August 2, 2024

Thank you for joining us at Golf!

It was beautiful (if hot!) day for a golf tournament, and we're so grateful for all who came and participated today!

We'll have all the photos to share with you next week, but wanted to take a moment to thank our sponsors in particular. The generous support of our sponsors makes events like these so successful, and allows us to contribute funds to the Foundation to further scholarships for the next generation of construction workforce.

Click the image below to view many of our amazing sponsors!

Thank you to our Title Sponsor:


Several Changes to MN Excavation Law Now in Effect

The information below outlines changes made to Minnesota Excavation Safety Laws in Minnesota Statute 216D. Additional information regarding the changes to this chapter made during the 2024 Regular Session can be found on the Office of The Revisor of Statutes website here.

The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety hosted two virtual information meetings with Gopher State One Call about these changes. The first meeting was held on Tuesday, June 18. The video from the recorded meeting can be found here. The second meeting was held Wednesday, July 31.

Changes to waiting period and start times:

Utility operators previously had 48 hours to locate underground utility lines for normal and update notices after Gopher State One Call received a request for locates. Beginning Aug. 1, 2024, the day of the request for locates will be excluded from the timeline for those notices. The 48-hour period for locating the lines will begin at 12:01 a.m., the day after the request is made. This timeline will be reflected in determination of the work to begin time and date for the excavator. The 48-hour period continues to exclude weekends and holidays.

Alternatively, an excavator and utility operator may agree on a mutually acceptable period for the locates to be completed and for the work on the site to begin. This agreement must be documented with Gopher State One Call.

Marking your jobsite to prepare for utility locates:

An important part of making a request for utility locates is for the excavator to use white markings on the job site to show the utility locator where the work is happening.

State law requires that white markings be provided for all excavations. Effective Aug. 1, 2024, and prior to Jan. 1, 2026, these markings must be physically provided on site and may also be supplemented with an equivalent electronic marking description (digital white markings). 

Beginning Jan. 1, 2026, an excavator may provide electronic markings as an alternative to the physical markings if they provide the same level of information. A utility operator may require that the excavator provide physical markings following submission of electronic marking.

Effective Aug. 1, 2024, black markings may be used on-site during wintery conditions.

Job activities prior to ticket expiration:

Beginning Aug. 1, 2024, “activities in the proposed area of excavation or boundary survey must take place before the expiration date and time on the notification.”

Meet requirements for large projects:

Effective Aug. 1, 2024, locate requests to Gopher State One Call that involve excavation of one mile or more in length will require a “Meet” ticket. This is a meeting to take place on site to discuss the proposed excavation, schedule utility locates and to share other necessary information about the project.

The meeting must take place at least 48 hours after the request. An affected facility operator must attend the meet or contact the excavator before the meet and reschedule or reach a mutual agreement that the meet is not required. The excavation start time on the site must be at least 48 hours after the meeting. Both 48 hour periods exclude weekends and holidays.

Documentation regarding the meeting must be provided to Gopher State One Call.

Reporting requirements for utility operators:

Effective Aug. 1, 2024, operators must provide a report the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS) each quarter. This report must include the number of notification requests by type, the percentages of notifications marked on-time as well as the number of utility damages that occurred by cause. Operators with fewer than 5,000 notifications from the previous year (other than pipeline companies) are exempt from these reporting requirements. State law prohibits MNOPS from initiating an enforcement action based on reporting data. MNOPS will publish the data from the reporting on an annual basis.

The proposed Quarterly Utility Performance Reporting Survey draft can be found here.

Collection of geospatial information:

Effective Jan. 1, 2026, utility operators with 10,000 or more customers “must use geospatial location information or an equivalent technology to develop as-built drawings of newly installed or newly abandoned facilities if exposed in the excavation area.” For utility companies with 10,000 or less customers (in calendar year 2025), the implementation period begins on Jan. 1, 2027.

Updates to utility marking requirements:

Beginning on Aug. 1, 2024, utility operators must provide a combination of flags, stakes or whiskers to complement paint markings. The name of utility operator must be provided on each flag, stake or whisker.

Preliminary design and preconstruction meetings:

Effective Aug. 1, 2024, preliminary design meetings held during the design phase of a project must include a project scope and timeline. Project owners are required to provide project start dates, duration information and a scope of work. Affected facility operators must attend these meetings.

These same requirements apply to pre-construction meetings. Additionally, affected facility operators and contractors must attend preconstruction meetings. The utility quality level definition in state law was also updated to reflect the updated version of ASCE/UESI/CI 38-22 Standard Guideline for Investigating and Documenting Existing Utilities. The law will allow for automatic adoption of further updates to this standard.

If you have any questions about the summary of changes to Minnesota Statute 216D, please contact the MNOPS office at 651-201-7230 or via email.


Update on Minnesota Statewide Limited Energy Union Negotiations

Contract negotiations with the Minnesota Statewide Limited Energy union and NECA are continuing. AGC does not participate in these negotiations but understands that management offered the union large increases coupled with other important terms. Union membership rejected this offer on Friday morning but, we believe, agreed to a ten-day cooling off period.

The parties are meeting next week, aided by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. It always is difficult to read tea leaves but we are not expecting negotiations to fallout at this time. Nonetheless, it would not be unwise to double check whether you have low voltage work scheduled, whether your low voltage contractor is signatory with MSLE, and whether there is a PLA on the project. 

National Labor Shortages Survey: Minnesota Responses Lagging

AGC of America is conducting a survey to understand and report how labor shortages, supply chain challenges, and inflation are impacting the construction industry. You can access the survey here.

To date, only 9 responses have been logged from Minnesota. Your contribution will help both AGC of America and AGC of Minnesota better represent and advocate for construction issues that affect you.


