
October 2023

Operating Hours

Monday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm 

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday: 10:00am - 5:30 pm

Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Friday: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday:  10:00 am - 1:00 pm

October Library News

Hello, October!

Banned Book Week starts today, and this year's theme is "Let Freedom Read." We hope you'll visit the library this week and freely choose whatever book interests you!

Read below to see the many events we have scheduled for October.

Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook for our latest updates!

Holiday Closing

Library will be closed

Monday, October 9

We will be closed in observance of the Federal holiday Columbus Day.

We hope you enjoy the long weekend.

Adult Special Events

Movie Matinee: "Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris"


October 19

at 1:00 PM

We'll be showing "Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris," a humorously heartwarming tale of a 1950s housekeeper who ventures to Paris to pursue her dream of owning a Christian Dior gown.

Rated PG. 1 hour, 56 minutes.

Registration not required.

Paul Zigo Presents: The Vietnam War, 1964-1973


October 26

at 11:00 am

Paul Zigo, history professor, and military historian, returns to the library with a second presentation on the Vietnam War.

He will discuss where the war was fought, how it was fought, and most importantly, why it was fought.

Registration not required.

Tween Craft

Make Fall Earrings with Polymer Clay

Thursday, October 12

at 4:00 pm

Join Brianna Bove of

"Be Above Designs" to create your own polymer clay earrings for Halloween!

No experience is necessary, all supplies will be provided. Registration is required. Call the library to register.

Children's Programming

Tuesday Storytime

Join us every Tuesday for Storytime!

Our Baby and Toddler Storytime sessions will be held outside through October. Bring a blanket or towel to sit on. Storytime will move indoors for inclement weather.

Registration is not required for our weekly storytime, but is required for certain special events.

Children's Special Events

Yoga Storytime


October 10

10:15-10:45 am

Reading specialist/ yoga instructor Molly Fox leads an interactive mind/body storytime!

Registration is required. Call starting October 3.

Red Cross Youth Fire Safety Program


October 10

3:30 to 4:00 pm

October is Fire Safety Month! Join the American Red Cross for a special presentation with Pedro the penguin as he learns about fire safety.

Registration is not required. Ages 4 and up.

Creepy, Crawly Lizards: A Halloween Event


October 17

3:30 - 4:15 pm

Join the Lizard Guys at the Little Silver Woman's Club for this fun-filled, live animal show!

Ages 4 and up.

Registration is not required.

Take 'N Make Crafts!

Available in the Children's Room 


We've created "Take 'N Make Craft" kits for our littlest patrons to enjoy!

Pick up a new craft every week. Available in the Children's Room and the vestibule, while supplies last!


"If You Find A Leaf" at Sickles Playground

The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson. 

Looking for a fun fall activity? Check out our latest StoryWalk® at Sickles playground.

Read Aimee Sicuro's beautiful book, "If You Find A Leaf," and see what leaves you can find!

Little Silver Library has collaborated with Little Silver Recreation to bring another StoryWalk® book to our community. 

Non-Fiction/History Book Club


October 16

at 6:30 pm

The Non-Fiction/History Book Club's next book selection is "The Day of Battle," by Rick Atkinson.

The group will discuss the first half of the book at their next meeting on October 16 at 6:30 pm.

You may contact the library at 732-747-9649 to borrow a copy of the book.

Trustees Meeting


October 23

at 6:30 pm

The Little Silver Library Board of Trustees will be meeting in the library on Monday, October 23 at

6:30 pm.

Museum Passes

For more information on the museum passes that are available, click here

We recommend checking the museum website before you go to see if timed-entry reservations are required.

Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to get regular updates on our status, as well as online programs!
Little Silver Library 732-747-9649
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