Dear Ministry Partner,

In a day of ghouls and ghosts, jack-o’s and goblins, I wonder how gratitude factors into the celebratory horror of it all. After such a scary Halloween, let’s turn the page. Here is GRATITUDE which has the power to shift one’s focus, reduce stress, enable clear thinking, and frees up energy to press on.


I personally think that life is scary enough. Now that I am walking with the Lord, I find comfort in verses like Isaiah 41:10. As a matter of fact, I could not go into other lands and preach the Gospel if I was fearful of the demonic activity. God promises to be with us. We do not fear because God is here! We are not helpless because the Lord is our God. Power is supplied to us by the Lord. When we are in desolate places, we are upheld by a holy God full of truth and strength. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."


In a world filled with challenges, our partners have been phenomenal! For you, I express my GRATITUDE. From individuals to churches, it took all of you to make a huge splash which sent ripples of light through the darkness for light years to come.

I appreciate you,

Regional Director of the India Subcontinent

Help Uphold the Lord's Mission


To protect these believers from the persecution in this country, their names & locations are not disclosed.

Teacher Q has added another class. He now has 4 classes training 50 pastors and leaders. Magnify the Lord with us…

Testimony from Pakistan

"Greetings in the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ. When I heard about the CCI class, I immediately wanted to attend. I am so happy that I am learning! Course 1: Bible Study Methods has changed my study life and I am growing in true biblical education. It is great time in my life! I give thanks to the Lord for this great chance for this CCI training. May God bless the ministry of CCI."

- Ms. K


The CCI Certified Trainer in UAE, who hails from Pakistan, was visited by his wife. And a new class of 5 men has also been inspired to grow in the Word of God. Praise God!


Here is Pastor S teaching Course 5: Bible Doctrine Survey in northern and north-eastern Bangladesh. Please pray that the students will learn effectively for fruitful ministry.

In Course 4, Pastor D trains the students to share biblical messages and preach effectively. The students are actively engaging the community for the glory of God. Support this great work!

Testimonies from Bangladesh

"I’m a student of CCI Bible training. At first, I would like to thank CCI for arranging the class in our church and also for providing material in Bangla language. I personally praise the Lord for the CCI curriculum. I am glad to learn proper Bible teaching for my life. Now, I’m learning book 5: Bible Doctrine Survey. CCI training is equipping me with the Word of God and growing me spiritually. This training is helping me to be more mature and encouraging me to help our church, my family and women. Please continue to pray for me that I can attend the class regularly and graduate."

- Ms. S

"It’s of great significance that the CCI Bible students are showing tremendous effort. The students take initiative to share the Gospel among the unreached children and youth. They tell a Bible story through an illustrated comic book. Children and youth enjoy the story and read it with their parents and friends.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the people who join the CCI team and give financial support. Our prayer is that this journey to expand the Kingdom of God grows and continues. Our students are doing great ministry among the unreached community."

-CCI class

North India

Our two new teachers making disciples teaching Course 1: Bible Study Methods. We had a total of 6 new teachers start a new class this month. Praise the Lord!

In Northeast India, the pastor is training his churches in Course 2: Old Testament Survey.

Testimony from a student in North India

"Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus!

By the grace of God I have the opportunity to learn the Word of God through CCI in my village. I am really enjoying learning the Word of God in class. I thank God for such wonderful Bible training and resources. Thank you and many blessings to you all."

- Ms. A


A God's Financial Principles (GFP) seminar was held in central Nepal with 25 students. Also another in a church in central Nepal with 75 students. Please pray that they learn to manage their finances with biblical wisdom and become good stewards of what God has provided.

Sri Lanka

The coordinator for the work in Sri Lanka has conducted a full Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) with 8 ministries present to equip them for ministry. I am thrilled with this group!


God opened the door for me to travel into Bhutan. I shared CCI’s mission and vision with 5 underground pastors. A stake is in the ground. With your help I can grow this work. Will you help to support this work?

Will you help us reach the India Subcontinent?

We desire to have all of our new 61 CCI coordinators continue to expand throughout 2024. Your generous donation toward the $60,000 matching gift will double the impact of your donation. Reaching this goal will allow CCI to provide $300 monthly to each coordinator’s ministry, travel, and personal needs in 2024.

Click HERE to Learn More About our Matching Gift

Prayers & Praises


·     Pray for funds to design and publish the CCI Nepali version of training materials.

·     Please pray for the 5-month Discipleship Training School starting this month.

·      Pray for more teachers and resources to start new classes in potential areas.

·      Pray for good partnership and networks with local churches.

·      Pray for funds to start a library in our Training Centre so the students could learn the Word of God effectively.


·      Please pray for my daughter to have good health.

·      Please pray for Christians due to persecution. Many Christians have suffered huge losses.

·      Pray for new partnerships.

·      Pray for teachers and their students to gain wisdom.

·      Pray for more TTWs and other seminars.

·      Pray for CCI Pakistan.


·      CCI student’s younger brother’s marriage was October 28. Pray that the marriage bonds go strong.

·      Pray for Tony, he is suffering from a skin allergy.

·      Pray for peace at a local village. There is no good mutual relationship between the believers. They mess with each other over minor issues. Pray that the relationship between the believers will increase.

·      Gabriel’s younger sister’s family. The husband is addicted to alcohol. Due to this he beats his wife and children. Pray for peace in this family.

·      Pray for Mintu’s brother and family. They are going through problems with land. 

·      Pray for Nelson’s brother, he is having liver problems.

·      Pray for Banetik’s father in law, he has some upcoming surgery.  

·      Continue to pray for my safe driving. I have to go for the classes at different places by motorcycle.

·      Continue to pray for CCI students, to know, understand, and apply their life through training.

·      Mr. R has started a small poultry farm for business. Pray that God would bless his business.

·      Please pray for God to protect us so that we can build a new church in another area. God has blessed us with support to purchase a piece of land. Now the Muslim owner is giving us problems and will not hand over the land.

·      We are going to provide a token of love among 160 children before Christmas where we are sharing the Gospel. It’s a big challenge for us, but we believe God will provide.

·     There is increasing political unrest here, so we are asking for your prayer support.

North India

·     That poor students can be provided with scholarships in order to buy books.

·     Pray for 6 new teachers and students as new CCI classes are starting.

·     Pray that the Lord would open doors to support more teachers.

·     I want to own a house for my family. I have been renting and the situation has worsened.

Regional Director

·      Glad to say that my wife is nearly 100%.

·      For visas to be approved

·      Keep my family in your prayers after the passing of my dear aunt.

·      For the new people which we have trained in new places and countries.

·      For new graduates to begin training others.

·      For foreign staff to faithfully serve God with integrity.

·      For our families to be strengthened as we follow God.

·      For the ministry as we plan to set leadership in place to handle the expansion.

·      For Christians all over Pakistan to stand firm in the Gospel.

·      Bengali Translation to continue to go well.

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