Join us the weekend of October 27th - 29th at Cub Adventure Camp to learn the foundations needed for COPE and Climbing instruction. Some of the topics to be covered include Spotting, Dealing with Fear, Safety Measures & Accident Prevention, Life Safety Systems, Climbing and Rappelling (Tower/Wall), Pre-use Inspections and Reporting, Effective Teaching Using EDGE.
Been to the HOVC Leadership Center lately? Our Customer Service Survey, which is open now through October 31st, is an opportunity to tell us how we're doing, what we're doing well, and ways we can improve. Your experience is important to us, and we'd love to hear from you about your visit.
Weekend 2 of Creepy Hollow, October 21st - 22nd, is coming soon! If you’re planning to go that weekend, and have not yet registered, do not hesitate, or you risk deep and never-ending disappointment. What's scarier? Creepy Hollow, or the Fear of Missing Out? Register today! Guarantee some family fun and excitement by registering right now!
Catholic Cub Scouts and their families are welcomed to participate in this six week facilitator supported faith journey held at St. Michael Catholic Church in Glen Allen, VA to help them earn their religious emblem. Two different emblems programs are offered depending on the scout’s rank. Parents are active participants in these programs and must register and attend with their Scouts. Classes are scheduled for Sundays from November 5th - December 17th, 4:00 to 4:45pm.
Two Opportunities for In-Person Den Chief Training
Den Chief Training combines fun and enjoyment with an excellent character-building experience. Participants will learn leadership, organization, and most importantly, how to work with Cub Scouts. This training is for youth who are or want to be a Den Chief to a Cub Scout, Webelos to Arrow of Light Den. It is also for registered adult leaders who want to learn the duties and roles of Den Chiefs and who will be working with Den Chiefs. Training takes place on October 20th or 28th at Camp T. Brady Saunders and is FREE to all participants!