Streams of Awareness


May 22 2023


Almost everywhere we travel and whatever roads we take we are confronted with construction at some point of our destination.  There are signs calling for us to detour, yield, slow down, caution, to go one way etc.  But all of these signs are reminders that work is being done to repair, remove, rebuild or reconstruct a particular part of the given infrastructure. 


Just thinking about this I couldn’t help but reflect on life’s daily journeys for each of us. We all are under construction daily.  We are in constant need of  repair (comfort healing), removal (past differences and lies that we hold tight to) rebuilding (giving God the reigns to help us have a new perspective) and reconstruction (truth and belief that we are God’s children and loved unconditionally).  He knows our weaknesses, our needs and our hopes going forward.  And God being my life’s architect, builder and contractor (all built into one)  knows just what and where changes need to be made in my infrastructure and when and how to best address them.  

When I was researching this topic I ran across a devotional that I am sharing by Jimmy Larche titled: “Pardon My Mess; I am Still Under Construction” I think you too will find it encouraging.  

“Pardon My Mess, I’m Still Under Construction

Posted on September 3, 2016

I once saw a T-shirt that said, “Please pardon my mess. I’m still under construction.” I don’t own that shirt, but there are some days when I wish that I did.

A few years back I had a speaking engagement in Charlotte, North Carolina, which also afforded us the convenience of visiting the Billy Graham Library where Ruth Bell Graham is buried. Mrs. Graham, the wife of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, was laid to rest there in a simple coffin made of birch plywood, modestly crafted by an inmate at a Louisiana correctional facility.

Her epitaph reads: “End of construction. Thank you for your patience.”

Mrs. Graham chose those words herself several years before her death. While traveling through a construction zone, she once commented, “What a marvelous image for the Christian life—a work under construction until we go to be with God. That’s what I want as my epitaph.”

Her words are a radiant reminder that our voyage here on earth is a continued work of grace. Jonathan Edwards once said, “Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.”

In this “construction zone” we live in, we have only begun in our experience of grace—our day of perfection is set apart for a much later chapter in the tomes of our faith journey. In this present chapter, however, we are spiritual paupers in need of grace every hour of the day. We often see and accept ourselves as God’s unfinished workmanship, but unfortunately we don’t always afford others that same token of grace.

What if God dealt with us in the same measure of grace that we deal with others? What if we were only forgiven to the extent that we forgave others? What if we were loved only to the degree that we have loved others? Miserable creatures we would be!

Yet God’s love is steadfast and faithful. His love is unconditional, and His grace is never limited by our spiritual bankruptcy, it is always extended in consistency with the fullness of His character, not ours.

In his letter to followers of Christ in Philippi, Paul gives hope to all of us still living in a messy construction zone called life. With brazen confidence he says, “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace.” (Philippians 1:6-7 ESV)”

Next time you run into a construction area… think a minute on what God is doing in your life to build you into being HIS best.  Construction sites are often messy but God has a master plan for our completion and beautification. other parts of our bodies and souls are being worked on in other areas. Rest in the assurance that our heavenly Father, a Master Builder knows perfectly how His project is going and how to bring it to completion. “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it unto the day of Christ Jesus”; [Phl 1:6] 

Praise God wherever you are or whatever situation he has allowed you to be in...for his Glory will shine through!

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