June 2019
Cordata Neighborhood Association monthly news & updates
  • Keeping the Cordata Neighborhood informed about what is going on in our neighborhood.
Upcoming Events
Our next meeting will be on T uesday, June 11, 2019 at 7PM at the Birchwood Presbyterian Church located a t 400 Meadowbrook Court, Bellingham, WA 98226 . This will be the final meeting for the 2018-2019 year. No monthly meetings will be held in July or August, so until September, have a great summer! Monthly newsletters for July and August will continue to be sent out, however. and the Board of Directors will continue to meet and plan for another great year, starting in September

O ur regular June meeting will feature a round table of all four candidates for Mayor of Bellingham, April Barker, Seth Fleetwood, Pinky Vargas and Garrett O'Brien. Each will have a short time to introduce themselves and then you will be able to ask questions and make comments.

The Cordata Community Garden is looking for volunteers to help in the transition to a new garden shed, being built by students at Meridian High School. If you are interested, Email Kaitlin Schanken, our garden coordinator at kmschanken@gmail.com

Rebecca Judd, Bellingham Director of Librairies will be at the Birchwood Presbyterian Church, Wed. June 5, 2019 at 4:30PM to meet all Codatans interested in community building ideas for our area. What do we want besides a library?
Rebecca has met with us each month since February. This will end this series of meetings. She and others in the Mayor's office will be producing a report for the city to use as a guide for the future. BE SURE TO ATTEND AND EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS!

The Cordata Community Park construction is now underway. Walk or drive by on Cordata Parkway, just south of Horton. The Parks Department is working on Phase 1 of the new park. Look for it to be finished in early 2020. Phase 2 will follow in 2020.

At the May meeting, CNA Board members Cam Kerst and Kate McDonald passed out a questionnaire to all those in attendance asking for input from the attendees what they would like to see in future Cordata Neighborhood Association's monthly meeting programs. Here's the results of that survey. A special thank you to Kate McDonald for compiling the results!