Because Lutherans love all God's creatures. From Hannah and the Compass Cooperative gang: "Thank you to everyone who came out to our Serve and Swim on Saturday, July 13th! We had a wonderful time serving at the SARA Animal Sanctuary all morning and swimming at the Cockerells pool that afternoon!" There is one more Serve & Swim event of the summer. If you are not on the email list and would like to be, contact We are better together. | |
“Jesus: the Bread of Life” is a wonderful five-week sermon series beginning Sunday, July 28, 2024. Five different voices from across our congregation will dive into the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. These "bread" texts appear every year our worship services read the Gospel of Mark.
This pause in the rhythm of Mark's story gives us space and place to hear, read, and learn something new from very familiar stories. Jesus feeds thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. What we have, what we bring to Jesus’ table, seems like it is not nearly enough to meet all the needs we see around us. But it is not the adequacy of our supplies or our skills that finally makes the difference: it is the power of Jesus working in the littlest and least to transform this world into the world God desires, a world where all the hungry are satisfied
Please join us in giving thanks for each distinctly powerful voice that will be leading us!
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... AND briefcases, lunch boxes, dance bags, duffle bags, totes, etc.
Everyone is invited to bring their gear, whatever represents your vocation, for a special Sunday blessing on August 18. We will take a special moment to pray for our students, teachers, and school staff, as well as lifting up prayers for all the vocations to which God calls us.
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A big thank you to the Property Stewards and Paint Team for giving the heavily used Mountain Street Entrance a much needed facelift. The fresh paint and touch ups are such a day brightener. We can't wait to see the new signage up and what the plans are for ... three cheers here ... new carpet!
Shout out to the Property Stewards for tending to a myriad of tasks around the church. Their work often goes unnoticed, but is never unappreciated. We love you!
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Check the back-to-school sales for bargains in July/August to fill the Lutheran World Relief School Kits and Personal Care Kits to support our siblings across the globe. Supplies can be donated at the Mountain Street and Travis Street entrances. Monetary donations are also welcome. Make checks payable to Emanuel’s Lutheran Church with a note for LWR Kit Supplies.
Updated needs:
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70 pg. spiral notebooks
35¢ at Walmart
(need 100) | pencil sharpeners
(need 40)
| blunt school scissors
(need 40) | new adult bath towels
(need 50) | metal nail clippers
(need 50)
| wrapped bar
bath soap
(need 100) | | |
This week we hosted our first Conversations with Emanuel's Partners In Service presentation. Participants had an opportunity to learn from Barbara Vinson, Affiliate Leader for NAMI Guadalupe County. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is committed to providing education, advocacy, and support to families and individuals affected by mental illness. Since 2018 NAMI has had an office on the 3rd floor right here at Emanuel’s! You can support NAMI by attending the September First Friday Feast at the Red Barn. Tickets can be purchased at the door, 390 Cordova Rd, Seguin, TX 78155.
We hope you join us on August 22 at 9:15 in the Women's Ministry Room to learn about Emanuel's Partner In Service The Christian Cupboard. Regina Lee will give us an update on the non-profit food pantry.
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Hospitality is a huge piece of our ministry pie here at Emanuel's. How we welcome visitors or returning faces to worship, those seeking assistance from our church, or those encountering our church outreach ministries within the community is vital to our ongoing wellbeing.
The Congregational Care Team, Education Team, along with Pastor Marcus and Donna Simmons, invite you to a multi-part, multi-week study that will take place on Sundays and Thursdays, June 13 to August 22.
We hope you will come for a part or all of this congregation-wide study!
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BOOK STUDY is on on select Thursdays at 8am in the Family Life Center. We will read Leading Faithful Innovation: Following God into a Hopeful Future by Dwight Zscheile, Michael Binder, and Tessa Pinkstaff. (Available on Amazon in digital, audio, and print.)
INNOVATING WELCOME DISCUSSION is on select Sundays at 9am in the Family Life center. We will engage scripture, seek to unpack three major themes of our hospitality: "The Act of Hospitality," "The Space of Hospitality," and "The Follow-up & Invitation," and build a new hospitality plan for Emanuel’s.
INNOVATING WELCOME EXPERIENCE was on July 19. Stay tuned for information about our tour of Community First! Village in Austin.
