Polypropylene Archival Page (side loading)
Buy Now
6-Pocket Scout Roanoke Double Sided White Vinyl Page (center loading)
Buy Now

So far the new schedule is working out well. Waking up at 5:10 AM will take some getting used to however! I was in bed by 9:30 last night and still didn't get 7 hours of sleep. If I ever was a night owl my son's high school schedule will solve that quick.

Jason Spangler