
Rondout School


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The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition

October 12, 2023

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Dear Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,

We hope you all tonight between 6:40 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. for our Open House. The outdoor portion of our Open House will be rescheduled since the rain is expected to continue throughout the day into the evening.

Stop by and check out the Hall of Peace, art displays throughout the building, visit the library, the gym, classrooms, enjoy a mini band performance in the MPR and have a chance to meet all the Rondout staff.

The checkout station will be open near the main entrance until 8 p.m. so you can sign up for your parent teacher conference preferences, arrange for an ISLIP conference for your 3-8th grader and pick up your child's beginning of the year assessment results.

PTSA information will also be available at the checkout area and a sample of the Lynch Creek Farm wreaths will be available.

The annual Pumpkin Pick-Up with one pumpkin per child returns this year so please be sure to stop by and pick up your pumpkins as you leave for the evening.

We look forward to seeing you tonight. Both entrances will be open for arrival, but we ask that everyone leave through the main entrance in order for each family to check-out and pick up their packets.

If you are not able to attend, packets will be mailed home and sign ups will continue to be available on-line.

Until next time... Take care...

Dr. Jenny Wojcik


Ms. Elizabeth Davis


School Lunch

Hot Lunch + Salad Bar + Milk $3.75

Milk Only $0.50

Double Hot Lunch (Grades 6-8 Only) $7.50

Week of 10/16/2023






Mac and Cheese


Buttered Noodles


Beef Tacos w/

Cheese, Lettuce,


Italian Beef


Baked Tater Tots

Chicken Ranch Wrap

Tortilla/Bacon/ Lettuce/

Tomato/ Cheddar Cheese


Sub Sandwiches:

Turkey, Ham or Cheese


Teddy Grahams

Week of 10/23/2023






Popcorn Chicken

Mashed Potatoes

Gravy, Cookie

Chili Mac w/wo

Cheddar Cheese

or Buttered Noodles


Burrito Bowl Grilled

Chicken, Rice, Black

Beans, Corn, Cheese,

Chipotle Ranch Dressing

*7th Grade Selected

Falcon Favorite

11:30 a.m.

Early Dismissal

Student Lunch Menu 2023-2024 Updated 9.12.23
Click here to add funds to  your child's lunch account. 

Congratulations to our Libertyville Fire Department Fire Poster Contest Winners! 


1st Place

2nd Place

Honorable Mention


Ryleigh L.

Stella S.

Camden B.


Logan H.

Brooklyn B.

Lilah Z.



Ellie R.

Ginny M.

Mason B.


Sloane S.

Phoebe G.

Kameron F.

October 12th

Join us between 6:40 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. for this year's Open House. Families can tour the building and enjoy the art, work displays, music and visits to classrooms.

As you leave, please be sure to stop at the checkout station near the main entrance where you can enjoy the Pumpkin Pick-Up (one pumpkin per child) courtesy of the PTSA.

Check out the upcoming PTSA Lynch Creek Farm Sale

Assessment Packet pick-up for students in grades 1-8.

You can also complete

Parent Teacher Conference Preference surveys

and ISLIP Conference Sign-Up (Grades 3-8)

Due the weather, the Outdoor portion of our Open House will need to be rescheduled. More details to follow next week.

This Friday, October 13, the Spirit Department will be sponsoring a cozy into fall day. Show your school spirit and wear fall colors, flannel, or something with a fall theme.

The PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal will be unavailable starting 11/10/2023 as teachers prepare Trimester 1 report cards.

We are excited to announce that the Finance Village Department will be opening the School Store starting next week, Monday, October 16.  

School Store for grades K-5 will be during homeroom from

8:20 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. Students should not bring more than $5.00 as cash available for change will be limited.

Upper School Students will be shopping at the school store on Wednesdays during their lunch period. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jackson or Mrs. Bornholdt.

 Saturday October 21st 

9:00 a.m. to 12 noon

(Rain date October 28th)

Stretch your legs and join us for the Rondout Family Fun Run! We will join as a Rondout community and race around the grounds for a 1.5 mile run. We welcome runners/walkers of all abilities and ages. Please be aware that the course will cover both paved and grassy areas.

