October’s Legacy: Martin Luther, the Reformation, and Our Vision for Discipleship

Mike Fisk / October 1, 2023

October is a month that often brings up memories of leaves turning into a beautiful mosaic of oranges and reds, the taste and scent of pumpkin-flavored goodies, Sundays filled with football, and the anticipation of Halloween and a treasure trove of candy (that will surely keep our kids up way past their bedtimes). But in the midst of all these essential fall traditions is another significant event. October always marks the anniversary of Martin Luther boldly nailing his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg’s Castle Church, an act that set the course for the Protestant Reformation.

While many of us revel in the cozy and festive atmosphere of October, we should also take time to reflect on this event from 1517 that forever changed the trajectory of the Christian faith. Luther's brave act was not just a challenge to ecclesiastical abuse, but a passionate plea to return to the Gospel. His emphasis on sola scriptura (Scripture alone), sola fide (faith alone), and sola gratia (grace alone) served as a reminder that salvation is a divine gift, unearned and freely given.

Luther’s proclamation did more than just spark doctrinal debates and reforms. It empowered believers to engage directly with their faith, take ownership of their personal discipleship, and break free from the going through the motions with ritualistic traditions. This was the heart of the Reformation: empowering individuals to become true disciples—devoted learners and followers of Christ.

The legacy of the Reformation beautifully aligns with our vision of being disciples who make disciples. Just as the Reformation was about getting the gospel right, and personally engaging with Christ, our discipleship vision emphasizes gospel centrality and a personal relationship with both Christ and fellow believers. It's a continuous journey of faith, with disciples nurturing and teaching one another.

An essential part of being a disciple is active engagement. The reformers, anchored in Scripture, were vocal and passionate about their beliefs, often risking all. In the same spirit, our vision of discipleship calls for active proclamation of the gospel to each other, and to the world. It’s about learning, sharing, guiding, and above all, ensuring that the Gospel’s purity, rediscovered during the Reformation, remains.

Today’s faith landscape, while different from Luther’s time, presents its own challenges. We navigate through the swamp of moral relativism, diluted interpretations of the Gospel, and prosperity theologies. The need for grounded, Gospel-centric disciples is more pressing than ever. Disciples who can steer others through these challenges, drawing strength and wisdom from the Word.

So, as October unfolds with its beautiful colors, pumpkin spiced lattes, and copious amounts of candy, let’s also remember and recommit to the legacy of the Reformation. As we reminisce about Luther's boldness in that October of 1517, may we be inspired to be equally bold and dedicated to our discipleship. Let’s embrace the Reformation's call for a return to the Gospel and its vision of active faith, and let's celebrate by being disciples who make disciples, making sure to spread the light of the Gospel.

Rockford Reformed Church

4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341


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