CLE Credits Approved for Summer Mini Summit

The Minnesota Board of Continuing Legal Education approved four and a half (4.5) hours of standard CLE credit. Event Code: 510264

Supreme Court Recognizes Action for Negligent Selection of an Independent Contractor

The Minnesota Supreme Court recognized the common law tort of negligent selection of an independent contractor in Alonzo v. Menholt, No. A22-1796 (Minn. 10 July 2024). In short, when hiring a subcontractor, the contractor owes a reasonable duty to investigate the subcontractor’s credentials, and failing this due diligence can create liability—or, the contractor can be liable when (a) the contractor negligently fails to look into the subcontractor’s credentials relative to the level of skill required to perform the work, (b) the subcontractor injures a third party, (c) there is proximate cause, or a nexus between, the subcontractor’s tort and the contractor’s lack of due diligence, and (d) the damages are limited to the scope caused by the contractor’s negligent selection of the subcontractor. 


CHASE Level 3 Project

Congratulations to Mathiowetz Construction on their CHASE Level 3 project expanding Hwy 212 from 2 to 4 lanes with an overpass!

The Construction Health And Safety Excellence (CHASE) program began in 2003 as a partnership between Minnesota OSHA and AGC of Minnesota. Over 20 years later, it is the longest running partnership with MNOSHA. The program is designed to recognize AGC member contractors for their safety programs and performance, while providing incentives for partnership.

OSHA Federal Heat Standard

On July 2, OSHA published an advanced copy of their proposed federal heat standard. The official proposal has not yet been published in the Federal Register as of today. When published, AGC will have 120 days to comment. The standard will cover outdoor and indoor work settings and environments. The standard will potentially require or include the following:

  • Written heat injury and illness prevention plan (HIIPP)
  • Appointment of a heat safety coordinator
  • Two heat triggers (80 degree initial trigger and 90 degree high heat trigger)
  • Access to water and shade
  • Encouraged or required rest breaks
  • Training
  • Written plan to respond to any heat stress situation

AGC of America has created this document, which includes the regulatory framework with the relevant excerpts from the preamble that provides some insight into how OSHA expects or believes employers can comply with each provision. 

Any feedback AGC members have would be very helpful to AGC of America in drafting their comments. If possible, comments should be submitted to Kevin Cannon or Nazia Shah by August 31.  


2024-2025 Leadership Blueprint Nominations Open

Nominations for the 2024-2025 Leadership Blueprint program are now open online.

Anchored by SagePresence, Leadership Blueprint is designed to elevate each participant into a solid advocate of their firm. The program will include a very active and robust combination of presenting, conversation, group exercises and individual practices.

The class exercises, tied to real life experiences, will stretch and equip students with added confidence and lifelong skills, focused on:

  • Productive networking
  • Professional presence
  • Storytelling skills
  • Adapting to personalities
  • Leading productive meetings
  • Presenting back

Rounding out the individualized and group learning will be sessions on construction industry topics presented by local experts. Topics will cover construction safety, labor and legal issues, mental health suicide prevention & gatekeeper training, current legislative topics, construction claims essentials and managing project flow.

Limited to 22 participants, so act quickly!

Register for Upcoming Supervisory Training Program (STP) Classes

After our annual summer break, STP classes begin again in August and continue into December.

Register now for any/all of the following units:


Congratulations to the 2024 Scholarship Recipients!

Congratulations to the recipients of this year's AGC of Minnesota Foundation scholarships, including two recipients of the C.S. McCrossan Scholarship and the recipient of the Kraus-Anderson Insurance Scholarship! Many of the recipients were on hand at today's golf tournament to be recognized and receive their scholarship.


It's Time to Make Mental Health an Industry Priority

Great progress has been made in a short time to increase awareness of the construction industry’s mental health crisis. More recently, the concept of worker wellbeing has emerged, transcending an individualized focus on helping those already in crisis, and instead proactively identifying and working to mitigate the stressors found in our unique industry business model with its inherent demands.  

Spearheaded by AGC, the Worker Wellbeing Initiative Strategy Team has embarked on a comprehensive strategy approach that brings together all three industry partner segments (employers, workforce, and project owners) to foster a secure and healthy work environment for all construction industry workers. Engaged and productive dialogue is being focused to identify proactive measures that can reduce industry mental health stressors before they take hold and manifest in crisis outcomes. This holistic approach aims to tackle the mental health crisis that is hindering growth within our industry by prioritizing mental health on parallel with physical safety and wellbeing.



Registration is open for all of the following events.

Secure your sponsorship or registration before events are sold out!

Sporting Clays Fundraiser - Sept 11

(Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club | Prior Lake)

Register your team of 5 to join us at the 25th Annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser to benefit the AGC of Minnesota Foundation!

Communication Credentials:

Managing Difficult People - Sept 19

(Mendakota Country Club | Mendota Heights)

Join us for Session 2 in this 4-session professional development series!

Fall Networking Event - October 10

(Somerby Golf Club | Byron)

Join the AGC Board of Directors and your industry colleagues for some informal networking!

Holiday Reception - December 4

(Minneapolis Event Center)

Raise a glass to another year in the industry together with your peers!

AGC Honors 2025 - February 18

(317 on Rice Park Event Center | St. Paul)

Join us as we honor award recipients!   


2025 Minnesota Construction Summit

February 19-20

(St. Paul RiverCentre)

Don't miss the industry event of the year! 


2025 Minnesota Construction Summit

February 19-20

(St. Paul RiverCentre)

Don't miss the industry event of the year! 


Thank You to our 2024 Annual Partners!


Don't Miss These Events!

Register now for these upcoming AGC events:

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Your Trusted Resource

Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103