CVJHP Update on #Giving Tuesday 2023

Hello friends of CVJHP!

Our book launch events last May in Lisbon and Praia attracted big crowds! We apologize for a glitch in distribution and sales, but are happy to inform you that a second, updated edition of our Portuguese-language book on the Moroccan Jews of Cabo Verde will be available for purchase in early 2024. Details to follow.

CVJHP has a new rep in Cabo Verde: Simão Levy, manager of Levy Travel Inc. We thank outgoing rep, Sofia de Oliveira Lima, for her extraordinary dedication and efforts over the past eight years.

Please take a peak at two short YouTube videos we just produced: One is about Hillel Benchimol's tombstone, which was found in good condition despite heavy rains in Santa Catarina. The other provides an update on the Boa Vista Jewish cemetery. Click this Homepage banner shortcut to view the videos!

Preview 2024

In October, we advanced signage for the Praia Jewish cemetery, which marks its 10th anniversary since restoration. We will commemorate this milestone next February by installing descriptive plaques and signage befitting the cemetery's status as National, Historical and Cultural patrimony. We will also honor H.M. King Mohammed VI of Morocco for his invaluable financial support in facilitating CVJHP's work to restore and preserve Cabo Verde's Moroccan Jewish heritage.

A sample descriptive plaque in basalt rock (basáltica). A big "obrigada" to architects Fernando Santos and Adilson Moniz for providing the graphic design for Pedras de Portugal.


Thank you all for your moral and financial support. Many causes compete for your precious funds. Any amount you may choose to give helps defray CVJHP program costs and is much appreciated. Your donation is tax deductable to the fullest extent of the law. Warmly, Carol Castiel

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