The second annual BATS Symposium was held on September 7, 2023 and was a success! Over 130 researchers, scientists and healthcare providers came together from UCSF, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stanford, and industry for a full day of local researcher talks, networking opportunities, honoring early-career investigators, posters, catered lunch, and a wine and cheese reception.
Our sincerest gratitude to Dr. Eric Rubin for spending his time with our community, serving as our BATS 2023 keynote speaker and shared a fireside chat with the new TB RAMP cohort the following day.
Special thank-you to our 2023 BATS Symposium sponsors Cepheid, Genentech, Novartis and VIR.
Thank-you to all attendees, nominees, nominators, contributors and organizers - we look forward to seeing you at BATS 2024! See full program and photo link on the BATS webpage.