Dear Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,
We hope you all tonight between 6:40 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. for our Open House. The outdoor portion of our Open House will be rescheduled since the rain is expected to continue throughout the day into the evening.
Stop by and check out the Hall of Peace, art displays throughout the building, visit the library, the gym, classrooms, enjoy a mini band performance in the MPR and have a chance to meet all the Rondout staff.
The checkout station will be open near the main entrance until 8 p.m. so you can sign up for your parent teacher conference preferences, arrange for an ISLIP conference for your 3-8th grader and pick up your child's beginning of the year assessment results.
PTSA information will also be available at the checkout area and a sample of the Lynch Creek Farm wreaths will be available.
The annual Pumpkin Pick-Up with one pumpkin per child returns this year so please be sure to stop by and pick up your pumpkins as you leave for the evening.
We look forward to seeing you tonight. Both entrances will be open for arrival, but we ask that everyone leave through the main entrance in order for each family to check-out and pick up their packets.
If you are not able to attend, packets will be mailed home and sign ups will continue to be available on-line.
Until next time... Take care...
Dr. Jenny Wojcik
Ms. Elizabeth Davis