INNOVATING WELCOME CONVERSATIONS are held monthly in the Women's Ministry Room where we meet with one of our current Partners in Ministry. Come say "Hello!" and learn how organizations are caring for our neighbors in Seguin and the surrounding area.
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Because Lutherans love ALL God's creatures. Our Ignite Youth and Family hosted the first of two all church outings at the Bracken Bat Cave last week! Over 15 million bats began making their way out of the cave starting around 8:40 pm and continued until 11 O’CLOCK PM! What an incredible end to an amazing week of experiencing God’s creation in Central Texas caves of all shapes and sizes! We are better together. | |
We have reached more than $14,000 in gifts toward the repair of the organ and have initiated the work with Curtis Bobsin, Bobsin Organ Builders. Starting Monday, July 22, and for two weeks, the organ will go through a maintenance and repair process. Pipes will be cleaned and restored. Mechanisms will be removed and repaired, and the deteriorated leatherwork completely replaced. The work won't hinder our Sunday morning worship services but will happen daily.
We still have a ways to go to meet our $34,000 goal, and the Church Council invites you to prayerfully consider making a gift, of any amount, toward the goal. We are extremely excited to get this very needed work underway. Make sure to write "Organ Repairs" on the memo line of your online, check, or offering envelope gift. The repairs will extend the life of our organ for many decades.
Read more about our organ and the needed repairs here.
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Because Lutheran's love to play. Emanuel's Lutheran Day School rounded out “Carnival Week” 🎪🤹 with a miniature carnival in the Fellowship Hall! Their incredibly creative Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 teachers sure know how to bring forth the magic of childhood! The Threes, Fours, and School Agers got to experience face painting, sack races, parachute games, bean bag toss, and more! These smiling faces say it all! We are better together. | |
CHILDREN'S CHURCH will not meet August 4 or 11.
We invite you to join us back for Children’s Church on August 18th for bible study, snack, and fun activities for the kiddos. During worship Children’s Ministry Coordinator Jordana leads our PK to 5th grade learners to the Children’s Church room, just down the hall from the sanctuary, as we begin the "Gathering Hymn" and then return as we "Share the Peace."
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THE COMPASS COOPERATIVE Summer programing has begun! We will be joining our 6-12th grade friends from Emanuel’s St. Andrew’s, Spirit of Joy, and Friedens Church for an array of activities. Learn more about this amazing collaboration here.
On first Sundays each month we will head over to Spirit of Joy for Family Movie Night. Looking forward to “Serve and Swim!” These will be a fun Saturdays for Compass aged youth to participate in a service project in the community in the morning, followed by lunch and a pool swim in the afternoon! Check out the entire summer calendar in the link.
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CONFIRMATION CLASSES will kick off in late August for our 6th to 8th graders. Calendars will be emailed to participating families and posted on our website soon. Stay tuned! | |
THE HERITAGE CLASS meets at 9:15 am Sunday mornings on the 3rd floor in room 307. Participants explore the deeper meaning found in the Bible and seek to unlock its wisdom through fellowship and robust group discussion. The aim is to make the Bible relevant and applicable to daily life.
THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. This Summer the class will meet on June 16 and July 14 at 9:15am in the Women's Ministry Room.
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"INNOVATING WELCOME" Summer Workshop Discussion meets at 9am on June 16, 23; July 14, 21; and August 11, 18 in the Family Life Center. We will engage scripture, seek to unpack three major themes of our hospitality: "The Act of Hospitality," "The Space of Hospitality," and "The Follow-up & Invitation," and build a new hospitality plan for Emanuel’s. | |
Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our giving link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated. You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church, 206 N. Travis Street. Seguin, Texas 78155 | |
Year to Date Giving comparison:
Jan 1 - Aug 1, 2023
Church Offering Receipts: $ 257,948.90
Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 234,408.58
Operating Expenses: $ $ 252,346.36 *
* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts
Jan 1- Aug 1, 2022
Church Offering Receipts: $ 251,555.31
Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 263,709.68
Operating Expenses: $ 288,338.80 *
* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts
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Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible. We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is also accessible via email. |
We are looking for volunteers to join the Office Angels. This dedicated crew answers phones, monitors the door, and assists with small tasks. Our busy season seems far away, but the planning starts now. Having extra hands and smiling faces around is a huge help! If you are interested, then please contact Sherry.
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Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event below or to by 5pm on Mondays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts. | |
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