Turtle Tracks Newsletter

April 2023



What an amazing day at Curry Hammock!

The Save-A-Turtle education trailer was at Curry Hammock (56200 Overseas Highway Marathon FL 33050) on Saturday, March 25th talking turtles! It was a fantastic day of cleanup and education events with Coastlove and many others. There were over 100 volunteers that cleaned up almost 600 pounds of trapline alone! Together we can create lasting change to make our shared planet a better place for everyone.

Donation match for youth program scholarships!

Save-A-Turtle is heading to camp! Well, we are actually sponsoring local marine / STEM based camps here in the Florida Keys, how exciting! Getting our youth involved in marine sciences and conservation is critical to protecting our wildlife and our oceans for generations to come! Save-A-Turtle is asking for donations and WE WILL MATCH ALL DONATIONS made through Saturday, April 15th, up to $10,000! Your donation will make a HUGE difference for the young people and the wildlife of the Keys and beyond! Save-A-Turtle will be working directly with the camps for the sponsorships. Please follow the link below to make your donation!

https://www.save-a-turtle.org/ and click the DONATE button

Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission

Marine Turtle Permit Holder’s Conference

After a 2 year in-person hiatus due to Covid, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission held their annual Marine Turtle Permit Holder’s Conference as a hybrid in person and virtual (for those who preferred). The Conference is held at a different location in Florida every year (we sure hope the Florida Keys will be on the list soon….). This year it was in Safety Harbor. Two of our main permit holders (Harry Appel, President, and Sandi Williams, Lifetime Member) as well as Jen DeMaria (Board Member) attended in person.


The event was a full agenda of sea turtle news, information, statistics, projects, updates and more. The preliminary nesting statistics were shared, however, since they’re not finalized we’ll be holding that information for a future newsletter. It’s safe to say that 2022 was a very good year for sea turtle nesting in Florida!


Despite the fact that nesting numbers appear to be quite good, the mortality rate is also increasing exponentially due to a myriad of causes including boat strikes, pollution, fibropapillomatosis (FP) and lighting disorientations.


Per FWCC, Florida and Oman are the largest aggregate loggerhead sea turtle populations in the world, however in an unsettling course of events, the population in Oman continues to dramatically spiral down, making the Florida population of loggerheads of even more worldwide importance as far as the survival of the species in general.


We learned that there is some new information on the FP virus, which is ravaging all species of sea turtles, but primarily Greens. If the sea turtle is infected with FP as a sub-adult, many seem to “shed” the virus and become clear of it as an adult if they survive to adulthood.


Inappropriate, illegal and non-compliant lighting continues to be of large concern in the State for sea turtle disorientations and deaths. The FWCC continues to work with several specialty lighting companies to make it more affordable and accessible for people to get sea turtle compliant lighting. Save-A-Turtle does free onsite lighting assessments for residents, government, lodging and any other entity in the Keys along the shorelines or off shorelines, which can still create background lighting. Save-A-Turtle also supplies information on where to purchase compliant lighting. Our mobile educational sea turtle trailer has just been the recipient of some additional donated compliant lighting, which is used to educate on what lights are compliant and what lights are not.


Also, for the first time in history, Save-A-Turtle set up a merchandise booth for fundraising at the Conference, raising almost $2,000 in a single day! We will surely do THAT again next year!


We would like to mention that although this Conference occurs annually at different locations around the State, our attendees pay their own expenses with the exception of the Registration Fee, which runs about $40 per person annually. Attendees pay their own transportation, meals, hotels, tolls and all other expenses. Save-A-Turtle donations are not used for travel.

This bears constant repeating...

PLEASE Slow Down and Look Out!

Large loggerhead female deceased after boat strike. Red arrow indicates start of propeller strike.

It's an all too common occurrence when boats and marine animals meet on the water... boat strikes! Sadly, we receive calls on these occurrences FAR TOO OFTEN.

One way that you can help protect marine life when you’re out enjoying the waterways is to have a designated marine animal spotter on board whenever possible. Somebody that is looking out constantly for the dolphins, manatees and sea turtles that may be found in our waterways.

Additionally, please make sure you’re following slow speed and no wake signs.

If you happen to encounter an injured marine animal while you’re enjoying your boating time or out on the beach in Florida, please call the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

Outreach poster developed by NOAA Fisheries and the Hawai'i Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation

Outreach poster developed by NOAA Fisheries and the Hawai'i Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation

April 2023 Board Meeting

Save-A-Turtle Board Meeting

Monday, April 3rd

6:30 - 8:30PM

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 423 427 8754

Passcode: 210787

One tap mobile

+13052241968,,4234278754#,,,,*210787# US

+13092053325,,4234278754#,,,,*210787# US

2023 Save-A-Turtle Board Members

Below are the elected members of the 2023 Save-A-Turtle Board

President: Harry Appel

Vice President: Heather Skelley

Treasurer: Dawn Bowles

Secretary: Sara Casey

Board Member: Alyssa Gruebele

Board Member: Chelsea Oatman

Board Member: Jennifer DeMaria

Board Member: Randy Beck

Board Member: Scott Cator

Technical Advisor: Sue Schaf

Like Learning about Sea Turtles?

If you like learning new things about sea turtles you should like, follow and share our social media platforms! We are on Facebook and Instagram! Follow along all year to learn some cool facts about turtles but also what you can do for the environment that we all share!

Report Sick, Injured or Dead Sea Turtles in Florida

Call FWCC at 888-404-FWCC (3922)

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