• Attendance -67: 28 minister members; 3 commissioned pastors; 27 ruling elders; 4 corresponding members; 2 guests; 3 presbytery staff.
• Stephane Castlen, the new Camp Director for Beaver Creek Presbyterian Camp, was introduced and invited to share a few words about herself. Stephanie is under the care of Long Island Presbytery and is on the ordination track.
• Chip Hardwick brought greetings and updates from the Synod of the Covenant. The synod is offering several new job opportunities. Visit their website to learn more.
• The following officers were elected to serve in 2024: TE Annie Parker, Presbytery Vice Moderator; RE John Graves, Presbytery Moderator; and TE Paul Anderson, Council Moderator.
• The Resource Committee announced that there will be a presbytery-wide Advent Book Study via Zoom Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday afternoons at noon. Rev. John Ritchie, The Vine Fellowship, will lead the study. Complete details along with the Zoom link will be included in the next E-News.
• Financial Actions of the presbytery included: Approval of the 2024 Operating Budget and approval of no change in per capita (per capita to remain at $32.50 for 2024).
• We heard three different stories about mission. Rev. Adam Rodgers (Westminster Boardman) reported on a summer youth mission trip between Westminster and Poland in Charleston, West Virginia. Read more about the trip HERE. Rachel Eliser (Heritage) shared her journey of serving homelessness in Chicago, IL and her work at Covenant House. To read the 2023 Covenant House Impact Report, click HERE. Rev. Larry Bowald (Canfield) informed us of the Mission House at the Canfield Church that provides housing accommodations and facilitation for visiting mission groups in order to support local mission and service programs. This is a great opportunity for our congregations to offer a mission trip experience for youth without having to travel a great distance! Details can be found HERE. A brochure will be available soon for distribution.
• Rev. Stacie Maynard (Poland) brought the Necrology Report where names of TEs and REs who have joined the church triumphant this past year were read aloud. A prayer followed celebrating the saints of Eastminster.
• Rev. Annie Parker (Heritage) presided over the Lord's Table. Zoom video was changed to gallery view to allow us to commune as one.
• The designated offering was Covenant House, a nonprofit "dedicated to providing young people experiencing homelessness with shelter and safety, trust and community, and a better tomorrow" as introduced by Rachel. We will continue to accept offering donations until November 30 through the Presbytery Payment Portal (scroll to the Presbytery Meeting Offering giving line) OR Treasurers can send a check to Eastminster Presbytery / PO Box 14439 / Poland, OH 44514. Indicate "November 14 offering" or "Covenant House" in the memo line.
• Moderator Paul Anderson adjourned the meeting and closed in prayer at 7:30 p.m. After the attendees left the Zoom, Paul, Barry, Rachel & Diane celebrated a smooth meeting and Paul's last meeting as Presbytery Moderator!