RSVP for our Family Fun Run

October 25th

7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Click Here to Join The Parent Coffee Talk Zoom

“BE KIND TO YOUR MIND. STAY DRUG FREE.” is the message that students across the country will be hearing during Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week serves as a way for schools, communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our children through a commitment to drug prevention and education. It is a time to learn about the importance of saying no to drugs and to celebrate the good choices that we make every day. Rondout School will begin celebrating Red Ribbon Week on Monday, October 23rd. Below is a list of the activities the students will be participating in. If you have any questions, please direct them to Ms. Grossman. Specific activities for each cluster will be detailed in an upcoming letter that your student will bring home.  




Monday October 23rd

“Love Yourself: Be Kind to Your Mind & Body”

All students should WEAR RED on this day. Each class will take a pledge to Love Yourself by coloring and decorating Red Ribbon cards that will be hung up around the school.

Tuesday October 24th

“Use Your Powers to Nourish Your Mind & Body”

All students should dress as their favorite superhero or inspirational figure. There will be fun brain games in the classrooms and healthy eating trivia during lunchtime.

Wednesday October 25th

“Dress to Move & Wear Your Favorite Exercise Outfit”

All students will be involved in various, fun types of movement throughout the day.

Thursday October 26th

“Stand Together Against Bullying”

All students should WEAR ORANGE to promote Anti-Bullying. We will also have a K-5 Red Ribbon Read. A member of the Rondout Staff or an Upper School student will read a Red Ribbon Story (something pertaining to making healthy choices) to all students in K-5.

Friday October 27th

Show Your School Spirit: “We Are Falcon Strong!”

All students should dress in their favorite Rondout gear. Students will participate in a variety of spirit-filled activities during our Town Hall meeting on Friday morning. This is an 11:30 dismissal day.



October 31, 2023

K-5 Activities - Join Us

1:20 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Click here to read more about our Halloween Events

Rondout's Annual Veteran’s Day Program

We are hosting our annual Veteran’s Day Program on November 10th 2023. Family members and friends are welcome to join us for this special Rondout tradition. Please complete the form below with contact information for your veteran.

Click here to RSVP and share contact information with us

November 30th & December 1st

Parent Teacher Conferences 

Please complete the conference preference form. Times will be assigned in the order they are received. Thank you.

Click here to complete the conference preference form 

Save the date!

Blue Ribbon Week

November 13th - 17th

Purchase By End of Day: 

Sunday, April 7, 2023

Click here to purchase your yearbook

Looking Ahead

  • October 12 8th Grade PSAT Testing
  • October 12 Early Dismissal @ 2:30 p.m.
  • October 12 Family Open House 6:15 p.m.
  • October 13 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 16 Rondout XC vs. ELA & MSLF@ Rondout 4:00 p.m.
  • October 17 Grades 3-8 Village Department Meeting
  • October 17 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
  • October 18 Grades 3-8 Green Club
  • October 19 Grades 3-4 Art Club
  • October 20 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 21 Family Fun Run 9-10 a.m.
  • October 24 Grades 3-8 Village Department Meeting
  • October 25 Grades 3-8 Green Club
  • October 26 Grades 3-4 Art Club
  • October 27 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 27 Early Dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.
  • October 31 Halloween Festivities 1:15-2:30 p.m.
  • October 31 UPS Bowling Field Trip
  • October 31 Early Dismissal @ 2:30 p.m.

Capturing Learning

The Rondout Falcons Soccer Team


Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 

birthdays in October!

Rondout PTSA

PTSA Parents Facebook Group
PTSA Directory Enrollment Form/ PTSA Pay Dues Link 
PTSA Website
PTSA Volunteer Interest Form
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growing hearts and minds.png

Community News

Click Here for 211 Lake County Website
Mental Health Resources
Village of Mettawa
Village of Green Oaks
Libertyville High School Wrestling Club

t: (847) 362-2021

f: (847) 816-2067

Contact Us